The 173. Reserve-Division was formed in July 1943 from Division Nr. 173 and was sent to Serbia and later Croatia. It was disbanded in February 1944.

This unit took part in anti-partisan operations in Croatia.


Generalleutnant Heinrich von Behr (16 July 1943 - 20 Feb 1944)

Area of operations

Germany (July 1943 - Sep 1943)
Serbia & Croatia (Sep 1943 - Feb 1944)

Order of battle

Reserve-Grenadier-Regiment 17
Reserve-Grenadier-Regiment 231
Reserve-Artillerie-Abteilung 10
Reserve-Pionier-Bataillon 46
Sanitätsdienste 1073
Versorgungstruppe 873    

Sources used

Andris J. Kursietis - The Wehrmacht at War 1939-1945
Samuel W. Mitcham Jr - Hitler's Legions: The German Army Order of Battle World War II
George F. Nafziger - The German Order of Battle: Infantry in World War II
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -