The 4. Kavallerie-Division was formed from 4. Kavallerie-Brigade in February 1945. It surrendered to the British forces at the end of the war.


Generalleutnant Rudolf Holste (28 Feb 1945 - 24 Mar 1945)
Generalleutnant Helmuth von Grolman (24 Mar 1945 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations

Hungary (Feb 1945 - Mar 1945)
Austria (Mar 1945 - May 1945)

Holders of high awards

(4. Kavallerie-Brigade / 4. Kavallerie-Division)
Holders of the Close Combat Clasp in Gold (1)
- Geisendorf, Fritz-Adolf 28.07.1944 Oberleutnant Schwadronschef i. d. I./Kav-Brig Süd
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (1)
- Hinners, Rudolf, 25.11.1944 (4550), Wachtmeister, Zugfhr. 4./Kav.Rgt. 5
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (15)
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (11)
Holders of the Knight's Cross (9) (7 RK + 2 EL)
- Oakleaves
-- Holste, Rudolf 27.08.1944 Oberst Führer 4. Kav.Brig
-- Plettenberg Graf von, Georg 05.02.1945 Rittmeister Kdr schwere Kav-Abt 4
- Knight’s Cross
-- Bullinger, Herbert 01.02.1945 Rittmeister Kdr II./Kav.Rgt 5
-- Henke, Günther 06.10.1944 Leutnant Zugführer i. d. 7./RR 41
-- Plettenberg Graf von, Georg 12.08.1944 Rittmeister Kdr schw. Kav.Abt 4
-- Sonntag, Karl-Heinrich 04.10.1944 Oberleutnant d.R. Führer I./schw. Kav.Abt 4
-- Spieß, Jakob 15.08.1944 Leutnant d.R. Schwadronsführer im Kav.Rgt 5
-- Weinreich, Fritz 17.03.1945 Unteroffizier Zugführer i. d. 4./RR 41
-- Wonde, Hermann 23.03.1945 Leutnant Führer 6./RR 41

Order of battle

Reiter-Regiment 5
Reiter-Regiment 41
Artillerie-Regiment 870
Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung 70
Nachrichten-Abteilung 387
Divisionseinheiten 70


Totenkopf with crossed bones positioned directly behind the skull – Originally worn by the 1. Leib-Husaren-Regiment Nr.1 and 2. Leib-Husaren-Regiment Königin Viktoria von Preußen Nr.2, authorized for use by:
Regiments-Stab, 1., 2., 4., 5., and 11. Schwadronen of Kavallerie-Regiment 5
All units of 4. Kavallerie-Division except Reiter-Regiment 41
Photo © Jacques

Reiter-Regiment 41 used the Totenkopf with crossed bones positioned directly below the lower jaw of the skull – Originally worn by the Braunschweigisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr.92 and the Braunschweigisches Husaren-Regiment Nr.17.

The "Feldmarschall v. Mackensen" cuff title was authorized for all ranks of Kavallerie-Regiment 5 on 6 Dec 1944.

The 4. Kavallerie-Division adopted an unofficial patch in 1944/1945, worn on the upper right sleeve. The patch consisted of a yellow woolen shield with a double black border, upon which two opposed horses’ heads were stitched in black.

Sources used

Brian L. Davis - German Army Uniforms and Insignia, 1933-1945
Dr Jeffrey T. Fowler - Axis Cavalry in World War II
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
Gordon Williamson - German Army Elite Units 1939-45

Reference material on this unit

Gerd Stolz & Eberhard Grieser - Geschichte des Kavallerie-Regiments 5 "Feldmarschall v. Mackensen": Geschichte seiner Stamm-Regimenter in Abrissen und Erinnerungen