27. Infanterie-Division
- Details
- Published: 21 July 2011 21 July 2011
- Last Updated: 07 March 2013 07 March 2013

The 27. Infanterie-Division was formed in Augsburg on 1 October 1936. It was one of the units that marched into Austria during the annexation of Austria (Anschluss) on 12 March 1938.
It was mobilized in August 1939 as part of the 1. Welle (wave). On 1 November 1940, it was reorganized and redesignated 17. Panzer-Division.
Generalmajor Emil Reischle (1 Oct 1936 - 21 Dec 1936) (accidental death)
Generalleutnant Friedrich Bergmann (1 Jan 1937 - 5 Oct 1940)
Generaloberst Hans-Jürgen von Arnim (5 Oct 1940 - 1 Nov 1940)
Operations Officers (Ia)
Oberstleutnant Hubert(us) Lamey (1 July 1938 - 15 Oct 1939)
Oberstleutnant Hans Gronemann-Schoenborn (23 Oct 1939 - 1 Nov 1940)
Area of operations
Poland (Sep 1939 - May 1940)
France (May 1940 - Nov 1940)
Nicknames and Honor titles
Infanterie-Regiment 40 was given the title Infanterie-Regiment Augsburg 1 October 1934 but was redesignated 15 October 1935.
Order of battle (1939)
Infanterie-Regiment 40
Infanterie-Regiment 63
Infanterie-Regiment 91
Aufklärungs-Abteilung 27
Artillerie-Regiment 27
Beobachtungs-Abteilung 27 (1)
Pionier-Bataillon 27
Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 27
Nachrichten-Abteilung 27
Feldersatz-Bataillon 27
Versorgungseinheiten 27
Notable members
Fritz Lindemann (Active in the resistance against Hitler and died of wounds recieved during his arrest following the failure of the July 20 Plot)
1. Released from the division in December 1939 and designated Heerestruppe.
Sources used
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
Reference material on this unit
Hanns Dangl - Über Somme, Seine, Loire! (1943)
Joseph Dinglreiter - Die Vierziger Chronik des Regiments (IR 40)