Deutsche Volkspolizei
- Details
- Published: 14 January 2011 14 January 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Also included under VoPo control were two specilized forces: the Bereitschaftspolizei (Security Alert Police – BePo) and the Transportpolizei (Transport Police – TraPo). Personnel of the former organization were quartered in central barracks and held in readiness to respond to natural disasters, major accidents and/or largescale civil disturbances. The latter organization provided railway security and supervised major train stations throughout the country.
Präsident des Deutsche Verwaltung des Innern und Chef der Deutschen Volkspolizei
Generalinspekteur Kurt Fischer (12 July 1948-11 Oct 1949)Chef der Deutschen Volkspolizei
Generalinspekteur Kurt Fischer (12 Oct 1949-22 June 1950)Generalinspekteur Karl Maron (1 Sep 1950-1952)
The position was subordinated to the Minister des Innern during this period. Karl Steinhoff served as the East German Minister des Innern (Minister of the Interior) from 12 Oct 1949-8 May 1952.
Stellvertreter des Minister des Innern und Chef der Deutschen Volkspolizei
Generalinspekteur Karl Maron (1952-30 June 1955)The position was designated a deputy ministerial post during this period. Willi Stoph succeeded Steinhoff and served as the East German Minister des Innern from 9 May 1952-30 June 1955.
Minister des Innern und Chef der Deutschen Volkspolizei
Generalinspekteur Karl Maron (1 July 1955-14 Nov 1963)Generalleutnant Friedrich Dickel (15 Nov 1963-10 Nov 1989)
Chef der Deutschen Volkspolizei
Generalmajor der VP Dieter Wunderlich (18 Nov 1989-2 Oct 1990)The position was subordinated to the Minister für Innere Angelegenheiten, the former Minister des Innern, during the last 10 ½ months of the German Democratic Republic’s existence. Generalleutnant der VP Lothar Ahrendt served as the East German Minister für Innere Angelegenheiten from 18 Nov 1989-18 Mar 1990. Peter-Michael Diestel held the post from 12 Apr 1990-2 Oct 1990.