The 363. Infanterie-Division was formed on 28 December 1943 (21st Welle or wave) in the Generalgouvernement (the parts of Poland that were occupied by Germany but not annexed by the it). The nucleus was the staff and the structure/personnel of the dissolved 339. Infanterie-Division. In April / May 1944 the division was transfered to the training ground Oksböl / Denmark for further training and to complete the formation process.
It was transferred to Normandy in June 1944 and was destroyed at Falaise in August 1944.


Generalleutnant August Dettling (21 Nov 1943 - ? Aug 1944)

Area of operations

Poland (Nov 1943 - May 1944)
Denmark (May 1944 - June 1944)
Belgium (June 1944 - July 1944)
France (July 1944 - Aug 1944)

Order of battle

Grenadier-Regiment 957
Grenader-Regiment 958
Grenadier-Regiment 959
Artillerie-Regiment 363
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 363
Divisionseinheiten 363


Two intertwined "D" -> "DD"
The two Ds should express "Division Dettling" (it got known that the divisional cdr. himself took part in the process of suggestions within the division) but also express the connection "Deutschland - Dänemark", meaning home garrison - formation garrison.

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

Helmut Gohlke - Geschichte der 363. Infanterie-/Volksgrenadier-Division