- Details
- Published: 17 July 2011 17 July 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012

The Führer-Begleit-Division was raised from Führer-Begleit-Brigade on 26 January 1945. It was destroyed in April 1945 near Spremberg.
Generalmajor Otto-Ernst Remer (31 Jan 1945 - 30 Apr 1945)Operations Officers (Ia)
Oberstleutnant Reidel (26 Jan 1945-May 1945)Area of operations
Ardennes (Jan 1945 - Feb 1945)Eastern Germany (Feb 1945 - Apr 1945)
Holders of high awards
Holders of the Knight's Cross (4)- Fischer, Franz 30.04.1945 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 2./Führer-Pz.Rgt 1
- Geisberg, Wilhelm 14.04.1945 Oberleutnant Chef 3./Führer-Pz.Rgt 1
- Schnappauf, Georg 09.05.1945 Major Kdr Führer-Pz.Rgt 1
-- [proposal arrived at HPA on 26.03.1945 ; one negative comment by Korps superior , nevertheless HPA proposal was prepared and handed over ; no further hints on a handling or an award ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel]
- Schulte, Hubert 30.04.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Führer I./Führer-Gren.Rgt 1
Order of battle
Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 100Panzer-Regiment 102
Panzer-Späh-Kompanie 102
Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 673
Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 120
Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 120
Feldersatz-Bataillon 120
Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung 120
Kommandeur der Panzer-Nachschubtruppen 120
Order of battle
Staff- Staff
- 120. Mapping Detachment (mot)
- 120. Military Police Detachment (mot)
102. Panzer Regiment
- Staff
- Staff Company
-- Panzer Signals Platoon
-- Panzer Platoon
-- Flak Platoon (self-propelled)
- Battalion
-- Staff
-- Flak Platoon (self-propelled)
-- 4 x Panzer Company
-- Panzer Maintenance Platoon
- Panzer Supply Company (mot)
99. Panzergrenadier Regiment
- Staff (half-track)
- Staff Company (half-track)
-- Signals Platoon
-- Motorcycle Platoon
-- Staff Platoon
- Battalion
-- Staff
-- Supply Company (mot)
-- 3 x Company (half-track)
-- Heavy Company (half-track)
--- Staff Platoon
--- Infantry Gun Platoon
--- Mortar Platoon
- Battalion
-- Staff
-- Supply Company (mot)
-- 3 x Company (mot)
-- Heavy Company (mot)
--- Platoon
--- Mortar Platoon
- Battalion
-- Staff
-- Supply Company (mot)
-- 3 x Company (bicycle)
-- Heavy Company (mot)
--- Platoon
--- Mortar Platoon
120. Panzer Artillery Regiment
- Staff
- Staff Battery
- 3 x Battalion
-- Staff
-- Staff Battery
-- 3 x Battery (mot)
673. Panzerjäger Battalion
- Staff
- Staff Company
- 3 x Jagdpanzer Company
- Supply Company (mot)
Mixed Luftwaffe Flak Battalion
- Staff
- 4 x Heavy Flak Battery (mot)
- Medium Flak Battery (self-propelled)
- Light Flak Battery (mot)
102. Panzer Reconnaissance Company
124. Panzer Pioneer Battalion
- Staff
- Staff Company
- Company (half-track)
- Comapny (mot)
120. Panzer Signals Battalion
- Panzer Radio Company
- Panzer Telephone Company
- Supply Company (mot)
120. Panzer Feldersatz Battalion
- 4 x Company
- Supply Company
Supply & Support Units
Notable members
Otto Ernst Remer (as commander of Wachbattalion Großdeutschland he played an important part in preventing the men behind the July 20 1944 attempt on Hitlers life from taking control of key buildings in Berlin, post-war he founded the neo-nazi Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP) which was banned in 1952)Insignia

The “GD” monogram was authorized for wear on the shoulder boards of all ranks of this unit: gold metal for officers, white metal for senior NCOs, and for ranks up to Unteroffizier the monogram was embroidered directly onto the strap in appropriate Waffenfarbe.

The “Großdeutschland” cuff title was authorized for this unit. Those members of the unit actually on duty at Hitler’s headquarters wore the “Führerhauptquartier” cuff title.
Sources used
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945Gordon Williamson - German Army Elite Units, 1939-45
Reference material on this unit
Horst Scheibert - Panzer Grenadier Division GrossdeutschlandHelmuth Spaeter - The History of the Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland Vol 1-3
Ralph Tegethoff - Generalmajor Otto Ernst Remer: Kommandeur der Führer-Begleit-Division