123. Infanterie-Division
- Details
- Published: 28 August 2011 28 August 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012

The 123. Infanterie-Division was formed in October 1940 at Truppenübungsplatz Regenwurmlager as part of the 11. Welle (wave) from elements of 23. Infanterie-Division, 257. Infanterie-Division, non-motorized elements of 3. Infanterie-Division and the mounted units of 18. Infanterie-Division. It was disbanded in March 1944 after suffering heavy losses on the Eastern Front. The remnants formed Divisions-Gruppe 123 which was assigned to Korps-Abteilung F.
General der Infanterie Walter Lichel (5 Oct 1940 - 5 Aug 1941)Generalleutnant Erwin Rauch (6 Aug 1941 - 17 Oct 1943)
Generalleutnant Erwin Menny (17 Oct 1943 - 1 Nov 1943)
Generalleutnant Erwin Rauch (1 Nov 1943 - 15 Jan 1944)
Generalmajor Louis Tronnier (15 Jan 1944 - 10 Mar 1944)
Operations Officers (Ia)
Major Ernst Klasing (10 Oct 1940-30 Nov 1942)Oberstleutnant Hans Linemann (30 Nov 1942-25 Jan 1944)
Area of operations
Germany (Oct 1940 - June 1941)Eastern front, northern sector (June 1941 - Sep 1943)
Eastern front, southern sector (Sep 1943 - Mar 1944)
Holders of high awards
Holders of the Close Combat Clasp in Gold (1)- Pietsch, Ernst, 00.00.0000, Leutnant, Zugführer im Gren.Rgt. 418
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (3)
- Floret, [first name not listed], 03.07.1941 (010), Leutnant, Aufkl.Abt. 123 [1]
- Kindler, Wolfgang, 25.05.1944 (3321), Leutnant, Battr.Fhr. i. d. II./Art.Rgt. 123
- Rauch, Wolfgang, 28.11.1941 (553), Leutnant, Kp.Fhr. 3./Inf.Rgt. 418
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army for Shooting Down Aircraft (2)
- Hermanns, [first name not listed], 10.12.1941 (37), Obergefreiter, 7./Art.Rgt. 123
- Herzberg, Botho, 15.05.1942 (124), Obergefreiter, 9./Inf.Rgt. 416
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (64)
Holders of the German Cross in Silver (1)
- Maikowski, Eduard, 25.10.1943, Major d.R., Div.Nachsch.Tr. 123
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (13)
Holders of the Knight's Cross (20) (19 RK + 1 EL)
Unit-Level Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army for Shooting Down Aircraft
- Attached:
-- 4./Wach-Bataillon 707
-- Date/Place of Downing: 25.02.1942 bei Bykowo
-- Award Date: 19.06.1942 (152)
Order of battle
Infanterie-Regiment 415Infanterie-Regiment 416
Infanterie-Regiment 418
Artillerie-Regiment 123
Divisionseinheiten 123