by Andreas Jasa

This article takes as its subject the honor titles used by the Waffen-SS, or, more precisely, the meaning behind all these titles, i.e. what or whom do they refer to and – if possible – why were they chosen? All of the information contained herein is, of course, available elsewhere, but this is an attempt to gather the data from those diverse sources together into one single article. While I am aware that many of the titles are self-explanatory or the instantly-recognized names of famous (and infamous) personalities, I am still convinced – or at least hope - that enough of the other titles are not-so-familiar or even downright obscure to many readers to make this a worthwhile undertaking.

The honor titles used by the Waffen-SS fall into several different categories. Some unit names – for example “Theodor Eicke”, “Horst Wessel” and “Reinhard Heydrich” – were chosen to commemorate important figures of the SS and/or the Nazi movement; this type of honor title was by no means limited to the Waffen-SS but also very common in the Allgemeine SS and the SA. Sometimes the person whose name was chosen as an honor title was in some way directly connected to the unit chosen to bear it, for example Artur Phleps, the former commander of the division that included the regiment which bore his name.
Others – like “Florian Geyer”, “Götz von Berlichingen” and ”Hermann von Salza” - were in honor of important historical figures and consciously intended to create a symbolic link between the modern-day combat formations of the Waffen-SS and the heroic fighters and noble lineages of the past. When this type of honor title was used in the case of foreign formations, usually historical figures from the appropriate country were used, like “Skanderbeg” for the Albanian division or “De Ruiter” for a Dutch formation.
Then there were names with a purely geographical or ethnic/national meaning, like “Nord”, “Danmark” or “Nederland”, while others had a more abstract and symbolic meaning, like “Handschar” or “Vendetta”.
Finally, a few pointed to the origins of the respective named units, like “Reichsführer SS” or “Hitlerjugend”.

Use of these honor titles was not always governed by coherent or logical rules. In theory, awarding of a name to any given unit was an honor and the respective formation was to be considered an elite one, with the name also being intended to boost morale and create an “esprit de corps” within the respective formation. Practically though, units that could not be considered “elite” by any stretch of the imagination received names as well - the reasons for this being propagandistic or motivational – while others that proved and distinguished themselves in combat were never named. There was also little coherence in the use of cuff titles with divisional or regimental names. Generally speaking, a unit with an honor title was also entitled to a special cufftitle bearing that name, but this was often not the case, an example for this being the “Handschar” division, which, although named, received special headgear, armshields and collar patches but no cufftitle. As an additional bit of information, I have therefore decided to mention whether a cufftitle with the respective honor title was also used or not, but did not include additional information concerning fabrication styles and variations as this would be way beyond the scope of this article.

A final word on the nature of honor titles: In researching this article, I found it in a few cases to be slightly difficult to differentiate between an honor title and a purely organizational designation; this goes especially for the foreign legions like “Freikorps Danmark” or even the obscure “British Free Corps”; I have chosen to leave these out.
One thing however is clear, and this relates to the German practice of referring to a unit by the name of it’s then-current-commander, which was by no means limited to the Waffen-SS or even to WW II and was both applied to ad-hoc scratch units (“Kampfgruppe Dirnagl”, “SS-Panzer-Brigade Gross) as well as regular units of all sizes below divisional level (“SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment Schill” “Panzerkompanie Pavelka”, “Zug Rupp”):
Such units cannot be considered “named”, as these designations were never officially “awarded” to the respective units and were object to change whenever the commanding officer was replaced, while it furthermore goes without saying that these designations were also never used on items like ID tags and cuff titles, despite many post-war fantasy pieces bearing names like “Schill”, “Skorzeny” or even “Dirlewanger”. Thus, such designations are not included in this article, both because they cannot be considered titles and because their sheer number - considering this practice was applied all the way down to squad level – would prohibit this.

In compiling this list, I have found that all the “truly” named Waffen-SS formations were divisions or divisional units, with one exception: The “Kurt Eggers” regiment. Listed below are first the divisions with their subordinate units, followed by the paragraph on the “Standarte Kurt Eggers”.

(For the sake of convenience, the following list is based on the final, definitive Waffen-SS divisional listing. Thus, units that did not exist simultaneously are included and already-existing units that were later incorporated into a division and units that were transferred from one division to another can be found under the division they eventually belonged to. Many divisional designations changed during the existence of the respective division, for example when motorized infantry division were upgraded to armored divisions, but in this case, too, only the final designation is listed. I have also chosen to include the unnamed divisions.)

1. SS-Panzer-Division „Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler“
This division evolved from Hitler’s personal bodyguard regiment, which is also quite precisely what the name translates to. The earliest incarnation of the unit was the SS-Stabswache Berlin (= SS Staff Guard Berlin), which was soon re-designated as the SS-Sonderkommando Berlin (=SS Special Detachment Berlin). Amalgamated with the short-lived SS-Sonderkommando Zossen, the new unit was called “Adolf Hitler Standarte”, later known as “Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler”. Initially a regiment, then upgraded first to brigade and finally to divisional strength and transformed from a motorized regiment to an armored grenadier unit it finally became an armored division with the above designation.
The name “Adolf Hitler” first appeared in block letters on the cuff title of the “Adolf Hitler Standarte”, but this version was short-lived and soon replaced by a pattern in Sütterlin script.

2. SS-Panzer-Division „Das Reich“
The title “Das Reich” (“The Reich”) is self-explanatory. Originally formed in 1939 as the SS-Verfügungstruppe-Division (mot.), the unit’s designation was soon shortened to SS-Verfügungsdivision. Its initial honor title was SS-Division “Deutschland”, but this was abolished after roughly one month as it caused too much confusion with the already-existing regiment of the same name, which was part of this division. Thus, the new honor title “Reich” was introduced, with the later addition of the definite article “Das”.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
Two of the division’s regiments were also named:
SS-Pz. Gren. Regt. 3 „Deutschland“
“Deutschland” means, of course, “Germany”; the name also appeared on the regiment’s cuff title.
SS-Pz. Gren. Regt. 4 „Der Führer“
“Der Führer” (= “The Leader”) was, of course, the title held by Hitler. A possible reason for the use of this name is that the regiment was formed in Hitler’s native Austria after the Anschluss to the Reich.
The regiment’s name also appeared on its cuff title, interestingly in a variant with quotation marks as well.

3. SS-Panzer-Division „Totenkopf“
“Totenkopf” means “death’s head” and this division was named after the concentration camp guards of the Totenkopfverbände (= death’s head units), from which it was built, with the addition of new recruits and transfers from SS-VT units. The death’s head symbol also appeared on the collar patches and the divisional shield of this formation.
The death’s head was one of the SS’ oldest and most widely recognized symbols, appearing, for example, as a cap badge in every branch of the SS as well as on the SS honor ring; it had even been adopted by the forerunner of the SS, the Stoßtrupp Adolf Hitler, as early as 1923.
During WW I, the death’s head was the emblem of many German elite- and special units, it was used for example by some assault detachments and the first tank units and several fighter aces as well. Thus, after the end of WW I, it was readily adopted by many of the free corps, for example the Freikorps Brüssow, Freikorps Erlangen and Freikorps Gerth or the so-called “Iron Division”. Already identified as a wartime symbol for death-defying, courage and bravery, the death’s head therefore became a symbol for patriotism and anti-bolshevism as well and thus a suitable symbol for the SS, which recruited many of its earliest members from the ranks of the Freikorps. Another reason may well be the use of the death’s head by several hussar units in German history, for example the black-uniformed Prussian Leibhusarenregimenter (Bodyguard Hussar Regiments) no. 1 and 2, as the SS in its early years considered itself a bodyguard formation as well.
Those members of the division that had previously served with the Totenkopf-Rekruten-Standarte “Oberbayern” continued to wear its cuff title, which sported a death’s head symbol. The division was later authorized a cuff title with the word “Totenkopf” in block letters.
Three units within this division were also named:
SS-Pz. Gren. Regt. 5 „Thule“
The Thule-Gesellschaft (= „Thule Association“) was a neo-Germanic, racist and anti-semitic nationalist organization founded in 1918, which used the “sunwheel” swastika, combined with a dagger, as its symbol and was somewhat involved in the founding of the Nazi Party. The name “Thule” as such refers to a mystical, ancient Nordic high culture, which figured largely in the Nazi belief system. (In 1936, a group of 20 SS leaders even went on an unsuccessful expedition to Iceland in search of remnants of the culture of “Thule”!)
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Pz.Gren. Regt. 6 „Theodor Eicke“
SS-Obergruppenführer Theodor Eicke (17 Oct. 1892 – 26 Feb. 1943) was infamous as one of the architects of the concentration camp system. The commandant of the Dachau concentration camp and later inspector of concentration camps and death’s head units, he was also in charge of the forming of the Totenkopf-Division, which he commanded until killed on the Eastern Front when his observation plane was shot down near Michailowka.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

4. SS-Polizei-Panzer-Grenadier-Division
Not really an honor title, the division owed its designation to the fact that it was originally recruited from German policemen transferred to the Waffen-SS. The division’s final cufftitle simply read “SS-Polizei-Division”, while an earlier, short-lived pattern that was introduced in April 1942 and supposed to be discontinued at the end of the same year showed the “police eagle”.

5. SS-Panzer-Division „Wiking“
The Vikings - in German Wikinger – were dwellers of Scandinavia, who traveled around Europe’s shores from the 8th to the 11th century as pirates, merchants and founders of states. A stylized rendering of the bow of the Viking’s famous “dragon ships” was also chosen as the symbol on the division’s collar patch, although it is doubtful that these were ever actually used.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
Two of the division’s regiments were also named:
SS-Pz. Gren. Regt. 9 „Germania“
“Germania” is Latin for the German word Germanien, the land north of the Danube and east of the Rhine up to the Vistula that was occupied by the Germanen, the ancient Germans. Germanien or, respectively Germania, was also used in the Middle Ages as Germany’s name. Furthermore, it is the name of the symbolic personification of Germanien in female form dating back to ancient Roman times, which became a symbol for the unified German Empire in 1871.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Pz. Gren. Regt. 10 „Westland“
An honor title with a purely geographical meaning, the regiment’s name translates as “Western Land” and was chosen as this regiment was composed of Dutchmen and Flemings, while the division’s Scandinavians formed regiment “Nordland” (= “Northern Land”, see 11th division.)
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

6. SS-Gebirgs-Division „Nord“
Another honor title with a purely geographical meaning; “Nord” simply means “North”. No cufftitle was authorized for the division, but the cufftitle of the Allgemeine-SS Oberabschnitt “Nord” was used by some individuals. Two regiments of this division were also named:
SS-Gebirgsjäger-Rgt. 11 „Reinhard Heydrich“
The regiment was named after one of the most infamous and ruthless SS leaders, SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich (7 March 1904 – 4 June 1942) after his death. A dismissed former naval officer, Heydrich was the founder and head of the Sicherheitsdienst or SD (the SS’ security service) and, from 1939, the head of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt or RSHA, (the Reich Security Main Office) to which, apart from the SD, both the Gestapo and the Criminal Police were subordinated. One of the Holocaust’s main “architects”, he furthermore became acting Reichsprotektor for Bohemia and Moravia in addition to his continued appointment as chief of the RSHA in September 1941 and it has here that he gained his epithet as the “Butcher of Prague”. Heydrich died from an infection due to wounds suffered in an assassination attempt undertaken by British-trained and –equipped agents of the Czech exile government. As retaliation for his death, large-scale acts of violence and terror against the Czech population were undertaken, including the complete destruction of the town of Lidice.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Gebirgsjäger-Rgt. 12 „Michael Gaißmair“
Michael Gaißmair (ca. 1490 – 1532), a toll collector from Brixen in Tyrol, lived in the same era as Florian Geyer, Götz von Berlichingen and Georg von Frundsberg. (see 8th, 10th and 17th divisions) A radical Protestant, he led an unsuccessful peasant rebellion against the Habsburg Monarchy. Having fled to Italy, where he tried to stir up a new rebellion, he was eventually assassinated in Padua by Habsburg agents.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

7. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division “Prinz Eugen”
This division was named after Prinz Eugen von Savoyen (Prince Eugene of Savoy, 18 Oct. 1663 – 21 April 1736), an Austrian statesman and field marshal who, among other victories, defeated the Turks at Zenta in 1697, won several battles in the Spanish War of Succession and conquered Fortress Belgrade in 1717 during the Turkish War of 1716 – 17. His name was chosen as the division’s honor title because many of his victories took place in the area of the later Yugoslavia, i.e. the division’s theater of operations.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
One of the division’s regiments was also named:
SS-Frw.-Gebirgsjäger-Rgt. 13 „Artur Phleps“
Artur Phleps (29 Nov. 1881 – 21 Sept. 44), a former Rumanian Army General, was an SS-Obergruppenführer who had formed the “Prinz Eugen” division and was its first commander until succeeded by Carl Reichsritter von Oberkamp in July 43, when he took over command of V. SS-Gebirgs-Korps. Phleps was captured and subsequently killed by Russian troops along with his driver and adjutant.
A cufftitle with the inscription “Artur Phleps” was authorized for the regiment, but it seems doubtful if it was ever issued.

8. SS-Kavallerie-Division „Florian Geyer“
Florian Geyer (ca. 1490 – 1525) was a Franconian knight and devout follower of Martin Luther who is best known as a peasant leader during the Bauernkrieg (peasant’s war) of 1522 – 1525. Initially serving as a Landsknecht leader with the Swabian Alliance, he fought Duke Ulrich of Wurttemberg and Götz von Berlichingen (After whom the 17th SS Division was named!) before entering the services of Grand Master Albrecht of Prussia, later leading the rebellious peasants with the goal of reforming the Reich by abolishing the privileges of church and nobility and empowering the citizens and peasants. He was slain by a servant of his brother-in-law Wilhelm von Grumbach in Rimpar near Würzburg. Geyer’s leadership of peasants and his opposition to the Catholic Church made him an appropriate symbolic figure for the Nazis and particularly the SS, whose ideology was also anti-church and centered heavily around the ideas of “blood and soil” and the significance of German peasantry. There is also a 19th-century song about Geyer, which must have appealed to those responsible for choosing the division’s name, as its text starts with the words “Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen…” (“We are Geyer’s black-clad troops…”) – while Waffen-SS troops (apart from tank crews) did not wear black uniforms anymore at the time the division was formed, the SS was still universally identified as the “black corps”. (And still made use of the color black on its flags, collar patches, cap bands and shoulder board underlays, to name just a few examples.)
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

9. SS-Panzer-Division “Hohenstaufen”
The Hohenstaufen or Staufer were a German family of rulers taking their name from their seat, the Swabian castle Hohenstaufen. Members of this lineage, which became extinct in 1268, held the German royal and imperial thrones from 1138 to 1254. Among the most significant members of this family were Emperor Heinrich VI and Emperor Friedrich I. Barbarossa, who was among Hitler’s favorite historical personalities. (The invasion of the Soviet Union was called “Unternehmen Barbarossa”.)
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

10. SS-Panzer-Division „Frundsberg“
Georg von Frundsberg (24 Sept. 1473 – 20 August 1528), somewhat one of the forefathers of modern infantry, was an Imperial military commander and leader of the Landsknechte under Maximilian I. and Karl V, who led his troops against the French, the Swiss, the Venetians and in the Low Countries. After having distinguished himself through bravery in the battle at Regensburg in 1504, the Emperor knighted him on the scene. Among others, von Frundsberg achieved victories at Bicocca (1522) and Pavia (1525).
From April 1943 to early November 1943, the division was named “Karl der Große” (Charles the Great, see 33rd division), but due to objections from Hitler, who did not count this emperor among his favorite historical personalities, it was re-named on 20 November 1943.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

11. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Nordland“
The name “Nordland” translates as “Northern Land” and was chosen as this formation consisted mainly of “Germanic” SS volunteers. This division inherited its name from the regiment of the same name, which was transferred in from the “Wiking” division. The “Nordland” division was originally intended to receive the name “Waräger” (= Vikings, see also 5th division “Wiking”) but that name was rejected by Hitler himself, who wanted the division to keep using the already-existing regiment’s name.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
Three of the division’s units were also named:
SS-Grenadier-Regt. 23 „Norge“
“Norge” is Norwegian for “Norway”; the regiment received its name because it was composed mainly of Norwegian SS volunteers.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Grenadier-Regt. 24 „Danmark“
“Danmark” is Danish for “Denmark” and was adopted as the regiment’s name because it consisted of Danish volunteers.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Pz. Abt. 11 „Hermann von Salza“
Hermann von Salza (1170 – 1239) was the Großmeister des Deutschritterordens (Grand Master of the Order of Teutonic Knights) from 1209 until his death and a close associate of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa. An extraordinarily capable diplomat and leader, he is recognized as the most important Grand Master of his order. The order, which is also known as the Deutscher Orden and the Deutschherren, was founded in the late 1190s during the crusades and was heavily involved in eastern expansion and, at the peak of its power in the mid-14th century ruled, among others, Prussia, Estonia and Courland. (Which is also the reason why the heraldic shield of the Grand Master of the Order of Teutonic Knights was incorporated into the design of the “Kurland” cuffband, the Third Reich’s last instituted campaign award.)
It is interesting to note that the colors of the Deutschritterorden – white and black – were not only inherited by the state of Prussia but were also the colors of the SS.

12. SS-Panzer-Division „Hitlerjugend“
This division was named after the “Hitler Youth”, the NSDAP’s youth organization that was founded in 1926 and developed into the state’s youth organization after 1933, officially receiving this status in 1936. As the division’s name suggests, it was recruited predominately from the Hitler Youth, with cadre personnel transferred in from other units, particularly the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler. Thus, most of its initial new recruits were barely 17 years old.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS „Handschar“ (kroat. Nr. 1)
Handschar is the German spelling for Handžar, a Croat term of Turkish origin meaning a scimitar which also featured on the Bosnian coat-of-arms. An armored fist holding a Handschar also appeared on the divisional collar patch, along with a swastika, and Handžar was also the name of the divisional newspaper.
No cuff title was authorized for this division.

14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galiz. Nr. 1, ukr. Nr. 1)
This division was not named and no cuff title was authorized, although it was, for a while known as Division “Galizien”, which is German for “Galicia”. Not to be confused with the Spanish region of the same name, this refers to a region in central Europe now divided between Poland and Ukraine. While the division was in fact recruited from Ukrainian volunteers, it was initially declared a “Galician” unit purely for reasons of official Nazi racial politics.

15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lett. Nr. 1)
Despite its good fighting record, this division was never named and no cuff title was authorized.

16. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Reichsführer SS“
This division was built around Himmler’s personal escort battalion, the Begleit-Bataillon Kommandostab RFSS, which was first enlarged to be the Sturmbrigade Reichsführer-SS and finally to a division. Some sources state that the division bore Himmler’s title instead of his name because SS units did only receive the names of dead persons as an honor title. A stylized rendering of Himmler’s rank insignia (a cluster of three oak leaves surrounded by a laurel wreath) was also adopted as the symbol in the divisional shield.
The division was issued with a cufftitle bearing the title “Reichsführer SS”, which should not be confused with the “RFSS” cuff title used by members of the Reichsführung SS.

17. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Götz von Berlichingen“
Götz von Berlichingen (1480 – 1562) was a knight immortalized by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s play of the same name. Von Berlichingen is also well known for his iron fist, a prosthetic appliance, which he received after he lost his hand during the Bavarian War of Succession in a battle near Landshut in 1504. This iron fist was also adopted as the symbol in the division’s shield.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

18. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Horst Wessel“
Horst Wessel (9 Oct. 1907 – 23 Feb. 1930) was a Berlin SA leader who was killed in an actually non-politically motivated incident, but was nonetheless stylized as one of the Nazi’s most important “martyrs”. (He also wrote the lyrics of the Nazi party’s “anthem”, which was thus named the “Horst-Wessel-Lied”.) This name was chosen as the division was originally intended to recruit heavily from the SA, but since it was raised as late as 1944, when most of the physically fit SA men of appropriate age for military service had already been drafted by or had volunteered for the armed forces and also due to general hostilities between the SA and the SS, not nearly enough of them were available. Some sources state that Hitler urged Himmler to name an SS unit after Horst Wessel, especially since the Army and the Air Force had already done so, but that Himmler was somewhat less than enthusiastic about the idea.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lett. Nr. 2)
This division was not named, but two of its regiments were:
Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment 42 “Voldemars Veiss“
Voldemars Veiss (7 November 1899 - 16 April 1944) was a former career officer in the Latvian army and later SS Waffen-Standartenführer and Knight’s Cross winner. Veiss, under whose command the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion was formed in 1943, commanded the 2. Lettische Freiw. Brigade der SS when he died from wounds suffered in action.
A cuff title with this name was authorized, but apparently never issued.
Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment 43 „Hinrich Schuldt“
Hinrich Schuldt (14 June 1901 – 15 March 1944) was a highly decorated SS-Oberführer (posthumously made SS-Brigadeführer and awarded the Swords to his Knight’s Cross), who had served with the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, the SS-Verfügungstruppe and the Waffen-SS, where he finally commanded the 19th Division. He was killed in action by an anti-tank shell and succeeded by Friedrich-Wilhelm Bock.
As with the “Voldemars Veiss” regiment, a cuff title with the regimental honor title was authorized, but apparently never issued.

20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estn. Nr. 1)
This division was not named, but one of its units was:
SS-Frw. Gren. Regt. 45 “Estland”
“Estland” is German for “Estonia”, this being an Estonian unit. Pictures show an unofficial cuff title with the title “Estland” in wear; this may have been worn by members of this regiment or by the entire division.

21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS „Skanderbeg“ (alban. Nr. 1)
Skanderbeg or Iskender-Beg (ca. 1405 – 1468) was actually called Gjergi Kastriota; he is one of Albania’s most important national heroes, having been a freedom fighter against the invading Turks. The goat-head helmet worn by Skanderbeg was also adopted as the symbol for the division’s collar patch, although this saw no or only limited use.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

22. SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division „Maria Theresia“
The division was named after Empress Maria Theresia (1717 – 1780), a Roman-German empress and hereditary daughter of Emperor Karl VI, who carried out important interior reforms during her reign. Married to the later Emperor Franz I., she ruled the Habsburg lands, which she defended in the Austrian War of Succession, although she later lost Silesia to Emperor Frederick the Great. The Empress’ favorite flower, a cornflower, was adopted as the symbol for the division’s collar patch. (Which was definitely manufactured and worn, unlike the division’s projected armpatch of a red, white and green shield, which was to incorporate the cornflower design as well and intended to be worn by the Hungarians serving with this division.)
No cuff title was introduced for the division.

23. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS „Kama“ (kroat. Nr. 2)
This division – which was, in fact, never completely raised – was the sister formation of the “Handschar” division and, like “Handschar” named after a traditional local weapon, in this case a short, Turkish sword. No cufftitle was authorized for this division, which was disbanded even before it could be fully trained and raised.

23. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Nederland“
Before it was given to this division, the divisional number “23” had been originally used for the short-lived Croatian unit mentioned above. “Nederland” is Dutch for “The Netherlands”, as this division was composed of Dutch volunteers.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name, although even after its introduction, some personnel who had previously served with the “Freiwillige Legion Niederlande” continued to wear that cuff title.
Two of the division’s regiments were also named:
SS-Frw. Pz. Gren. Regt. 48 „General Seyffardt“
The honor title was carried over from the 1st Company of the “Freiwillige Legion Niederlande” and refers to General Hendrik Alexander Seyffardt (1 Nov. 1872 – 6 Feb. 1943), the pro-Nazi former Chief of the Dutch Army’s General Staff and later commander of Dutch Volunteer Legion, who was assassinated by the Dutch Resistance.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.
SS-Frw. Pz. Gren. Regt. 49 „De Ruiter“
Michael Adriaanzoon de Ruiter (1607 – 1976) was a Dutch admiral who had fought the English in Guinea and the Channel and was also famous for having led his fleet up the Thames in 1666 to attack London.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

24. Waffen-Gebirgs-(Karstjäger) Division der SS
The designation “Karstjäger” – which is, in fact, not an honor title – refers to the “Karstwehr” battalions from which the division was built. Karst is the German name of the largely treeless and desolate chalk high plains in the northwest of Yugoslavia known as the Carso, an area from which a large part of the division’s original personnel was recruited.
No cuff title was authorized for the division.

25. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS „Hunyadi“ (ung. Nr. 1)
Johann (or János) Hunyadi (ca. 1385 – 11 August 1456) was a Hungarian military leader who in 1456 devastatingly defeated a Turkish army that lay siege to Belgrade. The symbol of the Hunyadi family, a black raven holding a ring in its beak, was to have been used on a shield in the Hungarian national colors of red, white and green as the division’s armpatch, but this was probably never worn.
No cuff title was authorized for the division, either.

26. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS “Hungaria” (ung. Nr. 2)
“Hungaria” means, of course, “Hungary”. Other sources state “Gömbös” as the division’s name, after the Hungarian fascist premier Gyula Gömbös (1886 - 1936). In either case, this short-lived division did not receive a cuff title.

27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division „Langemarck“ (fläm. Nr. 1?)
Langemarck is a Belgian town in Western Flanders, whose name was made famous in WW I by the charge of German regiments mostly composed of young war volunteers on 11 November 1914, which was heavily exploited propagandistically both in WW I and during the Third Reich. The name was adopted as this division was largely made up of Flemish volunteers.
The division was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name.

28. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division „Wallonien“
Another geographical/national honor title, Wallonien (or “Wallonie” in French) is the name of the French-language part of Belgium south of the Flemish-French language border. The origins of this division lay with the Walloon Legion, which was transferred from the Army to the Waffen-SS, where it first became a brigade before receiving its designation as a division in October 44.
A cuff title with the German spelling “Wallonien” was used by the division, but there is photographic evidence of its commander Leon Degrelle wearing one with the French-language spelling “Wallonie”; possibly other divisional members wore this variation as well.

29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russ. Nr. 1)

This infamous unit was not named. It was built from the “Kaminski Brigade”, also known as the “Sturmbrigade RONA”; both designations are not to be considered honor titles. (Miecislaw or Bronislaw Kaminski was the unit’s commander and “RONA” is the abbreviation for Russkaya Ovsoboditelnaya Narodnaya Armija = Russian Army of National Liberation or Russian People's Liberation Army.)
No cuff title was authorized for this formation, which was taken into the Waffen-SS in July 44 and disbanded later the same year following its appalling atrocities in the crushing of the Warsaw Uprising.

29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (ital. Nr. 1)
The vacant divisional number of the aforementioned, disbanded Russian unit was eventually given to this Italian formation. Information on the composition and organization of the division is somewhat scarce and contradictory. Apparently it was not named, but two of its units were:
29. SS- Füsilier-Bataillon „Debica“
Named after the SS’ Heidelager training grounds in Debica, Poland, where the unit was formed.
„Vendetta“ (= II. Bataillon, 82. Waffen-Grenadier-Regiment der SS)
Vendetta is an Italian term originating from the Latin “vindicta”, which literally translates as “revenge” and describes a feud that is motivated by a desire for revenge.

30. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (russ. Nr. 2) (weißruth. Nr. 1?)
This division was not named and did not receive a special cuff title.

31. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division („Böhmen-Mähren“?)
Some unconfirmed sources give “Böhmen-Mähren” (= “Bohemia-Moravia”) as the honor title for this division, while others state that it was in fact not named.
No cuff title or other special insignia were authorized for the division.

32. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division „30. Januar“
30 January was the date of the Machtergreifung, i.e. the Nazi’s seizure of power, or more precisely the date Adolf Hitler was made Reichskanzler (Reichs Chancellor)
A cuff title was authorized for the division, but apparently never issued.

33. Waffen-Kavallerie-Division der SS (ungar. Nr. 3)

This formation, which was under-strength, hastily formed and very short-lived if it existed at all other than on paper (as nearly nothing is known about it) was not named and did not receive a distinctive cuff title.

33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS „Charlemagne“ (frz. Nr. 1)
This division was given the vacant divisional number originally assigned to the aforementioned Hungarian formation. “Charlemagne” is the French name of Karl der Große (Charles the Great, 742 - 814), King of the Francs and, from Christmas 800, Roman-German Emperor. Emperor Karl defeated the Saxons, conquered the Langobard Empire, centralized the Reich’s powers and furthered arts and sciences. His name was chosen as this French division’s honor title as he was an important historical figure for both the French and the Germans.
A cuff title with the division’s name was authorized and manufactured, but saw only little, if any, actual use.

34. SS-Grenadier-Division „Landstorm Nederland“

The “Landstorm Nederland” was originally a home guard unit, which the SS took over in 1943. Initially made into a brigade, it was eventually elevated to divisional status. The Landstorm’s insignia, a flaming grenade, was carried over as the symbol for the division’s collar patch, and it is possible that the cuff title of the original “Landstorm Nederland” was also used by the division.

35. SS- und Polizei-Grenadier-Division
The division was not named. It’s designation is due to the fact that it was formed from members of the SS and Police.
This late-war division did not receive a distinctive cuff title, which also applies to the following three with higher divisional numbers.

36. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS
This division was built around the infamous Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger and did not receive an honor title. The various designations of the Dirlewanger unit, which it bore during its existence (“Sonderkommando Dirlewanger”, “Sonderregiment Dirlewanger” etc., after its commander, Dr. Oskar Dirlewanger) were, of course, also no honor titles but mere organizational designations. Neither the Dirlewanger unit nor the eventual division were ever authorized a cuff title.

37. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division „Lützow“
Adolf Freiherr von Lützow (1782 – 1834) was a Prussian Generalmajor, who in 1813 formed the Lützwosche Freikorps (Lützow’s Free Corps), which was also known as the Schwarze Schar (“Black Troop”) – apparently, this made the use of Lützow’s name an appropriate link to the past for an SS combat unit.
No cuff title was authorized for this last-ditch division.

38. SS-Grenadier-Division „Nibelungen“

Originally known under the name “Junkerschule” (“Officer School”) due to fact that the staff members and cadets of the Junkerschule Tölz formed the cadre for the division, it was eventually named “Nibelungen”. The Nibelungen were, in German mythology, a lineage of dwarves, whose treasures – the Nibelungenhort – were guarded by the dwarf Alberich. When Siegfried overcame him, the name passed on to him and his men and later the Burgunders. The Nibelungen saga was written around 1198 – 1204 by an unknown Austrian poet. Richard Wagner – one of Hitler’s favorite composers – adapted the material with his Ring der Nibelungen opera cycle.
No cuff title or other special insignia were created for this division, which was raised in the very last months of the war.

SS-Regiment “Kurt Eggers”
This was a regiment of SS war correspondents; initially a company formed in 1940, the formation was upgraded to battalion strength in 1941 and finally became and independent regiment in 1943.
Kurt Eggers (10 November 1905 – 12 August 1943) was a German nationalistic writer and author who had written a large number of plays, poems, chants and songs. A participant of the Kapp-Putsch and the fighting in Silesia as a Freikorps member, he worked in a diversity of occupations, both parallel to and interrupted by academic studies that included agriculture, archaeology and philosophy. After finishing his studies of theology in 1929, he became a priest but left the church in 1931 and became a free-lance writer and publisher of a nationalistic newspaper. Taking up a career in radio broadcasting, he joined the SS in 1935, initially as a member of the Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt. Volunteering for frontline duty with the Waffen-SS in 1939, he was killed southwest of Bjelgorod as a tank commander, when his vehicle took a direct hit from an anti-tank cannon.
The regiment was authorized to wear a cuff title bearing its name in December 1943.

Sources used

a) Books:
“Cloth Insignia Of The SS” by John R. Angolia
“dtv-Lexikon in 20 Bänden”, 1992 edition
“German Military Cuffbands 1784 – Present” by Gordon Williamson & Thomas McGuirl
“Himmler’s Black Order” by Robin Lumsden
“Himmler’s Bosnian Division” by George Lepre
“The SS: Hitler’s Instrument Of Terror” by Gordon Williamson
“Uniforms Of The SS” (7 volumes) by Andrew Mollo
“The Waffen-SS” (Osprey Men-At-Arms series # 34) by Martin Windrow and Jeffrey Burn
“Waffen-SS Commanders” (2 volumes) by Mark C. Yerger
“Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary”, 1995 edition
b) Websites: