104. Jäger-Division
- Details
- Published: 17 November 2011 17 November 2011
- Last Updated: 15 June 2013 15 June 2013

The 104. Jäger-Division was formed on 1 April 1943 by the reorganization and redesignation of the 704. Infanterie-Division. It surrendered to the Yugoslav Army at Celje, Slovenia in May 1945.
This unit took part in anti-partisan operations in Croatia.
Known war crimes
Elements from this division took part in the murder of thousands of Italians from the Italian 33. Infantry Division Acqui in September 1943 on the Greek island of Cefalonia following the Italian surrender, for more info see the XXII Gebirgs-Armeekorps.
General der Infanterie Hartwig von Ludwiger (1 May 1943 - ? May 1944)
Oberst Steyrer (? May 1944 - ? May 1944)
General der Infanterie Hartwig von Ludwiger (? May 1944 - 29 Apr 1945)
Generalleutnant Friedrich Stephan (29 Apr 1945 - 8 May 1945)
Operations Officers (Ia)
Oberstleutnant Paul Müncheberg (25 Apr 1943-5 Oct 1943)
Oberstleutnant Bruno Willers (15 Oct 1943-16 Mar 1945)
Major Ernst Harms (16 Mar 1945-8 May 1945)
Area of operations
Serbia (Apr 1943 - June 1943)
Greece (June 1943 - Sep 1944)
Yugoslavia (Sep 1944 - May 1945)
Holders of high awards
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (1)
- Mayr, Hans, 04.10.1944, Major d.R., III./Jäg.Rgt. 724
Holders of the Knight's Cross (4, including two unofficial/unconfirmed) (3 RK + 1 EL)
- Oakleaves
-- Werner, Gerhard [793. EL] 23.03.1945 Major Kdr I./Jäg.Rgt 734
- Knight's Cross
-- Albrecht, Willy 09.05.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr I./Jäg.Rgt 734
--- [no proof in Bundesarchiv ; this man/case never was treated by the Ordenskommission of the OdR ; unknown by whom and for what reason accepted as KC holder]
-- Reimann, Wilhelm 26.12.1944 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Jäg.Rgt 724
-- Wecker, Franz 09.05.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Jäg.Rgt 734
--- [proposal arrived at HPA on 21.04.1945 ; supported by all superiors ; no further handling, unfinished at war's end ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]
Order of battle
Jäger-Regiment 724
Jäger-Regiment 734
Aufklärungs-Abteilung 104
Artillerie-Regiment 654
Pionier-Bataillon 104
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 104
Nachrichten-Abteilung 104
Feldersatz-Bataillon 104
Versorgungseinheiten 104
Heer Jäger Sleeve Badge
(Courtesy of The Ruptured Duck)
Sources used
Rudy D'Angelo - Cefalonia 1943: Massacre of the Royal Italian Acqui Division (in The Military Advisor, Vol 8 No 2)
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
Unit insignia illustration courtesy of Wikimedia
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -