XIX Armeekorps
- Details
- Published: 11 May 2011 11 May 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
XIX Armeekorps was raised in Wehrkreis XVII on 1 July 1939. It was set as a non-territorial Korps with the Wien as their Headquarters city. With the Campaign in Poland imminant the Korps was renaimed “Fortification Staff Pomerania” which was just a cover up for the enemy intelligence. The Fortification Staff was supposed to superwise the building of defence positions on the German-Polish border. It received command of the 2. Infanterie-Division (mot), 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) and 3. Panzer-Division on 22 August 1939. The Korps was a part of the 4. Armee. As it moved into position on 31 August 1939 they had the II Armeekorps on their right wing (south) and some frontier defence units with 10. Panzer-Division on their left wing (north).
1 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Zahn
Korps Boundaries: south: Zempolno, north: Konitz
Korps Orders: All the divisons will cross the river Brahe, advance to the Vistula and destroy the enemy forces in the Corridor. 3. Panzer-Division will advance as the Korps right wing between two streams; the Zempolno and Kamionka to the Brahe. After crossing the Brahe at Pruszcz near Hammermuhle the division should advance to the Vistula in the direction of Schwetz. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) should advance in the center of the Korps front, north of Kamionka between Grunau and Firchau and push on to Tuchel. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot), acting as the Korps left wing, will start west of Konitz, with the mission to capture Konitz and advance across the Tuchel Heath to Osche and Graudenz.
Daily Operations: The Korps moved across the Polish border at 4.45. 3. Panzer Division advances north of Zempelburg and Gross-Klonia, where they are fist engaged. After the crossing of the bridge at Hammermuhle, the Division advances across the Tuchel Heath to the Vistula near Schwetz. During the night its forward elements reach Sviekatovo. They are followed by the 23. Infanterie-Division, which was until then in the Armee reserve and was now subordinate to the XIX Armeekorps. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) advance is halted due to Polish resistance. Its left Regiment is transferred to the right wing following 3. Panzer-Division’s route of advance. The Division is also engaged by Polish cavalry, the attacks are beaten off. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) captures Konitz and slowly pushes on.
2 September 1939
Daily Operations: The Korps units are across the Brahe and are advancing eastwards. - 3. Panzer-Division is split in two by the Brahe. The units east of the stream are attacked. After mounting a succesful counter-attack the Division pushes on. 23. Infanterie-Division is following the Panzer-Division by means of forced marches. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot); after the Regiment crosses the Kamionka north of Gross-Klonia it advances to Tuchel. The enemy are encircled and the attack gains momentum. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) is making good progress across the Brahe.
3 September 1939
Daily Operations: The Korps achieves an encirclement of the enemy forces in strenght of 2 to 3 divisions and the Pomorska Cavalry Brigade north of Schwetz and west of Graudenz. 3. Panzer-Division reaches the area west of Graudenz. Its armored elements run into parts of the Pomorska Cavalry Brigade; the following skirmish gave ground to the myth of Polish cavalry attacking panzers. 23. Infanterie-Division is ordered to position itself between the 3. Panzer-Division and the 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) to complete the encirclement. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) reaches Tuchel Heath east of the Brahe and formes the western edge of the encirclement. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) passed Osche and formed the northern part of the Kessel.
4 September 1939
Daily Operations: The encirclement of the enemy forces is completed, Poles are defeated and the Corridor in breached. The losses of all 4 divisions are about 150 killed and 700 wounded. 3. Panzer-Division pushes west. 23. Infanterie-Division advances north. A regiment of the 32. Infanterie-Division (II Armekorps) assists them when the pressure threatens to break its breach their front. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) attacks eastwards through wooded area. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) tightens the encirclement from the north advancing through the woods.
5 September 1939
The last Polish forces are destroyed in the Corridor.
6 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: The Staff crosses the Vistula and sets up its Headquarters in castle Finkenstein in East Prussia.
Korps Orders: The divisions should cross the Vistula between Mewe and Kasemark in the next few days.
8 September 1939
Korps Orders: The Korps in derectly subordinated to Heeresgruppe Nord. The units under its command are the 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) and the 3. Panzer-Division, which were moving into position via Arys. The Korps will receive two new units under its command: 10. Panzer-Division and Brigade Lötzen, both of them positioned on the Narev river. The 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) will remain in Heeresgruppe reserve. The Korps should push south left of the XXI Armeekorps of the 3. Armee through Vizna and the eastern bank of the Bug with the fortress Brest-Litovsk as its main objective.
9 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Vizna
Daily Operations: The Korps starts its advance across the Narev. Infantry of Infantry Brigade Lötzen and 10. Panzer-Division cross the Narev. The attack is ground to a halt and it resumes in the afternoon. Failed attempts to take Lomsha.
10 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: north of Vysokie-Masovieski
Korps Orders: All Korps units will cross the Narev in the following order; 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) will cross the Narev right (west) of 10. Panzer-Division. 3. Panzer-Division will cross the Narev behind the 10. Panzer-Division. Daily Operations: The Divisions are crossing the Narev. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) is engaged near Zambrov. It pushes on to the Bug in the direction of Nur.
11 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Vysokie Masovieski
Daily Operations: All units are continuing their advance to the south. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) runs into Polish forces which cut its line of advance south of Zambrov. Together with elements of 10. Panzer-Division they try to encircle the enemy. 3. Panzer-Division crosses the railway line Bialystock-Warsaw and takes position west of the line Bialystock - Brest-Litovsk north of Bielsk.
12 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Bielsk
Korps Orders: 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) is once again under Korps command. Daily Operations: Polish forces south of Zambrov are encircled. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) together with parts of 10. Panzer-Division completely encircle the Polish forces near Andrzeievo. 10. Panzer-Division reaches Vysokie-Litovsk. 3. Panzer Division captures Bielsk in the morning and continues south.
13 September 1939
Daily Operations: The encircled Poles give up, 3. Panzer Division reaches Kaminiec-Litovsk.
14 September 1939
Daily Operations: Forward elements of the 10. Panzer-Division (Panzer-Regiment 8 and the Recconaissance Battalion) breach the outer defence lines of Brest-Litovsk.
15 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Kaminiec-Litovsk
Daily Operations: The encirclement of Brest-Litovsk is completed with on the eastern bank of the Bug. 16 September 1939 Daily Operations: Attempts to break into the citadel of Brest-Litovsk. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) and 10. Panzer-Division try a concerted attack od the citadel, which is unsuccesful. 3. Panzer-Division is located east of Brest and is advancing towards Vlodava. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) pushes east towards Kobryn.
17 September 1939
Korps Headquarters: Brest-Litovsk
Korps Orders: Fortress Infantery-Brigade Lötzen on the Korps’s left wing comes under direct control of the 4. Armee, as well as the XIX Armeekorps (after the capture of Brest-Litovsk).
Daily Operations: Infanterie-Regiment 76 of the 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) captures the citadel of Brest-Litovsk. 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) is facing hard battles before Kobryn. Fortress Infantery-Brigade Lötzen on the Korps’s left wing comes under direct control of the 4. Armee, as well as the XIX Armeekorps.
22 September 1939
The Korps leaves Brest and is dissolved.
For the upcoming French campaign codenamed Fall Gelb the XIX Armeekorps came under the command of Panzergruppe Kleist, which was a part of the Heeresgruppe A. The units under its command for the attack through the Ardennes and further to the Atlantic Coast, apart from numerous Korps units, were; 1. Panzer-Division, 2. Panzer-Division, 10. Panzer-Division and Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland. The Korps assembled itself in front of the Luxembourg border. It had the XLI Armeekorps on its right and the XIV Armeekorps behind them.
10 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Rambruch
Korps Orders: The Korps is to advance through Luxembourg and the southern corner of Belgium, win a bridgehead over the Meuse at Sedan and enable the infantry divisions which follow the crossing. The 1. Panzer-Division is to attack in the Korps center, the 10. Panzer-Division with Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland on its left wing and the 2. Panzer-Division on its right wing.
Daily Operations: The Korps enters Luxembourg at 5.30 in the morning. 1. Panzer Division crosses the border near Wallendorf and advances to Martenlage. By evening the front units of the Division already reached the Belgian border. The attack is slowed down by many damaged roads and bridges, which the Belgians destroyed in order to slow down the attackers. 2. Panzer-Division crosses the border at Vianden and advances to Tintange. It faced some fighting around Strainchamps and reaches Nives during the night. - 10. Panzer-Division with G.D. advances over the border at Echternach goes through Gruchten and Redeingen. After crossing the border again it advances through Habay-la-Neuve and Etalle, it makes contact with the French forces and suffers some light casualties. 10th company and 11th company of the 3rd battalion of the Gross-Deutschland regiment (reinforced by assault engineers) are transported by 98 Fi156 aircrafts (in two waves) behind the Belgian border to cut the lines of communication. The Division is ordered north-west to avoid the French "armored forces" which results in a slowing down of the advance.
11 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Neufchateau
Korps Orders: Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland is moved to Korps reserve. Daily Operations: The Korps is fighting in Belgium and forces the enemy to retreat to Samois. 1. Panzer-Division takes Neufchateau and reports only light losses, it advances to Bertrix, takes the town and reaches Bouillon. 2. Panzer-Division takes Libramont without facing real opposition. 10. Panzer-Division advances through Rulles not facing any strong enemy action.
12 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Bouillon
Korps Orders: The are to cross the Semois river and clear the northern bank of the Meuse of the enemy. 2. Panzer-Division is to turn through Membre and Alle and advance north-east of Bouillon. The 10. Panzer-Division is to cross the Semois at Cugnon and will go through Quatre Chemins towards Sedan. All Korps heavy artillery comes under 1. Panzer-Division which is also strenghned by the Regiment G.D. as this Division will lead the attack across the Meuse.
Daily Operations: The Divisions cross the Samois and take Sedan by evening. The 10. Panzer-Divisio crosses the Semois on the Cuognon-Herbeumont sector and together with 1. Panzer-Division take Sedan in the evening.
13 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Bellevaux and later La Chapelle
Korps Boundaries: The boundary with XLI Armeekorps; Martelage-Nanoussart-Longliers-Grandvoir-Assenois-north – west of Bertrix-Carlsbourg-Gross Fays-Mouzaive-Sugny-Lumes-Hannogne-north – west of Montcornet.
Korps Orders: Panzergruppe Kleist will cross the Meuse between Montherme and Sedan. Sedan will be the crossing area of the XIX Armeekorps, its right neighbour will be the XLI Armeekorps. After the XIX Korps has crossed the river and established a bridgehead it will be followed by XIV Armeekorps. The crossing will be covered by Flak-Regiment 102. The Divisions will cross the Meuse as follows: 1. Panzer-Division with G.D. and Sturm-Pionier-Bataillon 43 under command along with heavy Korps artillery were to cross the Meuse in the center of Korps front between the Meuse bend and Torcy. After crossing the river between Glaire and Torcy it will mop up resistance on the river bank and push forward to Bois de la Marfee heights and to the line Chenery-Chaumont. - 2. Panzer-Division will cross the Meuse between the Ardennes Canal and the Meuse bend acting as the Korps right attacking group. After the crossing at Donochery it will capture the heights south of the town , swing westward, cross the Ardennes Canal with northern wing advancing to Boutancourt and the southern wing advancing to Sapogne and Feucheres. It will roll up the enemy defences south of the river. 10. Panzer-Division will act as the left attacking group between Sedan and Bazeilles. It will capture the heights on the line Noyers Pont Maugis-Pont Maugis.
Daily Operations: The Korps crosses the Meuse at 16.00. 1. Panzer-Division with G.D. crosses the Meuse at Floing with only light casuaties, although it had to advance on open terrain. The Division manages to capture Cheveuges and parts of Bois de la Marfee. The main French defence lines are reached west of Wadelincourt. 2. Panzer-Division does not succede to cross the river at its first attempt. After the crossing it reaches the area south-west of Donochery. 10. Panzer-Division advances across the stream and manages to establish a small bridgehead. It is engegad in hard fighting in the Wadelincourt area.
14 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: La Chapelle
Korps Orders: Korps is to wide the bridgeheads and reinforce them with the rest of the troops. 1. Panzer-Division will push through Vendresse-La Chesne and with its left wing along the Aisne to Rethel. 2. Panzer-Division should advance through Boutancourt to Poix Terron. 10. Panzer-Division will be entrusted with the protection of the Korps open left flank.
Daily Operations: The divisions under command struggle to extend the bridgeheads. The commander of the Flak-Regiment 102 is later awarded the Ritterkreuz for his defence of the crossings. 1. Panzer-Division takes Chemery where a tank battle takes place in which the French armour is forced to retreat. It fights its way to Ardennes Canal with all its forces and conquers Singly and Vendresse. Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland takes Bulson. 2. Panzer-Division takes the heights around Donochery while the 10. Panzer-Division together with Gross-Deutchland takes Stonne. On this day the Korps claims two frech divisions destroyed.
15 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: woods near Sapogne
Korps Orders: XIV Armeekorps will start to relieve the Korps units south of Sedan. It will temporarily be given command of the 10. Panzer-Division and Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland. The two divisions will hold the line Ardennes Canal-Stonne-Meuse bank south of Villemontry. The 2. Panzer-Division is ordered to reach Boulzicourt with its left wing and Poinx Terron. After that it should reach the line Wasigny-Sery. On its left, the 1. Panzer-Division will advance from the line Singly-Omont to Sery-Rethel.
Daily Operations: The 1. Panzer-Division advances from the line Singly –Vendresse to Bouvellemont. 2. Panzer-Division captures Poinx Terron and continues its advance westwards.
16 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Soize
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division is engage in heavy fighting for Bouvellemont. After the intervention of Generalleutnant Balck the town is taken (Balk will later receive the Ritterkreuz for this action). The Division reaches Montcornet at the same time as the 6. Panzer-Division of the XLI Armeekorps. The attack continues, both divisions of the XIX Korps advance for 40 miles, 1. Panzer-Division reaches Dercy while the 2. Panzer-Division reached Marle.
17 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Soize
Korps Orders: Panzergreuppe Kleist gives orders to halt the advance, Guderian turns to 12. Armee commander who authorises ‘reconnaissance in force’. The Armeekorps ist to pass St. Quentin and Peronne. The 1. Panzer-Division will advance on the Korps left wing and will cross the line Mezieres sur Oise-Hamegicourt. The 10. Panzer-Division will follow behind the left wing. The Right wing of the attack will be the 2. Panzer-Division across the line Origny-Ribemont.
Daily Operations: The divisions push westwards and establishes bridgeheads across the Oise near the town of Moy.1. Panzer-Division occupies Ribemont on the Oise and Crecy on the Serre. The 10. Panzer-Division reaches Fraillincourt and the area Saulces-Monclin. The 2. Panzer-Division is advancing towards St. Quentin.
18 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Villers-le-Sec
Korps Boundaries: Boudary with XLI Armeekorps; St. Gobert-Neuvillette-Navroy-Gouzeaucourt-Bapaume.
Korps Orders: The Armeekorps is to attack from the Oise bridgeheads towards Bapaume. The 1. Panzer-Division will attack from Bezieres and Hamegicourt bridgeheads and capture the Somme crossings at Castres and then advance to the Poeuilly area. 2. Panzer-Division will attack from the Origny and Ribemont bridgeheads capture the crossing points over the Somme. It should also occupy the bridge in St. Quentin by surprise. The 10. Panzer-Division is to provide security of the Kors left flank with the Pionier-Regimentsstab z.b.V. 511 (with Pionier-Bataillon 37, Pionier-Bataillon 41, Pionier-Bataillon 49 and Pionier-Bataillon 666) under its command.
Daily Operations: 2. Panzer-Division captures St. Quentin, it is ordered to seize the Somme crossings at Morcourt. 1. Panzer-Division reaches the crossings over the Oise and pushes on to Peronne. 10. Panzer-Division covers the left flank on the line Laon-Serre-Crozat Canal-Somme. The protection of the Oise and the Somme crossings is once again entrusted to Flak-Regiment 102.
19 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: St. Marleville
Korps Baudaries: Baudary with XLI Armeekorps; St. Gobert-Neuvillette-Levergies-Gouzeaucourt-Bapaume-Berles-au-Bois-Sombrien-Magnicourt.
Korps Orders: The Korps will reach the line Fins-Peronne with 1. and 2. Panzer-Divisions. It will then cross the Canal du Nord, establish a bridgehead and continue the attack towards the line Le Mesnil-Clery. The 1. Panzer-Division should cross the Canal at Moslains while the 2. Panzer-Division’s crossing point will be between Equancourt and Manancourt. After the establishment of the bridgeheads both divisions will advance to Peronne. The 10. Panzer-Division is to guard the crossing points on the Korps left flank.
Daily Operations: The Korps reaches the line Cambrai-Peronne-Ham by evening. 10. Panzer-Division is covering the sector Corbie-Amiens, while the previous sectors are covered by the newly arrived 29. Infanterie-Divison (mot) of the XIV Armeekorps. The other two panzer divisions force their way over the Somme; 1. Panzer-Division advances to Amiens, while the 2. Panzer-Division pushes through Albert to Abbeville.
20 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Querrieu
Korps Orders: 1. Panzer-Division’s left baundary will be the Somme. It will capture Amiens. 2. Panzer-Division is given Abbeville as its main point of effort. The 10. Panzer-Division will move on to Peronne and relieve 1. Panzer-Division, its former sector will be covered by 29. Infanterie-Divison (mot) of the following Korps. Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland is once again under Korps control, it will be subordinate to 10. Panzer-Division.
Daily Operations: The Korps units cross the Somme. 1. Panzer-Division takes Amiens and sets up a bridgehead while the 2. Panzer-Division takes Abbeville and suffers some losses due to enemy bomber attacks. 10. Panzer-Division with G.D. moves to the Peronne area. The Korps left wing is also covered by Panzer-Lehr-Abteilung. The cutting of enemy railways on th Korps right flank is entrusted to the 1. Panzer-Division and the left flank to 2. Panzer-Division. During the night a battalion of the 2. Panzer-Division breaks through Noyelles and is the first German unit to reach the Atlantic coast, the division turns right after the capture of Abbeville and advences north-west. At the end of the day the divisions established bridgeheads at Abbeville, Condefolie, Corbie, Bray and Peronne. The bridges and crossings are prepared for demolitionm but are not blows, since they will be used in the second phase of the French Campaign.
21 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Querrieu
Korps Orders: The 10. Panzer-Division comes under the direct control of Gruppe Kleist.
Daily Operations: The divisions are regrouping and clearing the terrain of the enemy. 10. Panzer-Division’s defence line is moved west of Albert to the line Peronne-Bapaume. Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland comes under the command of 1. Panzer-Division, both units are to cover Amiens-Coigneux. 2. Panzer-Division is also on the defensive and covers the line Nievres-Doullens.
22 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Lucheux
Korps Boundaries: Baundary with XLI Armeekorps; Hesdin-Desvres-Marquise.
Korps Orders: 10. Panzer-Division is again under Korps command. The Korps is to move north-west towards the Channel ports.
Daily Operations: Elements of 1. Panzer-Division with ARKO 101, Infantry Regiment G.D. turn to Calais and the 2. Panzer-Division to Boulogne. Both divisions are still holding the Somme until they are relieved with 2. Infanterie-Division (mot) (with Pionier-Regimentsstab z.b.V. 511 and Panzer-Lehr-Abteilung attached to it). The Panzer divisions face hard fighting around Desvres, Samer and south of Boulogne. 10. Panzer-Division are ordered to move through Samer to Calais and relieve the 1. Panzer-Division, whish is to group north of Canche for a continuing of the attack north.
23 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Lucheux
Korps Boundaries: Baudary with XLI Armeekorps; Hesdin-Boulogne-St. Omer-Colombert-St. Momelin. Korps Orders: Korps gives order with codeword “Abmarsch Ost”, which sets the 1. Panzer-Division in the attack towards Dunkirk.
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division attacks St. Pierre-Brouck, Bourbourgville and Gravelines, where it faces heavy battle. 2. Panzer-Division takes Boulogne after heavy fighting in the town and harbour. 10. Panzer-Division moves to Calais.
24 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Lucheux
Korps Orders: The Korps is given the order to stop. All units are to remain in position since Dunkirk is to be left to the Luftwaffe. Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (mot) comes under Korps command.
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division reaches the Aa Canal and establishes bridgeheads on the northern bank. 2. Panzer-Division cleared Boulogne and moves towards Watten to support the attack of the Leibstandarte. 10. Panzer-Division encircles Calais and prepares to take it.
25 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Chateau Colembert
Korps Boundaries: Baundary with XLI Armeekorps; Coulomby-Journy-Tilques-St. Momelin-Vimecelle. Baundary with XIV Armeekorps; river Authie. Korps Orders: Korps defending the line St. Momelin-Gravelines and the Channel coast. 1. Panzer-Division covers the coast against enemy landings and the Canal sector (St. Momelin-mouth of the Canal-Pte. Walde) along with G.D. and Leibstandarte under command. 2. Panzer-Division between Audresselles and Authie and 10. Panzer-Division between Pte. Walde and Audresselles.
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division in on the defensive. 10. Panzer-Division receives Korps heavy artillery (ARKO 101, II / Artillerie-Regiment 45, schwere Artillerie-Abteilung 616) for the siege of Calais. The Division is fighting in front of the citadel. Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland and . Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (mot) cross the Aa and are advancing to Wormhoudt and Bergues with the support of 2. Panzer-Division.
26 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Chateau-le-Fresnoy
Korps Orders: The Korps recieves 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) under its command, the Leibstandarte is attached to the Division (it si placed left of the Division). They are to relieve 1. Panzer-Division and Gross-Deutchland. Korps is ordered to move to Dunkirk.
Daily Operations: 10. Panzer-Division takes Calais and captures around 20.000 POWs. The Divisions start to push north again.
27 May
1940 Korps Headquarters: Eperlecques
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division takes Brouckerque on their right 2. Panzer-Division and Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland advance to Wormhoudt. 20. Infanterie-Division (mot) with the Leibstandarte SS push from Watten and St. Pierre bridgeheads towards Wormhoudt.
28 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Chateau Louches
Daily Operations: 1. Panzer-Division reaches Bourbourgville, 20. Infanterie-Division and 2. Panzer-Division advance to Wormhoudt.
29 May 1940
Korps Headquarters: Chateau Louches
Korps Orders: XIX Armeekorps will be relieved by the XIV Armeekorps. Gross-Deutchland and Leibstandarte SS come unde XIV Korps command. 1. Panzer-Division and 2. Panzer-Division are relieved by the 9. Panzer-Division. The divisions are ordered to their designated areas to rest and reorganise. 1. Panzer-Division moves to area; Audruicq-Ardres.Licques-Alquines-Coulomby-Vaudringhem-Lumbres. 2. Panzer-Division occupies; Liques-Colembert-Alquines-Jeury-Licques. 10. Panzer-Divison is ordered to move to; Ardres-Guines-Rinxens-Bainethun-Le Vast-Colembert-Licques.
On 28 May 1940 Adolf Hitler ordered the redesignation of the XIX Armeekorps to Panzergruppe Guderian which took place on 1 June 1940. The Armeekorps was reformed later the same month. It was redesignated Panzergruppe 2 on 16 November 1940.
Generaloberst Heinz Guderian (1 Sep1939 – 5 Jun 1940)Generaloberst Heinz Guderian (30 Jun 1940 – 16 Nov 1940)
Chief of Staff
Oberst Walter Nehring (1 Sep 1939 – 5 Jun 1940)Chief of Operations (Ia)
Major von der Burg (1 Sep 1939 – 25 Feb 1940)Oberstleutnant Fritz Bayerlein (25 Feb 1940 – 16 Nov 1940)
Oberstarzt Dr SchmidtKorpsintendant
Oberstintendant Rat LaumannArea of operations
Poland (Sep 1939 - May 1940Germany (Oct 1939 – May 1940)
France (May 1940 - June 1940)
France (June 1940 - Nov 1940)
4. Armee, HG Nord (Sep 1939)12. Armee, HG A (Dec 1939 - Jul 1940)
18. Armee (Jul 1940)
Heeresgruppe B (Sep 1940
Order of battle (1 Sep 1939)
HQ20th (Mot.) Infantry Division
2nd (Mot.) Infantry Division
3rd Panzer Division
Order of battle (8 Sep 1939)
HQ3rd Panzer Division
10th Panzer Division
20th (Mot.) Infantry Division
Fortress Infantry Brigade Lötzen
Order of battle (10 May 1940)
HQKorps units
- Armored Recconaissaince Battalion Lehr
- Motorised Machinegun Battalion 11
- Heavy selef-propelled anti-tank Company
- Arko 101
- II./ Heavy motorised Artilery Battalion 45
- Heavy motorised Artilery Battalion 606
- Motorised Artilery observer Battalion 1
- Ballon Artilery observer Company 1
- Motorised Pioneer Battalion 505
- Corps Armored Signal Battalion 80
- Corps Supply motorised service 419
- Motorised map platoon 419 Motorcycle courier platoon 419
- Motorised field-post platoon 419
- Feldpolizei platoon (mot.) 419
1st Panzer Division
2nd Panzer Division
10th Panzer Division
- Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland
Order of battle (26 May 1940)
HQ1st Panzer Division
2nd Panzer Divison
10th Panzer Division
20th (Mot.) Infantry Division
Infantry Regiment Gross-Deutchland
SS Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
Generalleutnant Heinz Guderian and Soviet Generalmajor Semjon Kriwoschein during a joint German-Soviet parade in Brest 22 September 1939

(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)
Heinz Guderian during the Battle of France, note the Enigma machine

(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)
Sources used
Research by Miha GrcarFrançois de Lannoy & Josef Charita - Panzertruppen: German armored troops 1935-1945
Heinz Guderian – Panzer Leader
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
David Westwood - The German Army 1939-1945 Vol 1: Higher Formations