The 557. Infanterie-Division was formed on 15 February 1940 from Divisionstab z.b.V. 427 as part of the 9. Welle (wave). Organized as a static division, it manned the West Wall on the Upper Rhine conducting border security, training and air raid protection duties. After the invasion of France, during which it advanced with the 7. Armee into Alsace, the division was disbanded on 13 August 1940.


Generalleutnant Hermann Kuprion (7 Feb 1940 - 24 Aug 1940)

Operations Officers (Ia)

Oberst Philipp Rauch (Feb 1940 – 13 Aug 1940)

Area of operations

West Wall (Feb 1940 – June 1940)
France (June 1940 – July 1940)
Germany (July 1940 – Aug 1940)

Order of battle

Infanterie-Regiment 632
Infanterie-Regiment 633
Infanterie-Regiment 634
Artillerie-Regiment 557
- I. Abteilung
- II. Abteilung
- III. Abteilung
Beobachtungs-Abteilung 557
Nachrichten-Kompanie (later, Abteilung) 557
Versorgungseinheiten 557

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time-