The 351. Infanterie-Division was formed in March 1940 from the Oberfeldkommandantur 587 in Tschenstochau (Częstochowa) in the Generalgouvernement (the parts of Poland that were occupied by Germany but not annexed by the it). It was disbanded in August 1940.


Generalleutnant Paul Göldner (10 Mar 1940 - ? Aug 1940)

Area of operations

Poland (Mar 1940 - May 1940)
Germany, Belgium & France (May 1940 - Aug 1940)

Order of battle

Infanterie-Regiment 641
Infanterie-Regiment 642
Infanterie-Regiment 643
Artillerie-Batterie 351
Aufklärungs-Schwadron 351

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -