The 549. Volksgrenadier-Division was formed in October 1944 from 549. Grenadier-Division and fought in Poland and in northern Germany until the end of the war when it surrendered to the US forces.


Generalleutnant Karl Jank  (9 Oct 1944 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations

East Prussia & Northern Germany  (Oct 1944 - May 1945)

Holders of high awards

(549. Grenadier-Division / 549. Volksgrenadier-Division)
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (4)
- Bach, Friedrich, 27.04.1945, Oberstleutnant, Gren.Rgt. 1097
- Bülow Freiherr von, Ernst-Ludwig, 27.04.1945, Oberstleutnant, Gren.Rgt. 1099
- Götz, Friedrich, 27.04.1945, Leutnant, I./Gren.Rgt. 1099
- Pelz, Alfred, 27.04.1945, Oberleutnant, I./Gren.Rgt. 1099
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (4)
- Barth, Gerhard, 15.03.1945, Hauptmann, I./Gren.Rgt. 1097
- Böhme, Herbert, 15.03.1945, Leutnant d.R., Pi.Btl. 1549 (Sperrzug)
- Guksch, Hermann, 17.12.1944, Hauptmann, Div.Füs.Btl. 1549
- Stroebe, Friedrich, 00.00.1945, Oberstleutnant, Gren.Rgt. 1098
Holders of the Knight's Cross (2)
- Menke, Horstmar 17.03.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr I./Gren.Rgt 1099
- Wenzelburger, Georg 26.12.1944 Hauptmann Führer II./Gren.Rgt 1098

Order of battle

Grenadier-Regiment 1097
Grenadier-Regiment 1098
Grenadier-Regiment 1099
Artillerie-Regiment 1549
Divisionseinheiten 1549

Sources used

Andris J. Kursietis - The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945
Samuel W. Mitcham Jr - Hitler's Legions: The German Army Order of Battle World War II
George F. Nafziger - The German Order of Battle: Infantry in World War II
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -