The Hauptverwaltung Luftpolizei was formed 31 October 1950 and was known as the Dienstelle HVA/Referat z.b.V. and, from May 1951, the HVA/Zweigstelle Johannisthal. This staff served as the planning and leadership apparatus for the future Luftstreitkräfte of the German Democratic Republic.
On 1 July 1952, it was redesignated Volkspolizei (VP)-Luft.


Berlin-Adlershof, transferred to Berlin-Johannisthal in Jan 1951

Leiter der Hauptverwaltung Luftpolizei

Generalinspekteur Heinz Keßler (31 Oct 1950-30 June 1952)


Chefinspekteur Heinz Zorn (31 Oct 1950-30 June 1952)
Stellvertreter des Leiters für Polit-Kultur
Inspekteur Arthur Franke (1 Jan 1951-30 June 1952)