The schwere Panzer-Kompanie Meyer was formed on 26 July 1943 and was equipped with eight Tiger I tanks. It was first sent to Innsbruck for training but following the Italian surrender it was sent to the Milan area to assist in the disarming of the Italian forces.
On 3 March 1944 was absorbed by schwere Panzer-Abteilung 508.


Oberleutnant Hans-Gery Meyer (26 July 1943-2 Dec 1943)
Hauptmann Schwebbach (2 Dec 1943 - 26 Jan 1944) (KIA)
Oberleutnant Hans-Gery Meyer (26 Jan 1944 - 3 Mar 1944)

Sources used

Ron Klages - Trail of the Tigers

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -