296. Infanterie-Division
- Details
- Published: 14 August 2011 14 August 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012

The 296. Infanterie-Division was formed in Febrary 1940 as part of the 8th welle (wave). It was destroyed in June 1944 near Babruysk and was formally disbanded in August 1944.
General der Artillerie Wilhelm Stemmermann (1 Jan 1941 - 8 Jan 1942)Generalleutnant Friedrich Krischer Edler von Wehregg (8 Jan 1942 - 2 Apr 1942)
Generalmajor Ulrich Schütze (2 Apr 1942 - 1 May 1942)
Generalleutnant Karl Faulenbach (1 May 1942 - 1 Jan 1943)
Generalleutnant Arthur Kullmer (1 Jan 1943 - 19 June 1944)
Operations Officers (Ia)
Major Günther Leutheußer (Mar 1940-21 Jun 1941)Major Horst Nitzschmann (1 Mar 1942-Oct 1942)
Oberst Martin Cossmann (Oct 1942-Feb 1944)
Major Horst Marticke (Feb 1944-?)
Area of operations
France (Jan 1941 - June 1941)Eastern front, central sector (June 1941 - June 1944)
Holders of high awards
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (2)- Hötzl, Georg, 25.02.1945 (5535), Obergefreiter, III./Gren.Rgt. 520
- Langheinrich, Gerhard, 05.10.1942 (1225), Oberleutnant, Chef 3./Inf.Rgt. 520
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army for Shooting Down Aircraft (4)
- Flemming, Fritz, 01.05.1944 (487), Oberwachtmeister, 3./Art.Rgt. 296
- Graf, Adalbert, 24.09.1942 (235), Obergefreiter, Stab/Pi.Btl. 296
- Spriegl, Karl, 24.09.1942 (241), Obergefreiter, 7./Inf.Rgt. 519
- Wichmann, Kurt, 28.11.1942 (289), Unterfeldwebel, 10./Inf.Rgt. 520
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (94)
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (16)
Holders of the Knight's Cross (22)
Order of battle (1940)
Infanterie-Regiment 519Infanterie-Regiment 520
Infanterie-Regiment 521
Artillerie-Regiment 296
Divisionseinheiten 296
Order of battle (1943)
Grenadier-Regiment 519Grenadier-Regiment 520
Grenadier-Regiment 521
Artillerie-Regiment 296
Divisionseinheiten 296
Notable members
Hans Hüttner (The Bundeswehr barracks General-Hüttner-Kaserne in Hof a.d. Saale was named in his honour 1985)Sources used
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945Reference material on this unit
Friedrich Sevenich - Die 296. Infanterie Division: In Dokumenten, Berichten und BefehlenTheo Tebart - Die Geschichte der 296. Infanterie Division