German schools and training centres in the USSR 1922-1933
- Details
- Published: 22 February 2011 22 February 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Sondergruppe R (Rußland)
(*00.00.1921)In Soviet documents was called the "Vogru" (Voennaya gruppa (En - Military group))
00.00.1921 - 00.00.1924 – Oberst Walter Nicolai
00.00.1924 – 00.00.1928 – Major Herbert Fischer (Deckname Frank)
? – ? – Hauptmann a.D. / Major a.D. Dr. Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer (Deckname Neumann)
? – ? – Major Friedrich (Fritz) Tschunke (Deckname Teichmann)
1.01.1922 – 31.10.1925 – Obstlt. a.D. Wilhelm Schubert (Assistant of the Firm Junkers, Dessau)
Sondergruppe Moskau (Zentrale Moskau (Z.Mo.))
(open Winter 1923/1924, Began the work 00.06.1924)(Moscow, Ulitsa Vorovskogo, 48)
00.00.1923 – 00.00.1928 (Was ill) – Oberst Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen
00.00.1928 – 00.00.1931 – Hauptmann a.D. / Major a.D. Dr. Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer
00.00.1931 – 00.00.1933 – Hauptmann a.D. ?? Major a.D. ?? Lothar Schüttel
00.00.1924 – 00.00.1928 – Hauptmann a.D. / Major a.D. Dr. Oskar Ritter von Niedermayer
30.04.1926 ? – 31.03.1928 ? – Oberleutnant a.D. Hans Joachim Rath
Assistant ?? of Oberst von Niedermaier ??
01.08.1926 - 00.00.1932 - Oberleutnant ?? Hauptmann Alfred Gerstenberg
?? - 00.00.1924 – Major Herbert Fischer
? – ? – ?? Vogt
? – ? – ?? Arnhold
GEFU (Gesellschaft für Förderung gewerblicher Unternehmungen G.m.b.H.)
(Company for the Development of Trade Enterprises) (*9.08.1923 г.)from 28.02.1925 WIKO (Wirtschaftskontor)
(Berlin ??, Moscow, Khlebny pereulok, 28)
The industrial capital of company - 75.000.000 Goldmark (18 million dollars)
chairman of board
Vorsitzende der Regierung
- Hauptmann / Major Friedrich (Fritz) Tschunke
Members of board:
Mitglieder der Regierung:
- Direktor T. Eckhardt
- Obstlt. Wolfgang Mentzel (the chairman of the supervisory council)
Problem of a society - military-industrial cooperation with the USSR
- Construction of an aviation factory in Fili near Moscow (at participation of firm "Junkers"),
- Construction chemical factory "Bersol AG " on manufacture of poison gases near Ivashchenkovo / Samara area (at participation of firm "Stolzenberg" (Hugo Stolzenberg Company)). A plant to produce Bersol, an explosive salt, and Phosgen and Lost, two types of poison gas. In 1923-1926 the Germany Stolzenberg Company was supposed to deliver, set up and start equipment for producing yperite. However, the company failed, and all plans fell through. From 1927, plants were constructed independently under the direction of Ye. I. Shpitalskiy.
- Manufacture with help "Krupp" of an ammunition for artillery at various Soviet factories (Zlatoust, Tula, Petrograd, Petrokrepost) "with German technical assistance"
Junkerswerk in Fili (bei Moskau)
factory in Fili (near Moscow)
1.02.1923 - 1.02.1924 – Obstlt. a.D. Wilhelm Schubert
geschäftsführender Direktor
1923 – 1925 – Paul Spaleck
techn. Leiter
1923 – 1925 – Hans Hackmack
1923 – 1924 – Kurt Bauerhin
1923 – 1924 – Reinhold Poss
Leiter der Fabrikationskontrolle
1924 – ? – Franz Carl Walter
Vorsteher der techn. Vertriebsabteilung
? – 31.12.1926 – Franz Carl Walter
1924 – 1926 – Gustav Huss
1924 – ? – Franz Kleinhenz
31.03.1923 – 1925 – E. Herbert Schade
Versuchsingenieur und Pilot bei Jfa Einflieger
1924 – 1926 – Stefan von Prondzinsky
Versuchsing. und Einflieger
1924 – 1926 – Otto Thomsen
? – ? – Dr. King
Pilot ?? Einflieger
1923 – ? (Killed in an air crash in USSR (starb nach einem Flugunfall in Russland)) – Fritz Kiessner
Vermittlungsstelle zwischen der Junkers-Flugzeug-Werk A.-G. und dem Werk Fili
1.06.1924 – 1.08.1925 ? – Leutnant a.D. Heinrich (Johann ?) Arntzen
Bevollmächtigter von Junkers die Liquidation in Fili
00.00.1927 – 00.00.1927 – Franz Carl Walter
"Bersol AG "
German–Soviet private firm ("Bersol") (*30.09.1923, closed on 2.04.1927)The industrial capital of company – 10 320 000 Gold roubles
(5 880 000 Gold roubles - "Metakhim" (USSR), 4 460 000 Gold roubles – GEFU)
chairman of board
Vorsitzende der Regierung
– Stephan Iosifovich Mrochkovsky ("Metakhim")
Members of board:
Mitglieder der Regierung:
– Hauptmann Friedrich (Fritz) Tschunke (GEFU)
– E. A. Thile (GEFU)
– D. S. Galperin ("Metakhim")
Annual productivity "Bersol" under the contract should be following:
potassium chloride - 26 thousand poods,
chloric to exhaust - 75 thousand poods,
каустической soda - 165 thousand poods,
oleum (concentrated sulfuric acid) - 250 thousand poods,
superphosphate - 400 thousand poods,
phosgene - 60 thousand poods,
yperite - 75 thousand poods (1 pood = 16 kg).
Bulk stations "Bersol" annually should "equip" on 500 thousand (!) shells of yperite and phosgene. And manufacture of chemical shells was the basic purpose, and manufacture of peace chemical production - "in passing, mainly, with a view of conspiracy".
"Gruppe Schroeder"
from 00.00.1925 "Gruppe Fiebig" (the first group of German military aviation experts in USSR) (*8.08.1924, Auflösung 30.04.1926 ?)Gruppenleiter
8.08.1924 - 00.00.1925 - ?? J. Schroeder (Dipl. Ing. Josef Schroetter ??)
00.00.1925 - ? - Hauptmann Martin Fiebig
8.08.1924 – 00.00.1925 ? - Hauptmann Martin Fiebig
- ?? K. Diete
- Leutnant H. Johannesson
- ?? Rudolf Hasenohr
- ?? Droste
from 01.04.1925 ? - Oberleutnant a.D. Hans Joachim Rath
A few more persons joined them later on. For some time they worked on a contract basis as consultants with the RKKA Air Forces Directorate and the Air Force Academy in Moscow, then part of the group became staff members at the German flying school's in the USSR.
Within two years German pilots transferred the knowledge and experience to the Soviet colleagues. Two from them, H. Johannesson and M. Fiebig, were borrowed in scientific and technical committee of the Air Forces. Since 1925 Fiebig worked as the instructor - teacher in Academy of Air Fleet (nowadays military - air engineering academy as him N.E. Zhukovsky) in the field of use of aircraft during operations and conducting war in air. Three technical experts were borrowed in work on designing and manufacturing of aircraft engines, one of them has created in workshops of air station in Tushino near Moscow the stand test of motors which then was many times repeated in the USSR. One more expert in the field of a small arms as the adviser was directed to Serpukhov in school, specialized in questions of an aviation small arms and bombing. Schroeder after end of annual term of the work in the USSR has refused prolongation of the contract as it was made with other members of group, and has returned to Germany.
авиационная школа в г. Липецк
secret Flying-School in Lipezk (Scientific Institute for Experiments Ru. (camouflaged Luftwaffe Training Command))
deutschen Fliegerschule und Erprobungsstätte in Lipezk
(Treaty was signed on 15.04.1925, closed on 15.09.1933)In German documents the Lipetsk organization was called the "scientific aviation testing station" or just "the station" (deutsch. - "Wissenschaftliche Versuchs uud Prufansalt fur Luftfahrzeuge" or just "Schule Stahr" & "Wissenschaftliche Versuchs- und Personalausbildungsstation" (WIVUPAST))
In Soviet documents the German aviation unit appeared as the "German Flying-School", later "4th Aviation Detachment of the RKKA Air Forces 38th (later 40th) Aviation Squadron," last name - "German scientific aviation testing station "Wivupast"".
construction office (1925 – 1930)
01.08.1925 – 30.09.1930 - Oberleutnant a.D. Dr. Ing. Ernst Bormann (German ace of the first world war, on a speciality the engineer - builder of blast furnaces, At the same time Instructor (Lehrer) ??)
Establishment of the school began with construction of depots, hangars, housing for German personnel, and other facilities. An apartment house, two barracks, a few production premises, and telephone exchange were built.
German personnel (were coded as "friends")
In Lipetsk they wore civilian clothes or Soviet uniforms without insignia.
deutsche Personal (Protokol der Vertrag 15.04.1925)
1 Leiter der Fliegerschule,
1 Fluglehrer,
1 Hilfsfluglehrer (eventuell),
2 Werkmeister,
1 Waffenmeister,
1 Hilfswerkmeister.
Für die Verwaltung der Fabriklagerräume und des dort untergebrachten Materials:
1 Lagerverwalter.
Leiter der Fliegerschule
00.06.1925 – 01.12.1929 – Major a.D. Walter Stahr
01.12.1929 – 28.02.1932 ? – Major Max Mohr
01.02.1932 ? – 30.09.1933 – Hauptmann Gottlob Müller
Director of the secret Flying-Training at the Flying-School in Lipezk ??
01.05.1929 – 01.10.1929 – Major Hellmuth Bieneck
01.05.1930 – 03.10.1930 – Major Hellmuth Bieneck
Order 1925
staff group
fighter pilot training department (Pilot training began on 15 July 1925)
00.00.1925 – 31.12.1931 - Oberleutnant a.D. Carl August von Schönebeck (Schoenebeck)
fighter training squadron (Fokker D XIII)
1.01.1925 - 00.00.1927 - Oberleutnant a.D. Werner Junck ??
Instructor for Radio-Affairs, Night-Flying and Bomber affairs
01.10.1926 – 30.09.1929 - Oberleutnant Heinrich Aschenbrenner
Instructor (Lehrer) ??
01.08.1925 – 30.09.1930 - Oberleutnant a.D. Dr. Ing. Ernst Bormann (At the same time Leiter Baubüro (construction office) ??)
01.08.1929 – 30.09.1931 - Hptm. a.D. Ulrich Buchholz ??
26.04.1926 ? – 28.02.1927 ? - Hptm. Otto Deßloch (Dessloch)
01.10.1927 – 30.04.1929 – Major a.D. Erich Quade
01.08.1929 – 30.09.1931 - Hptm. a.D. Georg Rieke ??
Ausbilder (Lehrer ?) und ?? Einflieger ??
? – 11.06.1930 (Killed in an air crash of Albatros L.76 near Smolensk / USSR) – Leutnant ? Emil Thuy
Special-Employment ??
01.04.1928 – 30.09.1931 – Hptm. Karl Veith
Verbindungs-Abteilung (Gruppe-V)
observer training department (group)
01.08.1927 ?? – 30.09.1930 ?? – Major a.D. Gustav Kastner-Kirdorf ??
observer training squadron (Heinkel HD-17)
00.06.1925 – 00.00.1930 – Leutnant H. Johannesson
testing center (*00.00.1928)
was founded at the school in to try out the planes illegally built in Germany based on aircraft orders from the War Ministry
Order 1929
One head, seven teachers, 85 person of the constant personnel, including the Soviet representatives
Jagdflieger-Abteilung (Gruppe)
fighter pilot training department (group)
00.00.1925 – 31.12.1931 - Oberleutnant a.D. Carl August von Schönebeck (Schoenebeck)
Verbindungs-Abteilung (Gruppe-V)
observer training department (group) (eliminated 00.09.1930)
01.08.1927 ?? – 30.09.1930 ?? – Major a.D. Gustav Kastner-Kirdorf ??
testing department (group)
01.09.1929 – 30.09.1930 – Oberleutnant Dipl. Ing. Richard Schimpf ??
Order 1930
The German personnel included about 60 person of constant structure - pilots - instructors and technical experts
Abteilung 1 (Knew personnel questions and mutual relation with Russian party)
00.00.1930 – ? – Leutnant H. Johannesson
? - ? - ?? Heinrich Somann
Abteilung 2 (Supervised over activity of the German personnel ??)
? - ? – ?? Sigmar Bodie
Abteilung 3 (Medicine)
? - ? - ?? Dr. Gustav Haller (doctor – gynecologist ?)
Abteilung 4 (Finance)
? - ? - ?? Wilhelm Fritsch
fighter pilot training group
00.00.1925 – 31.12.1931 - Oberleutnant a.D. Carl August von Schönebeck (Schoenebeck)
All time of existence of school:
Technische Gruppe
Technical group
00.06.1925 – 00.00.1928 – ?? Gerhard Schulte
00.00.1928 – 30.09.1932 – ?? Gottfried Reidenbach
1.04.1927 – 00.00.1928 – ?? Gottfried Reidenbach
Lagerräume für Benzin und Munition
Soviet personnel
Personal der Russischen Luftflotte (Sowjetpersonal) (Protokol der Vertrag 15.04.1925)
1 Gehilfe für die Unterstützung des Leiters der Fliegerschule für alle mit dem Betrieb der Fliegerschule zusammenhängenden Angelegenheiten.
20 Monteure für den Dienst im Flughafen, unter ihnen
- 14 Mechaniker
- 2 Tischler
- 1 Sattler (russ. Tapesierer)
- 1 Maler
- 1 Schmied
- 1 Schweisset
The number of pilots and ground personnel at the school grew steadily. There were only 7 Germans and about 20 Russians at the training center in 1925, but, in a few years, their number had risen to around 200.
This number reached its peak in 1932, reaching 303, including 43 Germans, 26 Soviet military pilots, and 234 Soviet blue- and white-collar workers and technicians.
советско-германская танковая школа в г. Казань
Panzerschule / Kampfwagenschule Kasan ( "Kama" )
(Treaty was signed on 2.10.1926)"Liquidation of station began 20 July 1933. Three transports 11.08, 19.08 and 4.09. property of "friends" was taken out from Kazan. 6 September anybody from "friends" on a place did not remain."
German name – "КАМА" (KAsan – MAlbrandt),
Soviet name – "Stroitel’naya komissiya "Kama" (Building commission Kama)", from 1.08.1928 "Tekhnicheskiye kursy Osoaviakhima (TEKO – Technical rates of Osoaviakhim)"
Order :
Technische Abteilung
German personnel (were coded as "friends", "tenants")
00.00.1929 - 00.00.1930 - OTL a.D. Mahlbrand (Deckname "Direktor Markart")
00.03.1930 - 00.00.1931 - Oberst Ludwig Ritter von Radlmaier (Deckname "Direktor Raabe")
01.05.1931 - 01.10.1933 - Major Josef Harpe (Deckname "Direktor Hacker")
? - ? – Leutnant Paul Bernhardi (Born 1888 in Schlisselburg / St.-Peterburg area / Russia)
Stenotypistin der Direktor
00.02.1929 - ? – Irinhard Zech (Born 1905)
Chef (Lehrgangsleiter) + 3 teachers (artillery shooting, machine-gun shooting, radio communication) & 5 teachers (instructors) for training to driving
1929 - 1930 – Hptm. Friedrich (Fritz) Kühn
00.04.1931 - 1932 – Hptm. Ing. Adolf Brunn (Born 1894 in Flensburg)
1932 - 1933 – Hptm. Hans Joachim von Köppen
Ing.- Schießlehrer :
00.07.1929 - ? – Olt. a.D. Herbert Baumgart (Born 1893 in Paulaul ?)
Ing.-Lehrer für leichte-Panzer-technik:
00.04.1927 - ? - Ing. Konrad Baumann (Born 1900 in Pasinik)
Lehrer für Funktechnik :
00.05.1929 - ? - Ing. Wilhelm Burckhardt (Born 1903 in Berlin)
Taktiklehrer für russische Kursanten
1932 - 1933 – Hptm. ?? Ernst Volckheim
30.04.1931 – 01.11.1933 – Hauptmann a.D. Wilhelm Conze
Stenotypistin der Lehrgang
00.02.1929 - ? – Erika Biurmann (Born 1903 in Milheim / Rhein)
? – ? – Hptm. H. Pirner
? – ? – Ing. Rudolf Merz (Mertz ?) (Born 1896 in Sonat (Sent ?)- Johann- Sarbriken, designer of a factory "Daimler-Benz")
00.07.1929 - ? – Jakob Engel (Born 1891 in Düsseldorf, Ing. of Rheinmetall)
00.07.1929 - ? – Alfred Meller (Born 1883 in Krimitschau)
00.07.1929 - ? – Wilhelm Jansen (Born 1885 in Essen, Worked earlier as the master at a factory "Daimler-Benz")
00.07.1929 - ? – Georg Scheffer
00.07.1929 - ? – Walter Gugol (Born 1887 in Isenbach)
00.06.1930 - ? – Paul Veit (Born 1889 in Stuttgart)
00.02.1930 - ? – Heinrich Baberhein (Born 1904)
00.02.1930 - ? – Georg Fischer (Born 1901 in Heibach)
(Elektro- ?) Monteur
00.02.1930 - ? – Johann Hane (Born 1901 in Orensberg)
00.06.1930 - ? – Paul Pankonin
Technische Abteilung
Chef - Leiter der Produktion (Leiter den Werkstätten)
00.07.1927 - ? – Ing. Georg Hofmann (Born 1899 in Hemsdarf)
00.12.1927 - ? – Walter Schulz (Born 1907 in Kurziniez ?)
Leiter den Garagen
00.01.1927 - ? – Paul Lemke
? – ? – ?? Fischer
Leiter der Inventarabteilung
00.11.1929 - ? – Andreas Veil (Born 1892 in Lam)
00.05.1928 - ? – Wilhelm George (Born 1890 in Teksdorf)
Leiter das Kasino (der Gaststätte)
00.10.1926 - ? – Wilhelm Lamann (Born 1893 in Seifeldt)
00.11.1928 - ? – Haubert Klauder (Born 1884 in Eihof)
00.05.1930 - ? – Sofian Hofmann (Born 1896 in Kelfhein)
Soviet support personnel
Stellvertreter des Direktor
? - ? – colonel Nikolay Fedorovich Yeroshenko (Jeroschenko)
Das technische Personal:
- 1 Tischler (Meister),
- 2 Tischler (Untermeister),
- 1 Schlosser (Meister),
- 4 Schlosser (Untermeister),
- 1 Maler (Meister),
- 2 Maler (Untermeister),
- 6 Fahrer,
- 1 Mechaniker,
- 1 Klempner,
- 1 lötener,
- 1 Elektromonteur,
- 1 Sattler.
Das wirtschaftliche Personal:
1 Kurier,
1 Ökonomine,
1 Köchin,
3 Angestellten,
1 Wächter (Hausmeister).
Das Personal des Wache:
7 Menschen
полигон «Подосинки»
Versuchsplatz Podosinki
(Treaty was signed on , The contract about realization of joint aerochemical tests was signed 21.08.1926, open 00.09.1926)(near Railway station Podosinki / near Moscow, Today it is area of Moscow – Kuz’minki)
Technical management - the German experts
deutschen Versuchsgruppe (Gruppe Amberg) – "Gela" (Gesellschaft für landwirtschaftliche Artikel mbH)
- Hans Hackmack (Deckname Amberg)
Chemiker & Pilot (Name & Deckname)
- Fireck (Vireck ?)
- Horn
- Jakob
- Kelzer
- Markard (Marquard ?)
- Metner
- Mülchan
- Muntsch
- Dipl. Ing. Oskar ?? Schmidt
- Tome (Thome ?)
- Fritz ?? Wirth (Gasanalytiker – The professor of the Berlin Technical university ??)
Administrative management - the Soviet experts
химическая школа (испытательный центр) «Томка» («объект Томка»)
Gastestgelände bei Volsk (Tomka)
Chemical school (test centre) "Tomka" ("Object Tomka") (*00.00.1927, liquidated 26.07.1933 - 15.08.1933)(near Railway station Prichernavskaya / Vol’sk region / Saratov area)
German name – "Allgemeine erfahrene Institut"
German personnel (33 man)
1 Leiter
1 Arzt
31 Angestellten (The most part from them - experts - chemists)
00.00.1928 – 00.00.1929 ? – Generalmajor a.D. ? Wilhelm Trepper
00.00.1929 ? – 00.00.1933 – ?? Dr.-Ing. Leopold von Sicherer
00.00.1928 – 00.00.1929 – ?? Dr.-Ing. Leopold von Sicherer (Experte "für Stoff" die chemischen Analysen, Born 1897, Died 1971)
? - ? - Dr.-Ing. Alexander von Grundherr zu Altenthan und Weyherhaus (für Erdversuche zuständig, Born 1896, Died 1973)
German staff at the Chemical Test Centre "Tomka" in 1928

(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)
Военная академия им. Фрунзе
M.Frunse Kriegsakademie
Frunze Military academy
Lehrer für Kriegsgeschichte
00.00.1930 ? - ? – Major Friedrich Paulus
1.10.1930 ? - ? – Major Kurt Brennecke
00.00.1930 ? - ? – Major Georg-Hans Reinhardt
? – ? – Obstlt. Wilhelm Keitel
? – ? – Major Walter Model
? – ? – Major / Obstlt. (1.04.1931) Erich von Lewinski genannt von Manstein