The Armeeabteilung Serbien was formed on 26 September 1944 from the staff of the Militärbefehlshaber Südost. Tasked with defending Serbia from advancing Soviet, Partisan, and Bulgarian forces, Armeeabteilung Serbien took part in the battle of Belgrade and covered the withdrawal of Heeresgruppe E from Greece. It was disbanded on 27 October 1944.


General der Infanterie Hans Felber (26 Sep 1944 - 27 Oct 1944)

Area of operations

Balkans (Sep 1944 - Oct 1944)

Holders of high awards (Armee-Truppen)

Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (2)
- Irmscher, ? , 05.02.1945 (5178), Oberleutnant, Kps. Oberst von Jungenfeld [= Kgr. von Jungenfeld]
- Zimmermann, Lothar, 07.01.1945 (5114), Oberst, Kdr. Gren.Rgt. “Veste Belgrad” [ / Korpsgruppe Schneckenburger / Armee-Abt Serbien]
Holders of the Knight's Cross (1)
- Gedult von Jungenfeld, Wilhelm-Ernst Freiherr 11.01.1945 Oberst d.R. Fhr e. Kgr i. d. Armee-Abt Serbien
- [complete name per obituary notice and Scherzer, "RKT" ; the name appears in several different versions in his documents ; a common way to write a short version was : Freiherr von Jungenfeld ; this is to find on the book cover of his 1941 work "So kämpften Panzer!" e.g.]

Order of battle (13 Oct 1944)

At the disposal of Armeeabteilung Serbien
- SS-Polizei-Regiment 5
Gruppe General Müller
- 1. Gebirgs-Division
- 7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division “Prinz Eugen”
Gruppe General Schneckenburger (1)
- 2. Regiment “Brandenburg”
- SS-Polizei-Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 18
- Grenadier-Brigade (mot) 92
- 117. Jäger-Division (in transit)


1. The Gruppenstab Schneckenburger (also known as the Korpsgruppe Schneckenburger, Korps Belgrad and Gruppe General Schneckenburger) was formed by Armeeabteilung Serbien and was disbanded in October 1944 following the death of its commander General der Infanterie Willi Schneckenburger in an air attack.

Sources used

Research by Shawn Bohannon
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945
N. Thomas & K. Mikulan - Axis Forces in Yugoslavia, 1941-5

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -