The Sturmpanzer-Abteilung 216 was equipped with Sturmpanzer IV ("Brummbär") and was formed in the summer of 1943. In June it was transferred to the Eastern Front where it remained until the end of the year as III./Panzerjäger-Regiment 656. Following the Allied landings in Anzio in January it was sent to Italy and it remained there until the end of the war.

A fourth company was added in the spring of 1944 but it was soon detached to form Sturmpanzer-Abteilung 219.

Order of battle

3 x Kompanie

Sources used

Thomas L. Jentz & Hilary Louis Doyle - Panzer Tracts No. 8 Stumgeschuetz: s.Pak to Sturmmoerser
Thomas L. Jentz - Panzertruppen
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
Waldermar Trojca & Markus Jaugitz - Sturmtiger and sturmpanzer in combat

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -