
The 70. Infanterie-Division was largely made up of soldiers with stomach problems who required a special diet, hence the nickname "White Bread Division", around a cadre from 165. Reserve Division.
It was stationed on Walcheren Island, the Netherlands, and was attacked by the 1st Canadian Army in November 1944. The soldiers of the division fought surprisingly well in the Battle of the Scheldt but after nine days of fighting they were forced to surrender.


Generalleutnant Wilhelm Daser (15 May 1944 - 9 Nov 1944)

Area of operations

Netherlands (May 1944 - Nov 1944)


White Bread Division

Order of battle

Grenadier-Regiment 1018
Grenadier-Regiment 1019
Grenadier-Regiment 1020
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 70
Artillerie-Regiment 170
Divisionseinheiten 170

Sources used

Samuel W. Mitcham - German Order of Battle: 1st-290th Infantry divisions in World War II
Samuel W. Mitcham - The Desert Fox in Normandy: Rommel's defense of Fortress Europe
David Stone - Hitler's Army: The Men, Machines, and Organization: 1939-1945
Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

- None known at this time -