
The 239. Infanterie-Division was formed on 26 August 1939. It was disbanded in December 1941.

Known war crimes

Soldiers from the division killed civilians on several occasions during the invasion of Poland. During the first days of the invasions 37 civilians were killed in Łaziska Gorna, 17 in Łaziska Dolne, 13 in Gostyń and 11 in Łaziska Srednie. (1)


General der Infanterie Ferdinand Neuling (26 Aug 1939 - ? Dec 1941)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Oberst Bruno Ortner (1939-Sep 1939)
Oberstleutnant Kurt Lottner (7 Sep 1939-29 Nov 1939)
Major Georg von During (Jan 1940-Aug 1940)
Major Theodor Mehring (1 Apr 1941-23 Mar 1942)

Area of operations

Poland (Sep 1939 - June 1940)
Germany (June 1940 - May 1941)
Eastern front, southern sector (May 1941 - Dec 1941)

Order of battle

Infanterie-Regiment 327 (from Ausbildungsleiter Cosel)
Infanterie-Regiment 372 (from Ausbildungsleiter Beuthen)
Infanterie-Regiment 444 (from Ausbildungsleiter Oppeln 2)
Artillerie-Regiment 239
Divisionseinheiten 239


1. "Hitler strikes Poland: Blitzkrieg, Ideology and atrocity" by Alexander B. Rossino, page 76.

Sources used

Alexander B. Rossino - Hitler strikes Poland: Blitzkrieg, Ideology and atrocity
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -