(Ehrentafel Spange der Kriegsmarine)


Date Instituted

13 May 1944


* Awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class
* Having performed acts of bravery above and beyond the call of duty, that do not justify the award of Knight's Cross or German Cross

Number Awarded



Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Kriegsmarine

The holders of this award are listed on the individual unit histories as part of the Holders of high awards project.

Known makers/markings


Estimated price (2009)



Photo courtesy of Jacques

Sources used

Christopher Ailsby - A collectors guide to the Kriegsmarine
Christopher Ailsby - World War 2 German medals and political awards
John R. Angolia - For Führer and Fatherland: Military awards of the Third Reich
David Littlejohn - Orders, decorations, medals and badges of the Third Reich
Detlev Niemann - Price Guide Germany 1871-1945 (2009)