

Date Instituted

29 June 1936 (second version 17 October 1938)


Proficiency award for shooting a rifle or machine gun.

Number Awarded


Panzer soldier and Navy sailor
(Courtesy of N & T Global Trading)


The Heer (OKH) instituted the Schützenschnur in 29 June 1936. The first version had 4 grades (in German: Stufen) for infantry soldiers (rifle men = Gewehrschützen) from infantry, mountain, motorized infantry, parachute etc. units as well as 4 grades for artillery soldiers.
This versions plaque was a smaller shield in silver tint with the German Eagle with a swastika in its clutches in the mid of the shield. This was also the 1st grade of the infantry's form. The 2nd grade had one acorn (Eichel) hanging at the end. Each grade got one acorn (in silver tint) in addition.
The first grade of the artillery's form was identical. The 2nd grade had an artillery shell hanging at the end. The 4th and highest grade thus had three artillery shells.

The 2nd version was instituted in 17 Oct. 1938. This version had 12 grades for infantry soldiers, tank soldiers and artillery soldiers.
The infantry's form had a plaque with a oak foliage with the German Eagle with a swastika in its clutches at the top. In the mid there was a smaller shield with shorter crossed swords on it, all in silver tint. The 2nd grade of the infantry's form had one acorn hanging at the end, etc. have a look at the system explained above. The 5-8th grade had a plaque with a bigger oak foliage with acorn on it. Here the silver tinted shield was bigger and the longer swords lay on the oak foliage. The system is the well known, e.g. the 7th grade had two acorns hanging in short strings at the end. The 9-12th grade is identical, but everything has a golden tint.
The artillery's form is like the infantry's form above, but with artillery shell(s).
The tank soldier's form (1-4 grade) had a plaque with a tank track (in stead of the oak foliage) with the German Eagle with swastika in its cluthes at the top. In the mid was a driving tank, all in silver tint. The higher grades have artillery shell(s). The rest (5-8th grade in silver tint and 9-12th grade in golden tint) have oak foliage with the German Eagle with a swastika in its clutches at the top and a driving tank in the mid.

Only soldiers (private ranks) and NCOs (corporal ranks and sergeant ranks and officer cadet ranks) did wear a Marmansh. Lanyard.

A similar award existed in the Luftwaffe

Photo courtesy of N & T Global Trading

Sources used

Christopher Ailsby - World War 2 German medals and political awards
John R. Angolia - For Führer and Fatherland: Military awards of the Third Reich
David Littlejohn - Orders, decorations, medals and badges of the Third Reich

Reference material on this award

Neil G Stewart & Timothy J Curley - Bulls-Eye: German Army Markmanship Lanyards and Tank Destruction Badges