(Deutscher Orden)


Date Instituted

11 February 1942


This was the highest award of the Third Reich and it had no clear requirements.

Number awarded



Reichsjugendführer Artur Axmann, 28 Apr 1945
SS-Obergruppenführer u. Gauleiter Josef Bürckel, 03 Oct 1944 (posth.)
SS-Obergruppenführer u. Gauleiter Karl Hanke, 08 Apr 1945
SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, 09 June 1942 (posth.)
Reichsarbeitsführer Konstantin Hierl, 24 Feb 1945
Stellv. Gauleiter Karl Holz, 16 Apr 1945
NSKK-Korpsführer Adolf Hühnlein, 22 June 1942 (posth.)
Stabschef der SA Viktor Lutze, 03 May 1943 (posth.)
General der Infanterie Rudolf Schmundt, 07 Oct 1944 (posth.)
Reichsminister Dr. Fritz Todt, 11 Feb 1942 (posth.)
Gauleiter Adolf Wagner, 17 Apr 1944 (posth.)


Also known as the "Great German Order", "Hitler Order", "Order of the dead" and the "Highest Order of the Party".

It was designed by Benno von Arent.

Three classes are known to have existed.

Photo courtesy of August & Ruptured Duck

Sources used

Christopher Ailsby - World War 2 German medals and political awards
John R. Angolia - For Führer and Fatherland: Political & Civil awards of the Third Reich
David Littlejohn - Orders, decorations, medals and badges of the Third Reich