Knight's Cross Holders of 2. Panzer-Division
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- Published: 02 December 2011 02 December 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
1. Lüttwitz Freiherr von, Heinrich [571. EL] 03.09.1944 Generalleutnant Kdr 2. Pz.Div
Knight’s Cross
Stab :
2. Lübbe, Vollrath 17.08.1943 Generalleutnant Kdr 2. Pz.Div
3. Veiel, Rudolf 03.06.1940 Generalleutnant Kdr 2. Pz.Div
2. Schützen-Brigade :
4. Vaerst von, Gustav 30.07.1940 Oberst Kdr 2. Schtz-Brig
Panzer-Regiment 3 :
5. Boxberg von, Albrecht 07.02.1944 Major Kdr II./Pz.Rgt 3
6. Decker, Karl 13.06.1941 Oberstleutnant Kdr I./Pz.Rgt 3
7. Prien, Peter 09.05.1945 Oberleutnant d.R. Führer StabsKp/Pz.Rgt 3
[submitted two times (march 1945 and on 09.05.1945) ; first proposal arrived at HPA on 28.03.1945 ; no confirmation for an award to find in the files, could be the proposal wasn't handled or rejected ; second proposal is not existing anymore, probably was a "Fernschreiben" ; Prien's name was noted down in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" by Major Domaschk with #5101 ; according to this entry the proposal was coming in on 09.05.1945 and handed over (to Gen Maisel ?) and KC was awarded by written message as well as via telephone to OB West ; award by that was after 08.05.1945 and therefore illegal ; also neither Maj Domaschk nor Gen Maisel have been authorized for awarding at this time]
8. Rämsch, Horst 24.12.1944 Major Kdr II./Pz.Rgt 3
9. Stotten, Hans-Günther 04.07.1940 Leutnant Führer 1./Pz.Rgt 3
10. Weidenbrück, Wilhelm 16.09.1942 Oberleutnant Chef 5./Pz.Rgt 3
Panzer-Regiment 4 (assigned until Sept 1940, ->13.PD) :
11. Rödlich, Walter 05.08.1940 Oberstleutnant Kdr II./Pz.Rgt 4
Panzergrenadier-(Schützen-) Regiment 2 :
12. Back, Hans-Ulrich 05.08.1940 Oberstleutnant Kdr I./Schtz.Rgt 2
13. Betz, Karl 06.03.1942 Hauptmann Führer 2./Schtz.Rgt 2
14. Bischoffshausen von, Lothar 04.10.1942 Oberst Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
15. Buck, Wilhelm 31.07.1943 Oberstleutnant Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
16. Domrich, Otto 08.08.1943 Hauptmann Kdr I./Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
17. Jürgen, Friedrich-Wilhelm 16.06.1940 Major Kdr II./Schtz.Rgt 2
18. Monschau, Richard 23.12.1944 Major Kdr II./Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
19. Renner, Wilhelm 05.08.1940 Oberleutnant Chef 8./Schtz.Rgt 2
20. Riechers, Karl 08.08.1943 Oberfeldwebel Kompanieführer im I./Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
21. Theilen, Heinrich 04.08.1943 Obergefreiter Gruppenführer i. d. 6./Pz.Gren.Rgt 2
Panzergrenadier-(Schützen-) Regiment 304 :
22. Merkel, Herbert-Rudolf 08.08.1943 Hauptmann d.R. Führer I./Pz.Gren.Rgt 304
23. Mickley, Karl 13.06.1941 Oberleutnant d.R. Chef 7./Schtz.Rgt 304
24. Richter, Johannes 30.09.1944 Leutnant Führer 2./Pz.Gren.Rgt 304
25. Schmidhuber, Gerhard 18.10.1943 Oberst Kdr Pz.Gren.Rgt 304
26. Wendland, Heinrich 20.07.1944 Oberleutnant d.R. Chef 5./Pz.Gren.Rgt 304
Panzerartillerie-Regiment 74 :
27. Endres, Hans 14.08.1943 Hauptmann Führer I./Pz.Art.Rgt 74
28. Hammerschmidt, Josef 28.03.1945 Leutnant d.R. stellv. Führer 8./Pz.Art.Rgt 74
Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung 2 (since March 1943 from K2 and ex AA(mot) 5) :
29. Anders, Friedrich 14.08.1943 Oberfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 3./Pz.Aufkl.Abt 2
30. Gath, Heinrich 11.10.1943 Stabsfeldwebel Zugführer i. d. 2./Pz.Aufkl.Abt 2
31. Kuntz, Albert 06.02.1944 Hauptmann Führer Pz.Aufkl.Abt 2
32. Reittinger, Otto 23.10.1944 Unteroffizier Gruppenführer i. d. Pz.Aufkl.Abt 2
33. Walter, Helmut 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Fhr i. d. Feld-Uffz-Schule Dahlhausen/Pz.Ausb. Verband Thüringen (2.Pz.Div)
[same complicated procedere as with Prien (see above) ; two reasons which are indicating an illegal award : after 08.05.1945 , awarded by Maj Domaschk/Gen Maisel which both weren't authorized to award at this time]
Unofficial / Unconfirmed
7. Prien, Peter 09.05.1945 Oberleutnant d.R. Führer StabsKp/Pz.Rgt 3
[submitted two times (march 1945 and on 09.05.1945) ; first proposal arrived at HPA on 28.03.1945 ; no confirmation for an award to find in the files, could be the proposal wasn't handled or rejected ; second proposal is not existing anymore, probably was a "Fernschreiben" ; Prien's name was noted down in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" by Major Domaschk with #5101 ; according to this entry the proposal was coming in on 09.05.1945 and handed over (to Gen Maisel ?) and KC was awarded by written message as well as via telephone to OB West ; award by that was after 08.05.1945 and therefore illegal ; also neither Maj Domaschk nor Gen Maisel have been authorized for awarding at this time]
33. Walter, Helmut 09.05.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Fhr i. d. Feld-Uffz-Schule Dahlhausen/Pz.Ausb. Verband Thüringen (2.Pz.Div)
[same complicated procedere as with Prien (see above) ; two reasons which are indicating an illegal award : after 08.05.1945 , awarded by Maj Domaschk/Gen Maisel which both weren't authorized to award at this time]