Militärbefehlshaber Mazedonien (Macedonia) was formed per 7 September 1944 and was a quick counter-measure facing the defection of Bulgaria. After Bulgaria had quit the “Drei-Mächte-Pakt” (Tripartite Pact) on 27 August 1944 one of the German immediate reactions was to send GL Scheurlen from Heeresgruppe E to the City of Skopje. His order was to take over the command of all available and willing forces in Macedonia in case the Bulgarians should surrender. The new Bugarian gouvernment then in fact declared war against Germany on 8 September 1944 and soon thereafter Soviet troops marched into the country. GL Scheurlen had the difficult task to achieve any kind of control over the territory as well as to establish and secure a defensive position, all that with insuficient equipment and far too few troops.


Generalleutnant (Lw) Heinz Scheurlen (11 Sep 1944 – 10 Dec 1944)

Order of battle (16 Sep 1944)

11. Feld-Division (L) (in transit)
SS-Gebirgsjäger-Polizei-Regiment 18 (in transit)

Order of battle (28 Sep 1944, 13 Oct 1944)

11. Feld-Division (L)
22. Infanterie-Division

Sources used

Research by Bernd R

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -