4. Battery/Artillery Battalion 668 (4. Batterie/Artillerie-Abt. 668)
- Details
- Published: 08 April 2012 08 April 2012
- Last Updated: 08 April 2012 08 April 2012
by H.L. deZeng IV
Formed May 1942 in either Ruma/Syrmia or in Sarajevo with 168 Croatian Volksdeutsche personnel. Artillerie-Abt. 668 belonged to the German 718. Infantrie-Division in Sarajevo and the 4th Battery became a part of it. On 14 September 1942 it was in Sarajevo with 110 NCOs and men. No further information has been found concerning it, but it is believed to have been disbanded in April 1943 and the men sent to Slavonski Brod for mustering into the Waffen-SS. (1)
1. Colić, Mladen - Oružane formacije Nezavisne Države Hrvatske u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji i Srijemu 1941-1945, in: Vojnoistorijski Glasnik, br. 3/XXX (Sep – Dec 1979), pp.151-84; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-120 roll 5802/H313268).
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -