Knight's Cross Holders of Führer-Grenadier-Division
- Details
- Published: 17 July 2011 17 July 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
1. Mäder, Hellmuth [143. Sw] 18.04.1945 Generalmajor Kdr Führer-Gren-Div
2. Schmidt, Erich [877. EL] 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Führer-Pz.Rgt 2
[proposal arrived at HPA on 24.03.1945 ; remark by Major Domaschk : "Reicht zum EL nicht aus!" ; nevertheless HPA proposal prepared and handed over to General Burgdorf who noted down on it : comment of the KG is to request ; on that order Maj Domaschk called XXXIX. Pz.Korps for that comment on 02.04.1945 ; this Korps reported it is not the appropriate headquarter unit because the division was subordinated only for a short time and not in a period of action ; after that Domaschk requested the comment of the LVII. Pz.Korps which didn't arrived until 28.04.1945 ; final remark then "Warten" and "WV" 05.05. [wait , next date to handle 5.5.] ; no further handling ; case treated by the Ordenskommission OdR in 1982 and decided : "EL ja, 9.5.1945" ; #"877" and award date determined by OdR/Fellgiebel]
Knight’s Cross
Panzergrenadier-Regiment 99 (march 1945 renamed Führer-Pz.Gren.Rgt 3) :
3. Sommer, Ruprecht 05.04.1945 Major Kdr I./Pz.Gren.Rgt 99
Heeres-Sturmartillerie-Brigade 911 (attached since January 1945) :
4. Tornau, Gottfried 05.03.1945 Hauptmann Führer Heeres-Sturm.Art-Brig 911
Panzer-Haubitzen-Abteilung der Führer-Gren.Div :
5. Matheja, Siegmund 06.05.1945 Unteroffizier i. d. Pz.Haub.Abt/FGD
[no proof in Bundesarchiv ; von Seemen is referring in his 2nd edition the divisional history of "GD" [Spaeter, III.Band, page 697], there no detailed confirmation for M. or his deed is to find [?] ; case treated by Ordenskommission OdR in 1981 and decided : "RK ja, 6.5.1945" ; M. did not enlight his case after he was asked to by the Bundesgeschäftsführer OdR in two letters in 2004]
Panzerpionier-Bataillon 124 (also called Pz.Pi.Btl Führer-Gren-Div) :
6. Klemt, Heinrich 02.05.1945 Hauptmann Führer Pz.Pi.Btl 124
[no proof in Bundesarchiv ; listed first by von Seemen, 2nd edition with note "award Kampfraum Berlin" ; obviously this / the dates have been taken over by Spaeter in 1984 and by Fellgiebel in 1986 ; an award via Chef HPA Burgdorf in Berlin (area Berlin action)according to V.S. is most unlikely because FGD was in action in Silesia and the Ostmark (Austria) since march 1945 ; files of the Ordenskommission Odr closed due to the rules of the Bundesarchivgesetz [-> open 2010 / Bernd R]
7. Nuhn, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr Pz.Pi.Btl 124
[proposal arrived at HPA on 28.04.1945 ; no handling according to the files ; Karteikarte existing in the section of rejected or unfinished proposals ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]
2. Schmidt, Erich [877. EL] 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Führer-Pz.Rgt 2
[proposal arrived at HPA on 24.03.1945 ; remark by Major Domaschk : "Reicht zum EL nicht aus!" ; nevertheless HPA proposal prepared and handed over to General Burgdorf who noted down on it : comment of the KG is to request ; on that order Maj Domaschk called XXXIX. Pz.Korps for that comment on 02.04.1945 ; this Korps reported it is not the appropriate headquarter unit because the division was subordinated only for a short time and not in a period of action ; after that Domaschk requested the comment of the LVII. Pz.Korps which didn't arrived until 28.04.1945 ; final remark then "Warten" and "WV" 05.05. [wait , next date to handle 5.5.] ; no further handling ; case treated by the Ordenskommission OdR in 1982 and decided : "EL ja, 9.5.1945" ; #"877" and award date determined by OdR/Fellgiebel]
5. Matheja, Siegmund 06.05.1945 Unteroffizier i. d. Pz.Haub.Abt/FGD
[no proof in Bundesarchiv ; von Seemen is referring in his 2nd edition the divisional history of "GD" [Spaeter, III.Band, page 697], there no detailed confirmation for M. or his deed is to find [?] ; case treated by Ordenskommission OdR in 1981 and decided : "RK ja, 6.5.1945" ; M. did not enlight his case after he was asked to by the Bundesgeschäftsführer OdR in two letters in 2004]
6. Klemt, Heinrich 02.05.1945 Hauptmann Führer Pz.Pi.Btl 124
[no proof in Bundesarchiv ; listed first by von Seemen, 2nd edition with note "award Kampfraum Berlin" ; obviously this / the dates have been taken over by Spaeter in 1984 and by Fellgiebel in 1986 ; an award via Chef HPA Burgdorf in Berlin (area Berlin action)according to V.S. is most unlikely because FGD was in action in Silesia and the Ostmark (Austria) since march 1945 ; files of the Ordenskommission Odr closed due to the rules of the Bundesarchivgesetz [-> open 2010 / Bernd R]
7. Nuhn, Heinrich 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Kdr Pz.Pi.Btl 124
[proposal arrived at HPA on 28.04.1945 ; no handling according to the files ; Karteikarte existing in the section of rejected or unfinished proposals ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]