
The 334. Infanterie-Division was formed in November 1942 as a “Kriemhilde”-Division (1) at Truppenübungsplatz Grafenwöhr for service in North Africa. The first elemets were sent to Africa in December 1942 and in the middle of January the division was at full strength. It was destroyed in Tunisia in May 1943.

It was reformed June 1943 from the staff of the not fully formed 80. Infanterie-Division. The division was destroyed in Italy in April 1945.

See also The history of Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 756.


Generalleutnant Friedrich Weber (15 Nov 1942 - 15 Apr 1943)
Generalmajor Fritz Krause (15 Apr 1943 - 9 May 1943)
General der Artillerie Heinz Ziegler (? May 1943 - ? May 1943)
Generalleutnant Walter Scheller (20 Oct 1943 - 27 Nov 1943)
Generalleutnant Hellmuth Böhlke (27 Nov 1943 - 16 Apr 1945)

Area of operations

Germany (Nov 1942 - Dec 1942)
North Africa (Dec 1942 - May 1943)
France (Oct 1943 - Nov 1943)
Italy (Nov 1943 - Apr 1945)

Holders of high awards (1942-1943)

Holders of the German Cross in Gold (6)
- Engelbrecht, Ludwig, 26.05.1943, Oberleutnant d.R., II./Gren.Rgt. 755
- Hörtnagel, Hans, 12.05.1943, Major, Geb.Jäg.Rgt. 756
- Ref, Werner, 12.05.1943, Hauptmann, Geb.Jäg.Rgt. 756
- Schuster, Michael, 14.04.1943, Leutnant, 1./Gren.Rgt. 754
- Walz, Georg, 12.05.1943, Oberjäger, Geb.Jäg.Rgt. 756
- Wickelmaier, Rudolf, 23.06.1943, Oberleutnant, 1./Schnelle Abt. 334
Holders of the Knight's Cross (1)
- Audorff, Paul 13.05.1943 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 754

Holders of high awards (Neu, 1943-1945)

Holders of the German Cross in Gold (6)
- Betting, Friedrich, 14.02.1945, Oberfeldwebel, 3./Gren.Rgt. 754
- Foss, Heinz, 28.11.1944, Oberstleutnant, Gren.Rgt. 755
- Fuchs, Emil, 28.11.1944, Unteroffizier, 1./Gren.Rgt. 755
- Laqua, Karl, 30.12.1944, Major, Gren.Rgt. 756
- Mees, Karl, 30.12.1944, Hauptmann, I./Gren.Rgt. 754
- Podlowski, Hermann, 15.12.1944, Feldwebel, 1./Gren.Rgt. 754
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (1)
- Beierlein, Hans, 05.02.1945, Oberleutnant, 2./Gren.Rgt. 755
Holders of the Knight's Cross (7) (6 RK + 1 EL)
- Oakleaves
-- Boehlke, Hellmuth [716. EL] 25.01.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 334. Inf.Div
- Knight’s Cross
-- Hoene, Karl-Friedrich 26.11.1944 Leutnant d.R. Führer 5./Gren.Rgt 755
-- Jenisch, Roland 09.12.1944 Oberst d.R. Kdr Gren.Rgt 756
-- Leimkuhl, Helmut 26.11.1944 Leutnant d.R. Führer 7./Gren.Rgt 756
-- Neumayr, Lorenz 14.01.1945 Gefreiter MG-Schütze i. d. 1./Gren.Rgt 755
-- Ortlieb, Karl 10.09.1944 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 754
-- Pfeiffer, Horst 12.01.1945 Oberleutnant Führer I./Gren.Rgt 755

Order of battle (1943)

Grenadier-Regiment 754
Grenadier-Regiment 755
Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 756
Schnelle Abteilung 334
Artillerie-Regiment 334
Pionier-Bataillon 334
Nachrichten-Abteilung 334
Versorgungseinheiten 334

Order of battle (1944)

Grenadier-Regiment 754
Grenadier-Regiment 755
Grenadier-Regiment 756
Füsilier-Bataillon 334
Artillerie-Regiment 334
Pionier-Bataillon 334
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 334
Nachrichten-Abteilung 334
Feldersatz-Bataillon 334
Versorgungseinheiten 334


1. Five divisions were formed under the code word “Kriemhilde” for the occupation of Southern France after the landing of the Allies in Tunisia. Of the five, the 334. Infanterie-Division was earmarked for deployment to North Africa.

Sources used

George F. Nafziger - The Afrika Korps: An organizational history 1941-1943
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
Gordon Williamson - Afrikakorps 1941-43

Reference material on this unit

J. Fössinger - Der Einsatz der 334. Infanterie-Division am Trasimenersee, beim Arno und in der Apenninstellung