The Division z.b.V. 442 was formed 18 October 1939 and was disbanded in August 1944.


Generalleutnant Karl Bornemann (10 Jan 1940 - 1 Jan 1944)
Generalleutnant Bogislav Graf von Schwerin (1 Jan 1944 - 20 Feb 1944)
Generalleutnant Friedrich Fürst (20 Feb 1944 - 26 July 1944)

Area of operations

Germany (Oct 1939 - June 1941)
Eastern Front, central sector (June 1941 - ? 1943)
Germany (? 1943 - June 1944)
Eastern Front, central sector (June 1944 - July 1944)

Notable members

Karl Bornemann (Generalmajor in the Austrian Bundesheer before the Anschluss)

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -