(14. Infanterie-Division / 14. Infanterie-Division (mot) / 14. Panzergrenadier-Division)

1. Flörke, Hermann [565. EL] 02.09.1944 Generalleutnant Kdr 14. Inf.Div
2. Rust, Wolfgang [771. EL] 11.03.1945 Hauptmann Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 11
3. Schneider, Erich Dipl. Ing. [768. EL] 06.03.1945 Generalleutnant Kdr 14. Inf.Div
4. Walter, Kurt [345. EL] 05.12.1943 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 11
5. Wanka, Karl [800. EL] 23.03.1945 Major d.R. Kdr I./Gren.Rgt 53

Knight’s Cross

Stab :
6. Flörke, Hermann 15.12.1943 Generalmajor Kdr 14. Inf.Div

Infanterie - / Grenadier- Regiment 11 :
7. Dennhardt, Oskar-Hubert 17.03.1944 Major Führer Gren.Rgt 11 [Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 11]
8. Eckhardt, Alfons 06.10.1942 Major Kdr III./Inf.Rgt 11 (mot)
9. Leschke, Alexander 04.11.1941 Major d.R. Kdr II./Inf.Rgt 11 (mot)
10. Overhoff, Gerold 10.12.1942 Oberleutnant Chef 1./Gren.Rgt 11 (mot)
11. Rust, Wolfgang 24.06.1944 Hauptmann Adjutant Gren.Rgt 11

Infanterie- / Grenadier-Regiment 53 :
12. Feuker, Gerhard 23.12.1942 Major Kdr I./Gren.Rgt 53 (mot)
13. Heldmann, Johann 17.03.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 53
14. Pilat, Karl 14.11.1943 Major Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 53
15. Preuß, Ernst 17.12.1943 Stabsfeldwebel Ordonnanz-Offz im Stab III./Gren.Rgt 53
16. Schönwald, Wolfram 10.09.1944 Oberleutnant d.R. Führer II./Gren.Rgt 53
17. Steenbock, Kurt 14.05.1944 Obergefreiter Meldestaffelführer III./Gren.Rgt 53
18. Treckmann, Wilhelm 04.05.1944 Hauptmann Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 53

Infanterie- / Grenadier-Regiment 101 :
(IR 101 assigned until 15.10.1940, then gets Schtz.Rgt 101 for 18. PD ; Gren.Rgt 101 newly assigned, built from remnants and through renaming of Pz.Gren.Rgt 101 of disbanded 18. PD in sept 1943)
19. Morche, Max 09.05.1945 Gefreiter i. d. 14./Gren.Rgt 101
[proposal on 31.01.1945 by XX.AK via Fernschreiben which is not existing anymore ; another Fernschreiben (from OB HGr Nord) on 08.02.1945 arrived at HPA, following the first one and containing a support by superiors Gen d Inf Müller (2. Armee) and GenO Rendulic (HGr Nord) ; the further handling is unclear: what is not available/did not happen : proposal of the unit , HPA-VV(proposal prepared by HPA itself) , "Karteikarte" ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass"]
20. Winkler, Kurt 17.03.1945 Oberstleutnant Kdr Gren.Rgt 101

Artillerie-Regiment 14 :
21. Gathmann, Wilhelm 28.03.1945 Major Kdr II./Art.Rgt 14

Sturmgeschütz-Kompanie 1014 :
22. Kuhnle, Theophil 18.02.1945 Hauptmann d.R. Chef Stug-Kp 1014

Kradschützen-Bataillon 54 :
23. Dietlen, Walter 04.12.1941 Oberstleutnant Kdr KradSchtz.Btl 54

Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 14 :
24. Drechsler, Gerhard 11.04.1944 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 3./Div.Füs.Btl 14

Unofficial / Unconfirmed
19. Morche, Max 09.05.1945 Gefreiter i. d. 14./Gren.Rgt 101
[proposal on 31.01.1945 by XX.AK via Fernschreiben which is not existing anymore ; another Fernschreiben (from OB HGr Nord) on 08.02.1945 arrived at HPA, following the first one and containing a support by superiors Gen d Inf Müller (2. Armee) and GenO Rendulic (HGr Nord) ; the further handling is unclear: what is not available/did not happen : proposal of the unit , HPA-VV(proposal prepared by HPA itself) , "Karteikarte" ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Dönitz-Erlass"]