
The 98. Infanterie-Division was formed in September 1939 at training ground Grafenwöhr, WK XIII, as part of the 5. Welle (wave). Personnel with combat experience gained in the Polish Campaign was sent by Heeresgruppe Süd (1 regimental cdr., 12 company chiefs, 120 NCOs). From August 1940 until February 1941 the division was granted leave. After its reformation in February 1941 and the following frontline service on the Eastern Front since July 1941 the division had to suffer a permanent down-sizing of its infantry strength. Consequently in 1942 three battalions were dissolved (II./282, III./289, III./290) and the division kept six infantry battalions only in its rows. This organisation was formalized when the division established a two regiments structure (organisational term of the time : "zweigleisig") in summer 1943. Gren.Rgt. 289 had been disbanded and the personnel was used to build again third battalions each for Gren.Rgt. 282 and Gren.Rgt. 290 ; additionally the Divisions-Bataillon 98 was newly formed from the remnants.
During its assignment to Heeresgruppe Mitte from October/November 1941 - May/June 1943 this division was equipped with a number of captured Russian light tanks - models T-26 and T-70 - also ("Beutepanzer"). During the last and heavy fightings on the Crimea Gren.(Feldausbildungs-)Rgt. 615 was incorporated per 1 March 1944 to strengthen the infantry component again (renamed Gren.Rgt. 289 shortly thereafter).

After being destroyed in the Crimea May 1944, the division was reformed 5 June 1944 in Croatia from its surviving elements and the staff of the 387. Infanterie-Division. The new theatre which did see the unit in frontline service was Italy. It was planned to assign the Grenadier-Lehr-Brigade, which was on the spot already, and to name it Gren.-Lehr-Rgt 290. A short-lived change of this plan, that was to give this Lehr brigade to the Reichsgrenadier-Division "Hoch- und Deutschmeister" instead, was cancelled, and the assignment was carried out on 28 Oct 1944 finally. The new regiment was given the designation Gren-Lehr-Rgt 117 and replaced the former Gren.Rgt 117, which was dissolved therefore. The division surrendered to US troops in Italy May 1945.


Generalleutnant Erich Schröck (18 Sep 1939 - 11 Apr 1940)
Generalleutnant Herbert Stimmel (11 Apr 1940 - 10 June 1940)
Generalleutnant Erich Schröck (10 June 1940 - 31 Dec 1941)
General der Infanterie Martin Gareis (31 Dec 1941 - 1 Feb 1944)
Generalleutnant Alfred-Hermann Reinhardt (1 Feb 1944 - 11 Apr 1945)
Generalmajor Otto Schiel (11 Apr 1945 - 8 May 1945)

Area of operations

Germany (Sep 1939 - May 1940)
France (May 1940 - June 1941)
Eastern Front, southern sector (June 1941 - Nov 1941)
Eastern Front, central sector (Nov 1941 - Mar 1943)
Eastern Front, southern sector (Mar 1943 - May 1944)
Yugoslavia (Jun 1944 - Aug 1944)
Italy (Aug 1944 - May 1945)


Sudetendeutscher Adler (Sudetenland-German Eagle)

Holders of high awards

Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (4)
- Brühl, Ferdinand, 27.02.1944 (2915), Oberst, Kdr. Art.Rgt. 198
- Gareis, Martin, 22.09.1941 (326), Oberst, Kdr. Inf.Rgt. 282
- Göbel, Karl, 05.02.1945 (5221), Oberleutnant, 9./Gren.Rgt. 117
- Popp, Adolf, 27.06.1944 (3517), Wachtmeister, Zugführer i. d. 1./Nachr.Abt. 198
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army for Shooting Down Aircraft (2)
- Juchem, Karl, 19.07.1942 (192), Gefreiter, 4./Inf.Rgt. 289
- Knau, Rudolf, 28.11.1942 (267), Gefreiter, 14./Inf.Rgt. 290
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (71)
Holders of the German Cross in Silver (1)
- Wagner, Rudolf, 02.06.1944, Major d.R., Div.Nachsch.Tr. 198
Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (30)
Holders of the Knight's Cross (24, including one unofficial/unconfirmed) (23 RK + 1 SW)
Holders of the Romanian Order of Michael the Brave, 3rd Class (Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III. Klasse) (1)
- Gareis, Martin, Königlichen Dekrets Nr. 1297 / 12.07.1944, Generalleutnant, Kdr. 98. Inf.Div.
Unit-Level Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army for Shooting Down Aircraft (1)
- 3./Feld-Ersatz-Bataillon 198
-- Date/Place of Downing: 23.01.1945 bei Altedo
-- Award Date: 00.00.0000 (o.Nr.)

Order of battle (1939)

Infanterie-Regiment 282
Infanterie-Regiment 289
Infanterie-Regiment 290
Artillerie-Regiment 198
I. - IV. Abteilung
Radfahr-Schwadron 198
Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 198
Pionier-Bataillon 198
Nachrichten-Abteilung 198
Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 198
Verwaltungsdienste 198
Sanitätsdienste 198
Veterinär-Kompanie 198

Order of battle (1941)

Infanterie-Regiment 282
Infanterie-Regiment 289
Infanterie-Regiment 290
Artillerie-Regiment 198
I. - IV. Abteilung
Panzerjäger- und Aufklärungsabteilung 198
1. - 2. Pz.Jg.Kp
3. Radfahr-Schwadron
Pionier-Bataillon 198
Nachrichten-Abteilung 198
Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 198
Verwaltungsdienste 198
Sanitätsdienste 198
Veterinär-Kompanie 198

Order of battle (1943-44)

Grenadier-Regiment 282
Grenadier-Regiment 290
Divisions-Bataillon 98
Feldersatz-Bataillon 198
Artillerie-Regiment 198
I. - IV. Abteilung
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 198 [Schnelle Abteilung 198 in 1942]
1. - 3. Pz.Jg.Kp
Pionier-Bataillon 198
Nachrichten-Abteilung 198
Kommandeur der Inf.Div.-Nachschubtruppen 198
Verwaltungsdienste 198
Sanitätsdienste 198
Veterinär-Kompanie 198

Order of battle (1944-45, Italy)

Grenadier-Regiment 117 / Grenadier-Lehr-Regiment 117 [since Oct 1944]
Grenadier-Regiment 289
Grenadier-Regiment 290
Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon 98
Feldersatz-Batillon 198
Artillerie-Regiment 198
I. - IV. Abteilung
Panzerjäger-Abteilung 198
1. - 2. Pz.Jg.Kp
Pionier-Bataillon 198
Nachrichten-Abteilung 198
Versorungs-Regiment 198
Verwaltungsdienste 198
Sanitätsdienste 198
Veterinär-Kompanie 198

Sources used

Georg Tessin - Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht 1933-1945

Reference material on this unit

Martin Gareis - Kampf und Ende der fränkisch sudetendeutschen 98. Infanterie Division
W. Schulz - Der Weg der 98. Infanterie Division 1939-1945