High awards holders of the NSDAP
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- Published: 22 January 2012 22 January 2012
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
Knight's Cross
Hoffend, Jakob 07.02.1945 NSDAP-Ortsgruppenleiter (ehrenamtl.) in Köln [für das Entschärfen von 1.892 Bomben ohne Feuerwerker-Ausbildung](awarded for the deactivating of 1.892 bombs without having a pyro-technical training)
Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross
Amtsleiter der NSDAP Gustav Behrens (Landwirtschaft, Agriculture) 01.10.1944 oSGauorganisationsleiter Paul Dargel (Beauftragter für Ostfragen) 15.01.1945 oS
Reichsamtsleiter Johannes Engel 11.07.1944 mS
Bereichsleiter (Sonderbeauftragter Stellungsbau) Erwin Lindau 01.01.1945 mS
Army Honor Roll Clasp
Sell, Fritz, 05.03.1945, Oberleutnant d.R., NSFO Gen.Kdo. XXIV. Pz.K.Wischniewski, Gerhard, 05.02.1945, Oberleutnant d.R., NSFO 304. Inf.Div.
NSFO - Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffizier (National Socialist Guidance Officers; ordinary officers of the Army who were given the task of and were appointed to NSFO officially ; added for illustration of the influence on the Wehrmacht from "outside" since the july 20th 1944 plot and to show last administrative measures and efforts in autumn 1944 to keep up and to strengthen order and morale)