1. Heichele, Josef [742. EL] 17.02.1945 Major Kdr Div.Füs.Btl 129
2. Wesche, Willi [541. EL] 06.08.1944 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 427

Knight’s Cross

Stab :
3. Larisch von, Heribert 26.12.1944 Generalleutnant Kdr 129. Inf.Div
4. Praun, Albert 27.10.1943 Generalleutnant Kdr 129. Inf.Div
5. Rittau, Stephan 02.11.1941 Generalmajor Kdr 129. Inf.Div
6. Steinke, Erhard 20.04.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Führer i. d. 129. Inf.Div
[the proofs which were presented by Steinke himself to the Bundesarchiv have been examined by the Landeskriminalamt Hessen in the the year 1972 and the report (expert) couldn't confirm them as originals ; 1981 the same proofs were accepted by the OdR]

Infanterie- / Grenadier-Regiment 427
7. Borrmann, Joachim 13.10.1943 Hauptmann Kdr III./Gren.Rgt 427
8. Danhauser, Paul 10.02.1942 Oberst Kdr Inf.Rgt 427
9. Hofmann, Bernhard 26.09.1942 Major d.R. Kdr I./Inf.Rgt 427
10. Schumacher, Paul 11.12.1943 Oberleutnant d.R. Chef 2./Gren.Rgt 427

Infanterie- / Grenadier-Regiment 428 :
11. Drange, Günther 16.10.1944 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 428
12. Hegewald, Rudolf 28.10.1944 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 5./Gren.Rgt 428
13. Matthis, Werner Dr.rer.pol. 22.01.1944 Oberst Kdr Gren.Rgt 428
14. Seidenstücker, Herbert Dr.jur. 18.11.1943 Hauptmann d.R. Kdr II./Gren.Rgt 428

Infanterie- / Grenadier-Regiment 430 :
15. Boehlke, Hellmuth 24.09.1942 Oberst Kdr Inf.Rgt 430
16. Fröhlich, Bruno 22.01.1943 Feldwebel Zugführer i. d. 7./Gren.Rgt 430
17. Purlis, Nikolaus 28.10.1944 Unteroffizier Gruppenführer i. d. 6./Gren.Rgt 430
18. Uhl, Hans 22.01.1943 Hauptmann Führer II./Gren.Rgt 430
19. Weisse, Bruno 28.10.1944 Hauptmann d.R. Führer II./Gren.Rgt 430
20. Wesche, Willi 09.04.1943 Major Kdr Gren.Rgt 430

Artillerie-Regiment 129 :
21. Kremer, Hermann 23.03.1945 Major d.R. Kdr II./Art.Rgt 129
22. Schneider, Kurt 11.09.1943 Hauptmann d.R. Chef 7./Art.Rgt 129
23. Wüstenhagen, Albrecht 02.12.1942 Oberst Kdr Art.Rgt 129

Panzerjäger-Abteilung 129 :
24. Albust, Rudolf 19.12.1943 Obergefreiter Richtschütze i. d. 2./Pz.Jäg.Abt 129

Divisions-Füsilier-Bataillon :
25. Groß, Helmut 31.08.1943 Major Kdr Div.Füs.Btl 129
26. Heichele, Josef 31.01.1944 Hauptmann Führer Div.Füs.Btl 129

Unofficial / Unconfirmed
6. Steinke, Erhard 20.04.1945 Hauptmann Btl-Führer i. d. 129. Inf.Div
[the proofs which were presented by Steinke himself to the Bundesarchiv have been examined by the Landeskriminalamt Hessen in the the year 1972 and the report (expert) couldn't confirm them as originals ; 1981 the same proofs were accepted by the OdR]