Raggruppamento Centri Militari (Italy)
- Details
- Published: 22 August 2010 22 August 2010
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
It was redesignated Raggruppamento Frecce Rosse ("Detachment Red Arrows") in August 1942, the commander Invrea had led a party with that name during the Spanish Civil War.
Tenente-Colonnello di Stato Maggiore Massimo InvreaOrder of battle
StaffBattaglione d'Assalto Tunisia (formerly Centro T)
Gruppo Italo-Arabo (formerly Centro A)
Battaglione Azad Hindostan (formerly Centro I)
- Compagnie Fucilieri
- Compagnie Mitraglieri
- Plotone Paracadutisti