189. Infanterie-Division
- Details
- Published: 24 August 2011 24 August 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012

The 189. Infanterie-Division was formed in December 1942 from 189. Reserve-Division and was used to form the staff of 356. Infanterie-Division in May 1943.
It was reformed in October 1944 from 189. Reserve-Division. It was destroyed at Colmar in February 1945 and reformed again in March 1945.
Generalleutnant Egon von Neindorff (6 Dec 1942 - 1 May 1943)[Reformed]
Generalmajor Ernst von Bauer (1 Oct 1944 - 27 Oct 1944)
Generalmajor Joachim Degener (27 Oct 1944 - 15 Nov 1944)
Generalmajor Eduard Zorn (15 Nov 1944 - 4 Feb 1945)
Generalmajor Eduard Zorn (24 Mar 1945 - 8 May 1945)
Operations Officers (Ia)
Major Ernst Wolf (8 Oct 1944-1 Nov 1944)Major Lindemann (5 Nov 1944-25 Nov 1944)
Major Ernst Wolf (25 Nov 1944-5 Jan 1945)
Major Haack (5 Jan 1945-)
Oberstleutnant Rudolf Junge (Mar 1945-?)
Area of operations
France (Dec 1942 - May 1943)[Reformed]
France (Oct 1944 - Feb 1945)
Southern Germany (Mar 1945 - May 1945)
Holders of high awards
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (2)- Roth, Richard, 01.02.1945, Major, Gren.Rgt. 1214
- Vonalt, Wilhelm, 22.03.1945, Oberstleutnant d.R., Gren.Rgt. 1212
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (1)
- Fürguth, Fritz, 25.12.1944, Hauptmann z.V., Kdr. Btl. Fürguth/Gren.Rgt. 1213
Holders of the Knight's Cross (4, including one unofficial/unconfirmed) (3 RK + 1 EL)
- Oakleaves
-- Zorn, Eduard [739. EL] 16.02.1945 Oberst i.G. Führer 189. Inf.Div
- Knight’s Cross
-- Hollermeier, Josef 09.05.1945 Major d.R. Führer Gren.Rgt 1213
[+ 14.12.1944 an der Siegoldsheimer Höhe bei Colmar (Elsaß)]
--- [HPA-VV (proposal) was handed over on 11.12.1944 and approved by Hitler on 18.12.1944 ; short time thereafter it was reported to the HPA that H. is MIA ; as a consequence according to the orders/rules the award was stopped and should find a new decision after the war ; the award date on the Karteikarte was crossed out and noted down : "vermißt" ; H. entry in the Vorschlagsbuch with #4232 was crossed out too ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]
-- Zubrod, Heinrich 18.01.1945 Leutnant d.R. Kompanieführer im Gren.Rgt 1213
- Attached
-- SS-Regiment "Sattler" (from SS-Unterführerschule Radolfzell) :
-- Sattler, Karl 16.01.1945 SS-Sturmbannführer Führer SS-Rgt "Sattler"
Order of battle (1942)
Infanterie-Regiment 15Infanterie-Regiment 214
Infanterie-Regiment 252
leichte Batterie/Artillerie-Regiment 9
Order of battle (1944)
Grenadier-Regiment 1212Grenadier-Regiment 1213
Grenadier-Regiment 1214
Füsilier-Bataillon 1089
Artillerie-Regiment 1089
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 1089
Nachrichten-Abteilung 1089
Pionier-Bataillon 1089
Feldersatz-Bataillon 1089
Versorgungstruppen 1089