Brigade Eberhardt
- Details
- Published: 09 January 2012 09 January 2012
- Last Updated: 08 July 2013 08 July 2013
The Brigade Eberhardt (Sonderverband Danzig, sometimes also Gruppe Eberhardt) was made up units from Landespolizei Danzig with the addition of manpower from the Verstärkter Grenzaufsichtsdienst (VGAD). It fought in Danzig during the invasion of Poland in 1939 where it famously captured the Polish post office in Danzig after heavy fighting.
It was used to form 60. Infanterie-Divsion in 1939.
Generalmajor Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt
Order of battle
Danziger Landespolizei Regiment 1
Danziger Landespolizei Regiment 2
Artillerie Abteilung
Notable members
Alfons Zündler (Named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem for his role in the rescuing of Jews while serving as a camp guard in the Netherlands)
Heer and Landespolizei soldiers removing the Polish insignia at the Polish-Danzig border near Zoppot on 1 September 1939
(Courtesy of Bundesarchiv/Wikimedia, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany)
Soldiers from the Landespolizei in front of the train station in Danzig
(From "Danzigs Befreiung: Ein Tatsachenbericht mit Bildern" by Arthur Baßarek, 1939)
Soldiers from the Landespolizei near the post office
(From "Danzigs Befreiung: Ein Tatsachenbericht mit Bildern" by Arthur Baßarek, 1939)
The memorial to the post office workers
(Courtesy of Adam Carr)
The Gdansk post office building today
(Courtesy of Adam Carr)
Sources used
Arthur Baßarek - Danzigs Befreiung: Ein Tatsachenbericht mit Bildern
Rolf Michaelis - SS-Heimwehr Danzig: An ephemeral paramilitary formation
Alfonso Escuarda Sánchez - Feldherrnhalle: Forgotten Elite
Reference material on this unit
- None known at this time -