Osttruppen units in the Wehrmacht
- Details
- Published: 29 March 2013 29 March 2013
- Last Updated: 29 March 2013 29 March 2013
by H.L. deZeng IV
The initial listing below is 99% complete and you will find thumbnail unit histories of many of those units below the listing.
P.Buss dissertation (pp.53, 79, 90, 96, 100, 102, 105, 121-43, 146-47, 155-58, 247, 249, 252-53, 281, 293, 297-98, 304-05, 308, 310-11, 318-19, 336, 347, 350-54, 397-99, 428, 456-58)
29. Waffen-Gren.Div. der SS (russ. Nr. 1), 30. Waffen-Gren.Div. der SS (russ. Nr. 2), 600. Inf.Div. (russ.), 650. Inf.Div. (russ.);
Russ.Grenadier-Brig. 599;
Brigade Kaminski, SS-Waffen-Sturm-Brig. R.O.N.A.;
Kdre.d.Osttruppen z.b.V. 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 709, 710, 711, 712, 720, 721, 740, 741, 853;
Ost-Regimentsstäbe z.b.V. 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756;
Ost-Rgt. Mitte, Freijäger-Rgt. 16, Gruppe Tietjen;
Ost.Verband “Graukopf”, SS-Drushina-Verband;
Ost-Btle. 7, 134, 207, 229, 263, 268, 308, 339, 406, 412, 427, 439, 441, 446, I./447, II./447, 448-49, 453-54, 456, 541, 551, 556, 560-61, 600-05, 615-20, 627-30, 633-37, 642-43, 646-49, 653-54, 661-63, 665, 667-69, 674-75, 680-81, Beresina;
Ost-Kpn. 10, 14, 25, 34, 37, 45, 59, 1./75, 2./75, 1./84, 2./84, 85, 98, 102, 110, 113, 129, 1./131, 2./131, 145, 152, 156, 176, 178-79, 182-83, 188, 1./195, 2./195, 198, 1./203, 205, 1./221, 252-53, 255-56, 260, 1./263, 2./263, 1./267, 2./267, 268, 299, 321, 323, 331, 337, 383, 387, 407, 409, 420, 448, 453, 455-56, 473, 552-53, 555, 559, 612-13, 626, 632, 641, 690;
Ost-Reiter-Abt. 207 (Grossrussen), 281 (Ukrainer), 285 (Ukrainer), 403, I./454, 580;
Ost-Reiter-Schwadronen 57, 201 (Ukrainer), 2./203, 2./221, 286 (russ.), 339, 448;
Ost-Bandenjäger-Züge 31;
Ost-Sicherungs-Kpn./Züge in Btle. 456, 555, 557, 587, 611, 692-93, 830, 930, 954-55, 965-66;
Ost-Wach-Btl. 555;
Ost-Wach-Kpn. (independent and in Btle.) 43, 99, 122, 456, 508, 551-52, 571, 581-82, 591, 603, 607-11, 722;
Ost-Wach-Züge in OFK 814;
Ost-Landessch.Kpn./Züge in Btle. 232, 245, 268, 307, 310, 351, 353, 377, 405, 439, 446, 529-31, 558, 560, 561, 614, 618-19, 667, 675, 694, 778, 783, 826, 842, 861, 868, 875, 894, 898, 968, 981;
Ost-Art.Abt. 2. SS-Inf.Brig., 621, 752;
Ost-Battr. 1./203, 214, 582, 614, 1./670, 2./670, 2./Mitte, 1., 2., 3./Befh.Heeresgebiet Süd;
Ost-Panzer-Kpn. 709, 1., 2./Befh.Heeresgebiet Süd;
Panzerjägerverbände (russ.) 10, 11, 13, 14;
Ost-Pi.Btle. 454, 666;
Ost-Pi.Kp. 2. SS-Inf.Brig., 158, 174 (russ.);
Ost-Minenraum-Kp. 554;
Ost-Bau-Btl. 134;
Ost-Bau-Pi.Btl. 559;
[Ost-] Hiwi-Bau-Btl. 123;
Ost-Bau-Pi.Kpn. in Btle. 9, 17-18, 20, 24-25, 31, 40-41, 44, 46, 51-53, 55, 57, 59, 63-64, 78-81, 87, 91, 94-96, 98, 100-01, 107-09, 119-21, 123-25, 127, 129, 131-32, 134-37, 141, 144, 146, 153-54, 156, 213-14, 216-19, 221-22, 244-46, 248, 254, 257, 305-06, 320, 370, 401, 403, 407, 410, 413-21, 430, 432, 488, 502-05, 508, 532, 571, 576, 591, 677-78, 725, 728-30, 732, 734-35, 737-39, 781-83, 785-86, 789, 792-93, 795-97, 799, 801, 803, 820, 823;
Ost-Strassen-Bau-Kpn. in Btle. 506-07, 523, 538, 544, 551, 559, 562-63, 584, 597, 676, 679-80;
Ost-Eisenbahn-Bau-Kpn. in Btle. 2, 12, 83, 106, 111, 404, 511, 515-18;
Ost-Nachr.Kpn. 1./515, 2./515, 644-46, 671, 673;
Ost-Fernspr.Bau-Züge 15, 27, 31, 43, 51, 55-56, 59-60, 62-63, 66A-C;
Ost-Feldzeug-Btl. 550;
Ost-Feldzeug-Kpn. in Btle. 2-8, 10, 12-19, 22-26;
Ost-Techn.Kpn. in Abt. I, II, III, IV, VI, X, XI;
Ost-Techn.Kpn. in Btle. 3-8, 10, 13, 15, 23-24, 26, 33, 43;
Ost-Propaganda-Züge in Kpn. 612, 637, 666, 670, 689, 691, 693-95, 697;
Ost-Nachschub-Btle. 574, 651, 663;
Ost-Nachschub-Kpn. in Btle. 23-24, 43, 47, 49, 51, 56-58, 99, 102, 106-07, 117-18, 136, (K) 142, 144, 147, 151, 177, 306, 320, 349, 419, 501, 508, 522, 533, 543-46, 548-53, 561-63, 571-73; 591-93, 602, 604, 606-08, 610, 612, 617, 619, 622, 627, 687, 690, 720;
Ost-Nachschub-Kol.Abt. 551 (Ukr.);
Ost-Nachschub-Kpn. 221, 286, 350, 354, 424, 444, 448, 457 (turk.), 580, 650-1 (Lit.), 652 (lett.), 725 (Ukr.), 726 (turk.);
Ost- leichte Fahrkolonnen 1/54, 2/54, 1/125, 2/125, 3/125, 1/128, 2/128, 3/128, 3/139, 1/150, 2/150, 3/150, 403, 452 (turk.), 793 (lit.);
Ost-Kraftfahrpark-Staffel 555, 556, 622;
Kriegslazarette (S) 905, 919, 941, 943-48, 952, 954-55;
Feldlazarette (S) 741-54;
Res.Lazarette (S) Habelschwerdt, Hindenburg, Langenbielau, Linsdorf, Weidenau,;
Sanitäts-Kp. (S) Arlon
Freijäger-Rgt. 16
Formed first half of 1942 as Partisanenjäger-Abt. beim AOK 16 with 6 companies and one artillery battery, then as above from 2 Oct 42 after being greatly enlarged. The battalions and other components were renamed as indicated on 14 Jan 43:
I. Btl. with 1.-6. Kp. (FpN 33581 - renamed Ost-Btl. 667)
II. Btl. with 7.-12. Kp. (FpN 20199 - renamed Ost-Btl. 668)
III. Btl. with 13.-18. Kp. (FpN 29986 - renamed Ost-Btl. 669)
1.-2. Battr. (FpNs 30135 and 31269 - combined and renamed Ost-Battr. 670)
Nachr.Kp. (FpN 10423 - renamed Ost-Nachr.Kp. 671)
[Sources: Tessin - IV:34].
See the listed units for more information.
Ost-Kp. 25
Formed November 1942.
30 Nov 42: assigned to LIII. Armeekorps/2. Panzerarmee effective this date and located in the Bolkhov area 53 km north of Orel. Still under LIII. Armeekorps on 1 Feb 43. Disbanded in May 1944 (FpN deleted 8 Jun 44).
FpN: 59728
Ost-Bandenjäger-Zug 31
Formed November 1942 by the 31. Infanterie-Div. in the area southeast of Smolensk in Central Russia.
26 May 43: under 31. Inf.Div./LVI. Panzerkorps (4. Armee); strength 1/1/1 Germans and -/1/35 Ost- personnel.
17 Oct 43: in the Kalinkovichi – Mozyr area under XX. Armeekorps - ordered incorporated into Ost-Btl. 263 and sent to Italy.
Ost-Kp. 34
Formed fall 1942 in the Yukhnov area to the east of Smolensk by the 34. Infanterie-Div.
1 Feb 43: now under XXXV. Armeekorps/2. Panzerarmee in the Orel area.
1944: disbanded (FpN deleted 5 Jul 44).
FpN: 02118
Ost-Kp. 45
Formed 30 November 1942 in the Voronezh area under 45. Inf.Div./LV. Armeekorps (2. Armee) by renaming Kosaken-Hundertschaft der 45. Infanterie-Div. The Kosaken-Hundertschaft was first identified on 20 Nov 41 at Gomel under 221. Sicherungs-Div., and may also have been referred to at that time as Ukr. Schwadron 45. On 17 Oct 43, Ost-Kp. 45 was in the Kalinkovichi-Mozyr area and still with LV. Armeekorps. There is circumstantial evidence that it was disbanded soon after this and its personnel incorporated into an Ost-Btl. or a Kosaken-Btl.
Ost-Kp. (Bandenjäger) XXXXVI. Panzerkorps
Formed November 1942 by XXXXVI. Pz.Korps/3. Panzerarmee by renaming Bandenjäger-Kp. Zimmeck. At the time, the Panzerkorps was in the Gzhatsk area northeast of Vyazma. No further information.
[Ost-] Freiwillige-Ers.Btl. 46 (Hiwi)
Formed c. 1 June 1944 (FpN entered 9 Jun 44) in Romania with a Stab and 1.-3. Kp. as a replacement battalion for Hiwi personnel. Under 46. Infanterie-Div., then in the Iaşi (Jassy) area. The division withdrew through Transylvania in September and was located in the vicinity of Budapest in late 1944. In 1945 it was along the front north of Budapest and ended the war in Moravia in May.
[Sources: Tessin – V:136; Kannapin].
[Ost-] Jagdkommando-Kp. 52
See Ost-Btl. 441
Ost-Kp. 98
Formed November 1942 as a Bandenjägerzug by the 98. Infanterie-Div. in the Roslavl’ area in Central Russia and subsequently expanded to a company. On 26 May 43 it had a German cadre of 1/11/2 and 100 Ost- personnel under 98. Inf.Div./XII. Armeekorps (4. Armee). Its FpN was never deleted so it presumably existed to the end of the war.
FpN: 59743
Ost-Kp. 113
Formed 30 November 1942 by renaming Hundertschaft/Hilfswachmannschaft 113. Infanterie-Div., then under 6. Armee.
5. (Ost-) and 6. (Ost-)/Wach-Btl. (B) 122
See 5. (Ost-) and 6. (Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. (K) 142
[Ost-] Hilfswilligen-Bau-Btl. 123
Formed May 1943 in South Ukraine with a Stab and 1.-4. Kp. under Divisions-Gruppe 123/Korps-Abteilung “F”. Overrun and destroyed at Iaşi (Jassy)/E Romania 19-21 Aug 44 and subsequently disbanded (FpN deleted 19 Jan 45).
FpN: 42978
[Sources: Tessin – VI:300; Kannapin).
Ost-Kp. 1./131
Formed late spring 1942 in the Spas Demensk area ESE of Smolensk as Selbstschutz-Kp. 131 der 131. Infanterie-Div., and shortly after that renamed Ost-Kp. 131. The Company was then divided into an Ost-Kp. 1./131 and a 2./131 at the beginning of 1943. On 1 Feb 43 it was in the Spas Demensk area under 131. Inf.Div., which belonged to LVI. Panzerkorps/4. Armee. On 26 May 43 it was still under 131. Inf.Div./LVI. Panzerkorps (4. Armee) and had a strength of 1/1/6 Germans and -/18/121 Ost- personnel. The Kp. was disbanded at the end of 1943 (FpN deleted 17 Feb 44).
FpN: 48132
Oblt. von Rondow ( ? - ? ) 5/43
Ost-Kp. 2./131
Formed at the beginning of 1943 in the Spas Demensk area as a spin-off of Ost-Kp. 1./131. On 1 Feb 43 it was under 131. Inf.Div., which belonged to LVI. Panzerkorps/4. Armee. On 26 May 43 it was still under 131. Inf.Div./LVI. Panzerkorps (4. Armee) and had a strength of 1/4/3 Germans and 1/8/170 Ost- personnel. The Kp. was disbanded at the end of 1943 (FpN deleted 17 Feb 44).
FpN: 48132
Lt. Quast ( ? - ? ) 5/43
Ost-Btl. 134
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Orel area using the same Feldpost number as Feldersatz-Btl. 134 (134. Infanterie-Div.), which means it was subordinated to it. The 134. Inf.Div. is said to have had 2,300 Hiwi personnel assigned to it in Apr 43 plus a further 5,600 PoWs.
Hetmann-Btl. 134 (1942 - 1942)
Freiwillige-Sicherungs-Btl. 134 (1942 - 18 Nov 42)
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ost-Btl. 134 (18 Nov 42 - 27Nov 43)
15 Oct 42: Orel area under XXXXI. Panzerkorps/2. Panzerarmee.
3 Nov 42: Orel area - reassigned to XXXXVII. Panzerkorps/2. Panzerarmee this date.
1 Feb 43: Orel area, but now under LIII. Armeekorps/Pz.AOK 2.
Mar 43: Btl. declared operational after formation and training.
27 Nov 43: ordered disbanded as “unreliable” by OKH.
FpN: 44314
[Sources: Tessin – VII:17; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-78 roll 417/913); (T-311 roll 220/1316); (T-313 roll 109/895); A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen, 1941-1945, pp.35 and 37].
Ost-Bau-Btl. 134
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Orel area by renaming Bau-Btl. 134. The Battalion came under LIII. Armeekorps/2. Panzerarmee and is believed to have consisted of Hiwi personnel belonging to the 134. Infanterie-Div. No mention of the Btl. has been found after 31 Dec 42. It is identified several times in the records of 2. Panzerarmee, but it never received a Feldpost number nor was it officially recognized by OKH in Berlin.
[Source: NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-313 roll 109/895)].
5. (Ost-) and 6. (Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. (K) 142
Formed approximately summer 1942 in the Sumy area of North Ukraine as 5. (Ost-) and 6. (Ost-)/Wach-Btl. (B) 122, which was re-designated Nachschub-Bt. (K) 142 on 15 May 1943. On 26 Aug 42 both companies consisted of Ukrainians, 271 of them in one of the companies. The battalion was under Heeresgruppe B in Nov 42, remained in Ukraine during 1943-44, and in 1945 was in Slovakia under 8. Armee. Although the personnel were Ukrainian, the companies retained their Ost- designation.
FpN: 48263
Ost-Kp. 152
26 May 43: Nevel area under 52. Infanterie-Div./XXVII. Armeekorps (4. Armee) in a strength of 1/5/6 Germans and -/7/119 Ost- personnel. No further information.
4. (Hiwi)/Pionier-Btl. 158
Formed spring 1943 in North Russia by renaming Freiwillige-Bau-Kp. der 58. Infanterie-Div., which had been set up in the second half of 1942 when the division was in the Oranienbaum-Leningrad sector. The division was later in the Nevel area in fall 1943 and then in the vicinity of Narva/Estonia during the first half of 1944. It withdrew to Memel (Klaipeda)/Lithuania and then to Samland and Hela in East Prussia.
FpN: 22842
Reiter-Abt. 213
Although not so designated, this consisted of Cossacks. See III./(Kosaken-)/Sicherungs-Rgt. 57.
Ost-Btl. 229
Formed c. January 1943 in Central Russia with a Stab and 1.-4. Kp.
1 Feb 43: under 197. Infanterie-Div./VI. Armeekorps (AOK 9).
26 May 43: under 197. Inf.Div./XXVII. Armeekorps (AOK 4); had been reduced to a Stab and 1.-3. Kp. with -/12/20 Germans and 16/55/419 Ost personnel.
13 Oct 43: had been reduced again and now with a Stab and 1.-2. Kp.
4 Dec 43: now list as 1. and 2. Ost-Kp. 229.
Feb 44: disbanded (FpN deleted 17 Feb 44).
FpN: 16954
Oblt. Zeindl ( ? - ? ) 5/43
Hptm. Brandau ( ? - ? ) 10/43
[Sources: Tessin – VIII:135; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1320); (T-312 roll 1356/105); (T-501 roll 232/601 and 656)].
1.(Ost) and 2.(Ost)/Schnelle-Abt. 267
1.(Ost-Kp.)/Schnelle-Abt. 267 was originally entered in the FpÜ as Russ.Kp. 267, but then changed a couple of months later when a 2.(Ost-Kp.)/Schnelle-Abt. 267 was formed.
On 1 Feb 43, both companies were located in the village of Sabolotye and assigned to Korück 559/AOK 4 for anti-partisan Operation "Wintersturm", which began on 6.2.1943.
Here are strength figures for both companies on 26 May 1943"
1.(Ost)/267 under 267. Inf.Div./LVI. Pz.Korps (AOK 4), Kdr. Oblt. Jahns, with a German cadre of 1 officer, 4 NCOs and 1 man, and Ost personnel numbering 0 officers, 18 NCOs and 167 men;
2.(Ost)/267 under 267. Inf.Div./LVI. Pz.Korps (AOK 4), Kdr. Lt. Lange, with a German cadre of 1 officer, 6 NCOs and 1 man, and Ost personnel numbering 0 officers, 10 NCOs and 134 men.
The FpN for 1.(Ost) was deleted on 17.2.1944, meaning in was most likely disbanded toward the end of January 1944. The FpN for 2.(Ost) was deleted on 21.1.1944, meaning in was most likely disbanded during the first 10 days of January 1944. The FpNs for 2.(Ost) were 18059 and then 28926.
[Sources: Kannapin, Norbert, [i]Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945[/i]. 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 206/827; roll 1356/105); (T-311 roll 220/1317)].
A bit more useful is the 'Gefechtsbericht der 267. ID (page 371): "11. 3. 43: Für die 267. ID wurde der Beginn des Absetzens vom Feind auf den 11. 3., 21.00 Uhr, befohlen. Infolgedessen bezog das für das Unternehmen 'Büffel' aus der 1./GR 487, einer ski-Kp. GR 487 und der 1. (Ost)-Kp. 267 besonders zusammengestellte Ski-Btl. 267 mit einem unterstellten Zug des GR 330 (183. ID) die zur Abschirmung nach O [Osten] befohlenene Widerstandslinie II mit den Gefechtsvorposten-Stellungen. (...) Ein Angriff in Bataillonstärke gegen die alte HKL (NW Tschitschkowo) wurde mit erfolgreicher Unterstützung durch die Artilerie von der Nachhuten unter hohen blutigen Verlusten für den Gegner noch vor dem eigenen Drahthindernis abgewiesen. Das gleiche Schicksal erlitt der Vorstoss einer feindlichen Kompanie SW Darjanka. Bei Dolgoje gelang es dem Feind, in Stärke eines Zuges gegen die Gefechtsvorposten bis an den Westrand dieses Ortes durchzudringen. Im Gegenstoss wurde er jedoch durch einen Zug der 1.(Ost)-Kp. 267 völlig aufgerieben: 27 gezählte Feindtote, darunter der Zugführer; ein Gefangenener der sowjetischen SR 1322 der 413. SD. Die 1.(Ost)-Kp. 267, die hier zum ersten Mal gegen reguläre Truppen der Roten Armee Einsatz fand, bestand ihre Bewährungsprobe. Sie führte den Gegenstoss mit grossem Schneid. Die Haltung der einzeln Soldaten war ausgezeichnet."
Ost-Reiter-Abt. 403
Formed 31 May 1943 in South Russia on the same date 403. Sicherungs-Div. was disbanded.
Stab and 1.-4. Reiter-Hundertschaft/1. Reiter-Abt. der Sicherungs-Div. 454 (20 Jul 42 - 14 Sep 42);
Reiter-Abt. der Sicherungs-Div. 403 (14 Sep 42 - 31 May 43);
Ost-Reiter-Abt. 403 (31 May 43 - 28 Jun 44);
III./Freiw.(Kos.) Stamm-Rgt. 5 (28 Jun 44 - see there).
14 Sep 42: 1. was mounted, 2. and 3. were dismounted, and 4. was a heavy (schwere) weapons company. Although the German records do not say so specifically, these men are believed to have been Cossacks.
20 Oct 42: in Terskaya/90 km NW of Groznyy in North Caucasia under 403. Sich.Div./Bef.H.Geb. B.
31 May 43: the Abteilung became independent with the disbanding of Sicherungs-Div. 403 and was reassigned to Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd.
8 Aug 43: in Novo-Ukrainka/E Ukraine under Befh.H.Geb. Süd.
21 Aug 43: transferred to Romny/NE Ukraine and assigned to railway security duties under Feldkommandantur 239.
10 Oct 43: now in the Korostyshev area/28 km E of Zhitomir - there was a mutiny within the Abt. on this date and 150 men were arrested and sent to a PoW camp.
Apr 44: transferred to France.
Jun 44: renamed III./Freiw.(Kos.) Stamm-Rgt. 5 (FpN changed 28 Jun 44).
FpN: 13252
Hptm. Wehn ( ? - ? ) 10/43
[Sources: Tessin; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 23/301; roll 30/518; roll 87/160 and 767].
Ost-Kp. 420
Formed 23 November 1942 in the Gzhatsk area/NE of Vyazma by renaming Bandenjäger-Kp./XX. Armeekorps.
1 Feb 43: now under 4. Armee.
27 Nov 43: ordered disbanded by OKH as being “unreliable”. Although its Feldpost number was deleted on 14 Dec 43, it continued to exist but probably with different personnel.
8 Aug 44: in the East Prussia – Polish border area under Korück 580/2. Armee, but as Russ. Kp. 420.
1 Oct 44: now in Willenberg/East Prussia under Korück 580/2. Armee.
FpN: 33698 then 58811
Ost-Btl. 427
Formed 13 January 1943 in the Rzhev area by XXVII. Armeekorps/9. Armee.
26 May 43: Smolensk area with Stab and 1.-4. Kp. under XXVII. Armeekorps/4. Armee, strength 2/16/4 Germans and 4/16/321 Ost- personnel.
9 Dec 43: in Leshnitsa/58 km SSE of Borisov under Korück 559/4. Armee.
14 Dec 43: it Feldpost number was deleted this date and the battalion possibly disbanded, but it was either later reestablished or its disbandment cancelled.
1 Oct 44: Zichenau/East Prussia under Korück 580/2. Armee, and still there in December.
Feb 45: transferred to Germany and icorporated into the 650. Infanterie-Div. (russ.).
FpNs: 16318 then 07769
Oblt. Mecker ( ? - ? ) 5/43
[Sources: Tessin – X:152; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1319; roll 218/354); (T-312 roll 1356/105); (T-501 roll 90/083); J.Hoffmann – Wlassow-Armee, p.75].
Ost-Btl. 439
Formed 13 January 1943 in the Rzhev area by XXXIX. Panzerkorps/9. Armee with a Stab and 1.-4. Kp.
26 May 43: Nevel – Orsha area under XXXIX. Panzerkorps/4. Armee.
25 Jul 43: transferred to an area 30 km SE of Roslavl’.
21 Aug 43: 2. Kp. ordered disbanded and its personnel sent to Dulag 130 in Roslavl’ due to attempted mutiny.
27 Aug 43: according to a report this date, 41 desertions and arrests within the Battalion in just two days.
Oct 43: ordered transferred to Bayeux/27 km WNW of Caen in Normandy for reassignment to 7. Armee with arrival planned for 28 October.
11 Feb 44: deployed in coastal defense positions under 716. Infanterie-Div./7. Armee.
19 Apr 44: re-designated IV.(Ost-)/Grenadier-Rgt. 726/716. Infanterie-Div.
6-11 Jun 44: credited with “fighting hard” in the Carentan area opposite Utah Beach during the Normandy landings.
Aug 44: retreated to Alsace and reassigned to 19. Armee.
Oct 44: disbanded (Feldpost number deleted 8 Nov 44) and its personnel reassigned to General Vlasov’s ROA at Münsingen.
FpNs: 57723
Oblt. Jakob ( ? - ? ) 5/43
Maj. Becker ( ? - ? ) 10/43, 6/44
[Sources: Tessin – X:176; Kannapin; Buss dissertation, p.411, citing Berliner Börsen Zeitung, 15.6.1944 and OKH/Genst.d.H./Org.Abt.(I) Nr.19938/44, 14.10.1944; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 roll 1356/105); (T-501 roll 90/014, 036 and 041].
Ost-Btl 441
Formed 15 January 1943 in the Rzhev area by or for XXXXI. Panzerkorps/9. Armee with a Stab and 1.-2. Kp. Its two companies were created by renaming Ukrainer-Kp. 52 and Jagdkommando-Kp. 52, both of which had been under LIII. Armeekorps/2. Panzerarmee.
10 Sep 42: Ukr. Kp. 52 and Jagdkommando-Kp. 52 both in the Bryansk-Orel area under XXXXI. Panzerkorps/2. Panzerarmee.
1 Feb 43: Bryansk-Orel area under LIII. Armeekorps/2. Panzerarmee.
12 Oct 43: now with a Stab and 1.-4. Kp.
19 Jan 44: transferred from the East to Normandy and reassigned to 7. Armee.
19 Mar 44: Bayeux area under 352. Infanterie-Div./7. Armee.
6 Jun 44: deployed in the Meuvolnes – Courseulles-sur-Mer sector, immediately behind the beach defense companies of Gren.Rgt. 736, and facing the British 50th and Canadian 3d Infantry Divisions as they landed.
Jun 44: fought with distinction around Caen following the D-Day landings, possibly while attached to 716. Inf.Div. By 22 June the Battalion had been reduced to just 200 men, and a few days later it was officially declared destroyed and subsequently disbanded.
10 Aug 44: Feldpost number deleted this date.
FpNs: 12430
Hptm. Richard Roth ( ? - ? ) 4/43, 10/43
[Sources: Tessin – X:180; Kannapin; Thorwald – The Illusion, pp.220-25; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1316); (T-313 roll 109/895); A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions].
I./Ost-Reiter-Rgt. 454
Formed 1 April 1943 in Ukraine.
Stab and 1.-4. Schwadron/Reiter-Abt. 454 (1 Aug 42 - 29 Oct 42);
Ost-Reiter-Abt. I./454 (29 Oct 42 - 1 Apr 43);
I./Ost-Reiter-Rgt. 454 (1 Apr 43 - May 45).
1 Aug 42: Rostov area under 454. Sicherungs-Div./Pz.AOK 1.
2 Nov 42: North Caucasia under 454. Sicherungs-Div./rückw.Heeresgebiet A; noted as being still in training this date and the Abteilung had “good” morale; strength: 68 German cadre and 684 Cossacks and other Eastern nationalities.
16 May 43: Ukraine under 454. Sicherungs-Div./rückw.Heeresgebiet Süd; strength: 5/26/28 Germans and 389 Russians.
8 Aug 43: now stationed in Nikolayev/S Ukraine.
20 Sep 43: Nikolayev; strength: 6/56/45 Germans and -/42/706 Russians.
7 Nov 43: Nikolayev with 5 Schwadronen under Korück 593/AOK 6.
1 Sep 44: according to Heeresgruppe F records, this Abteilung was supposed to have arrived in Croatia by this date for attachment to the 1. Kosaken-Kav.Div. According to Tessin, it was not transferred to Croatian until early 1945 and fought there until the end of the war.
Hptm. Schmidt (1 Aug 42 - ? )
Hptm. z.V. Paulus Renovanz ( ? - ? ) 11/42
Hptm. Wagner ( ? - ? ) 5/43, 12/43
[Sources: Tessin; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 150/081; roll 188/687); (T-501 roll 28/130; roll 30/518 and 802; roll 85/736].
Ost-Pionier-Btl. 454
Formed 20 April 1943 along the Mius River under 454. Sicherungs-Div. with Stab and 1.-3. Kp. The Battalion operated under the orders of German Pionier-Kp. 454, which belonged to the division.
8 Aug 43: in Sukachi/N Ukraine to the north of Kiev.
5 Aug 44: ordered disbanded this date after the 454. Sicherungs-Div. was destroyed at Brody/85 km ENE of Lvov. Its Feldpost number was finally deleted on 19 Jan 45.
FpN: 48872
[Sources: Tessin – X:208; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 30/518)].
Ost-Kp. 455
Formed 30 November 1942 in the Voronezh – Livny area under 2. Armee by renaming Kosaken-Hundertschaft 455. No further information.
Ost-Btl. 456
Formed November 1942 in the Spas Demensk area to the east of Smolensk by and under LVI. Panzerkorps/4. Armee. Its Feldpost number was the same as Feldgendarmerietrupp 456/LVI. Panzerkorps.
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ost-Btl. 456 (Nov 42 - Jun 43)
4.-9. (Ost-) Sich. Kp./Sicherungs-Btl. 456 (Jun 43 - summer 43)
Ost-Kp. 456 (summer 43 - Dec 43)
1 Feb 43: under LVI. Panzerkorps/4. Armee.
25 May 43: reduced by now to a Stab and 1.-3. Kp. in a strength of 1/23/14 Germans and -/4/186 Ost- personnel - still under LVI. Panzerkorps/4. Armee.
2 Jul 43: in Krupets, located between Sumy and Glukhov, under Korück 580/2. Armee.
3 Aug 43: now in Mutino, located near Glukhov to the northeast of Konotop, under Korück 580/2. Armee.
12 Sep 43: in Cholmy assigned to secure the line of retreat in the area to the east of Gomel under Korück 580/2. Armee.
17 Oct 43: now being referred to as Ost-Kp. 456 - ordered to be transferred West from Kalinkovichi near Mozyr.
4 Dec 43: had been incorporated into Ost-Btl. 617 by this date.
17 Feb 44: Feldpost number deleted.
FpN: 46735, 30668 then 57420
Hptm. Schaun ( ? - ? ) 7/43
Hptm. Guggenmoos ( ? - ? ) 9/43
[Sources: Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1318); (T-312 roll 1311/211; roll 1356/105); (T-501 roll 80/993; roll 81/1309; roll 84/329; roll 232/601)].
10. (Ost-)/Sicherungs-Btl. 456
Formed spring 1943 as a schwere Kompanie (infantry heavy weapons company) by renaming 10. (Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. 557. It did not belong to Ost-Btl. 456, but was separately attached to Sicherungs-Btl. 456. On 2 Jul 43 it was in the village of Putivl’/48 km ENE of Konotop. On 12 Sep 43 it was ordered to move to Repki/30 km NNW of Chernigov, and then on 24 Sep 43 it was renamed Nachschub-Kp. 580 (Ost).
Ost-Feldzeug-Btl 550
Formed May 1943 in Orel under Oberfeldzeugstab 3/9. Armee. At the end of 1943 or early 1944, the battalion was transferred to North Russia and reassigned to Heeresgruppe Nord. On 9 Jun 44 it was renamed Ukrainisches Feldzeug-Btl. 550 and became subordinated to Freiwillige-Stamm-Rgt. 3 (Lyon/France). What became of the battalion after than is not known.
[Sources: Tessin – XI:138; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 83/024 and 196)].
Ost-Btl. 551
Formed 30 November 1942 in eastern Ukraine along the approaches to Stalingrad by renaming Ukrainisches Infanterie-Btl. 6; under 6. Armee.
8 Sep 43: Btl., now with a Stab and 1.-8. Kp., withdrawing in the area southwest of Stalino under Korück 593/AOK 6; all of the North Caucasian personnel were removed from it this date and reassigned to Nordkauk. Infanterie-Btl. 802.
1 Feb 44: renamed Ost-Nachschub-Btl. 651 (see there).
FpN: 20771
Maj. Anton ( ? - ? ) 9/43
[Sources: Tessin – XI:141; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 30/360; roll 85/710)].
4. (Ost)/Wach-Btl. 551
Formed (added to the battalion) second half of 1942 in Belorussia under 4. Armee. On 14 Feb 43, it was performing guard duty along the railway section between Roslavl’ and Kirov, and was under Korück 559/4. Armee. On 1 Jun 43 the battalion was renamed Nachschub-Btl. 551, but 4. (Ost) Kp. was disbanded.
FpN: 16222 E
Ost-Kp. 552
Formed 30 November 1942 in Central Russia by renaming Freiwillige-Ukrainer-Kp./Pz.AOK 2. No further information.
4. – 10. (Ost)/Wach-Btl. 552
Began forming (being added to the battalion) in spring 1942. A Ukr.-Hundertschaft belonged to the battalion on 26 Apr 42 and was located in Navlya/47 km south of Bryansk, and later became one of the companies. The other companies originated from I. – IX. Sicherungs-Hundertschaften set up by Kosaken-Abt. 580, which was disbanded during the second half of 1942. On 7 Jun 42, the battalion was located in Shchigry/NE of Kursk guarding AGSSt. 4 (unable to identify, but possibly 4. Armee Equipment Collection Center, perhaps for captured Russian equipment). In January 1943, Wach-Btl. 552 and its companies were decimated in and around Voronezh during the Soviet offensive along the Don. Its remnants were later used to form Nachschub-Btl. 557 but the Ost- companies went to Sicherungs-Btl. 456.
FpNs: 17742 and 30668
Ostvölk. Sicherungs-Btl. 553
Formed 25 January 1944 (order issued 17 Jan 44) in Poland from personnel of the disbanded I. and II. Ost-Genesenden-Btle.
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ostvölk. Sicherungs-Btl. (25 Jan 44 - c. 15 Jun 44)
Ukrain. Sicherungs-Btl. 553 (c. 15 Jun 44 - 24 Jun 44)
Russ. Sicherungs-Btl. 553 (24 Jun 44 - May 45)
17 Jan 44: its formation order specified that it was to consist of a Stab (KStN 111(T)), 4 companies each of 3 Züge (KStN 131(T) for German cadre and KStN 4031 for Ostvölk. personnel) - following formation, it was to be assigned to Oberfeldkommandantur 225 (Warsaw).
6 Feb 44: Ostvölk. Sich.Btl. arrived in Kosów/Poland with Stab and 1.-4. Kp. this date.
21 Mar 44: Kosów under Oberfeldkommandantur 225 (Warsaw).
c. 15 Jun 44: 1. and 4. Kp. transferred from Sokolow to Wolomin/19 km NE of Warsaw.
8 Aug 44: now in the East Prussian – Polish border area under Korück 580/2. Armee.
1 Oct 44: in Plöhnen/East Prussia under Korück 580/2. Armee.
Dec 44: transferred to the Münsingen troop training ground in Germany for incorporation in General Vlasov’s ROA army.
FpN: 16634
Obstlt. Bergen (25 Jan 44 - ? )
[Sources: Tessin – XI:149-50; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 218/452); (T-312 roll 1279/1240; roll 1329/1092); (T-501 roll 218/365 and 398; roll 222/303 and 312; roll 227/391)].
Ost-Minen-Räum-Kp. 554
Formed 10 January 1943 as a mine-clearing company in Achtyrka/115 km NW of Kharkov from 250 Russian PoWs who were trained Red Army construction engineers and who had been in the employ of Bau-Btl. 246 since fall 1942. At the time of formation, the men were busy building a bridge at Achtyrka under 2./Bau-Btl. 246. The German cadre for the Kp. was prescribed to be 1 officer and 40 men, according to OKH/Org.Abt.(II) Nr. 153/43. The Kp. withdrew westward after the failure of the Kursk offensive, and on 8 Aug 43 was located at Kremenchug/260 km SE of Kiev. On 24 Sep 43, it reported 1 man killed, 1 wounded and 30 missing during a partisan attack while in was clearing mines near Borodyanka/43 km NW of Kiev. The company was disbanded during winter 1943/44 (FpN deleted 22 Mar 44).
FpN: 32097
Ost-Wach-Btl. 555
Formed 15 January 1943 in Wehrkreis XVII (northeastern Austria).
Feb 43: transferred from Austria to South Russia.
Mar 43: at Borispol to the east of Kiev under 213. Sicherungs-Div. in a strength of 238.
Aug 43: guarding rail lines in the Poltava-Kremenchug sector under 8. Armee.
27 Nov 43: 3. Kp. ordered disbanded by OKH as “unreliable”.
Dec 43: transferred to Italy.
Jan 44: temporarily renamed Stab III and 9.-12. Kp. Grenadier-Rgt. 755 (334. Infanterie-Div.) in Italy in early 1944 (the FpN change was not entered until 17 Apr 44).
Mar 44: transferred from Pescara on the Adriatic coast of Central Italy to Rome.
Jan 45: removed from Gren.Rgt. 755 (334. Inf.Div.), re-designated Russ. Btl. 555 and assigned to 14. Armee in Italy as an independent unit. Remained in Italy to the end of the war.
FpN: 08486
Oblt. Hössle (Jan 43 - ? ) 3/43
[Sources: Tessin – XI:156; Kannapin; A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-78 roll 417/913); (T-501 roll 31/764; roll 33/134); RG 331 (AFHQ Intelligence Notes No. 56 of 25 Apr 44)].
4. (Ost)/Sicherungs-Btl. 555
Formed (added to the battalion) during the second half of 1942 while the battalion was in Central Russia under 221. Sicherungs-Div. On 6 Feb 43, the Kp. was in Baltutino/56 km SE of Smolensk under Korück 559/4. Armee. The battalion was later destroyed in the Minsk area at the end of Jun 44 as II./Sicherungs-Rgt. 36. The FpN for the Ost- Kp. was never deleted so it may have continued to the end of the war.
FpN: 36636
Ost-Kraftfahrpark-Staffel 555
Formed in 1943 in Poland. Motorpool section, probably mechanics. On 15 Feb 44 it was located in Kielce under Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk XXXVII (Kraków). No further information.
Ost-Btl. 556
Formed 15 January 1943 in Wehrkreis VIII (Silesia) with 1.-3. Kp., initially with Ukrainian personnel. Replaced with Russian personnel in 1944.
Ost.-Btl. 556 (15 Jan 43 - c. Apr 44)
III./Grenadier-Rgt. 955 (362. Inf.Div.) (c. Apr 44 - 20 Jun 44)
Russ. Btl. 556 (20 Jun 44 - May 45)
28 Jan 43: South Russia - reassigned from Komm.Gen. der Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B to Dtsch.Gen. beim ital. AOK 8 this date.
3 May 43: guarding railway lines in the Kiev area.
8 Aug 43: located in Mirgorod/78 km NW of Poltava in eastern Ukraine.
25 Aug 43: guarding railway lines in the Poltava area.
20 Sep 43: strength reported as 8/98/162 Germans and -/5/566 Ost- personnel.
Dec 43: ordered transferred from Ukraine to Italy.
8 Jan 44: being used to build field positions and fortifications under LXXVI. Panzerkorps (10. Armee) in Central Italy.
Jan 44: temporarily renamed Stab III and 9.-12. Kp. Grenadier-Rgt. 955 (362. Infanterie-Div.) in Italy in early 1944 (its FpN was never changed to reflect this).
Mar 44: transferred from Pescara on the Adriatic coast of Central Italy to Rome.
May 44: Regiment 955 heavily engaged in bitter fighting in and around Cisterna, a major road and rail junction in the Anzio sector.
20 Jun 44: the Regiment was disbanded after being destroyed in May and the Btl. became independent again under 10. Armee in Italy, being used mainly to guard roads and rail lines along the line-of-communication.
Nov 44: transferred from Bologna to Verona. Still in Verona in spring 1945.
FpN: 32667
[Sources: Tessin – VI:158 and XIII:158; Kannapin; A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 22/308; roll 27/1339; roll 28/130; roll 30/039); RG 331 (AFHQ Intelligence Notes No. 56 of 25 Apr 44)].
Ost-Kraftfahrpark-Staffel 556
Formed in 1943 in Poland. Motorpool section, probably mechanics. On 15 Feb 44 it was located in Lublin under Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk XXXIX (Warsaw). No further information.
5. (Ost-)/Sicherungs-Btl. 557
Formed (added to the battalion) second half of 1942 which the battalion was in Central Russia. Located at Podopkhap/109 km east of Smolensk on 6 Feb 43 under Korück 559/4. Armee. The battalion and Kp. remained in Belorussia over the next 17 months and were destroyed in the Vitebsk area at the end of June 1944 during the Soviet Belorussian offensive. The Feldpost number for 5. (Ost-) Kp. was finally deleted on 8 Feb 45.
FpN: 43004 F
Ost-Wach-Züge/Landesschützen-Btl. 558
Had two of these on 11 Nov 43 and both were to remain with the battalion in Belorussia. The battalion was destroyed in the Minsk area at the end of June 1944 during the Soviet Belorussian offensive.
Ost-Baupionier-Btl. 559
Formed 15 March 1943 in Ukraine with a Stab, 1.-4. Kp. and a Kolonne from elements of Bau-Btl. 246 (probably as German cadre).
Ost-Bau-Btl. des Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Süd (15 Mar 43 - 26 Mar 43)
Ost-Bau-Btl. 559 (26 Mar 43 - 19 Aug 43)
Ost-Baupionier-Btl. 559 (19 Aug 43 - May 45)
8 Jul 43: under Oberbaustab 30 (Kiev) and being used to cut wood for the construction of field fortifications.
Sep 43: located in Kiev.
1944: remained in Ukraine.
1945: in the Beskids sector of the western Carpathians in what at the time was Upper Silesia under Heeresgruppe A and then Heeresgruppe Mitte.
FpN: 32658 then 32698
Maj. Ockert ( ? - ? ) 9/43
[Sources: Tessin – XI:167; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 27/1269; roll 31/161)].
Ost-Kp. 559
Formed c. 14 March 1943 in Rudnya near Roslavl’ for the purpose of providing security for the southwestern part of Roslavl’. It was originally intended to set it up as a battalion with 1.-3. Kp., but this was never completed. By June it was being referred to officially as schwere Ost-Kp. 559 and it had a 6-man German cadre and 197 Ost- personnel. On 1 Jul 43 it was under Stab/Sicherungs-Rgt. 631 (Korück 559/4. Armee). No further information.
Oblt. Raunecker ( ? - ? ) 6/43
Ost-Btl. 560
Formed January 1944 by expanding and reorganizing an unnumbered Ukrain. Hundertschaft. Some of the personnel may have also come from the disbanded Ost-Btl. 268.
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ost-Btl. 560 (Jan 44 - 6 Jun 44)
Stab IV and 15.-18. Kp. Grenadier-Rgt. 1059 (362. Infanterie-Div.) (6 Jun 44 - c. 31 Jul 44)
Stab III and 9.-11. Kp. Grenadier-Rgt. 147 (65. Infanterie-Div.) (c. 31 Jul 44 - Jan 45)
Russ. Btl. 560 (Jan 45 - May 45)
8 Jan 44: transferred to the Monte Cassino area in south-central Italy and assigned to fortification construction work under XIV. Panzerkorps; on 31 January, 13 of these men deserted with their weapons and equipment.
31 Jul 44: northwest Italy under 65. Inf.Div./LXXV. Armeekorps.
Jan - Apr 45: Verona area of northeastern Italy under 14. Armee as an independent battalion.
FpN: 43899
[Sources: Tessin – VI:122, VII:62, XI:170, XIII:256; Kannapin; A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions].
Ost-Btl. 561
Formed 1 February 1944 with a Stab and 1.-4. Kp., probably in northern France, by Ost-Regimentsstab z.b.V. 751. It appears somewhat likely that the personnel for the battalion were first assembled in Belorussia in January by 9. Armee/Heeresgruppe Mitte and then sent to France. The question is whether the number 561 was assigned to it before it left Russia or after it arrived in France.
19 Mar 44: in Nacqueville/8 km WNW of Cherbourg attached to 709. Infanterie-Div.
Jun 44: destroyed in the Cherbourg area during the last week of June following the Allied D-Day landings on 6 June. Its Feldpost number was deleted on 10 Aug 44.
FpN: 07154
[Sources: Tessin – XI:173, XII:256; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 165 (CSDIC (UK) Interrogation Report SIR 507); A.Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions].
Ost-Wach-Zug/Landesschützen-Btl. 561
Noted 11 Nov 43 while the battalion was in Belorussia.
3. (Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. 562
Formed (added to the battalion) during the first half of 1943 while the battalion was in North Caucasia or Crimea. The battalion withdrew through Ukraine in 1943 and in 1944 was transferred West for 7. Armee. The Kp. remained in existence until the end of the war.
FpNs: 19984
5.(Ost)/Sicherungs-Btl. 587
Formed second half of 1942 in the 4. Armee area around Roslavl’.
6 Feb 43: in Pavlova/NE of Smolensk under Korück 559/4. Armee.
14 Feb 43: transferred to Roslavl’ this date and renamed 4./Ost-Btl. 642.
FpN: 37797
3. (Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. 591
Formed summer 1943 in Ukraine under 8. Armee by re-designating 6.(Ost-)/Nachschub-Btl. 142. The Ost- personnel were removed in May 1944.
Ost-Btl. 602 “Dnjepr”
Formed 5 October 1942 in Bobruisk by renaming Bataillon “Dnjepr”, which had been formed on 29 April 1942 by Sonderstab Hohlfeld and is noteworthy in being the first of the so-called “Graukopf” battalions to become operational.
24 May - 11 Jun 42: employed in Operation “Hannover” against partisans in the Vyazma – Yelnya area, being used mainly as an independent reconnaissance and sabotage force in the partisan main area of concentration. The Btl. was betrayed by the desertion of one of its men and was nearly destroyed during the operation.
30 Jun – 6 Jul 42: together with Bataillon “Beresina” and a large number of German units from 203. Sich.Div. and 286. Sich.Div., took part in Operation “Maikäfer” against partisan forces and encampments in the woods near Berezino. The partisans by and large escaped but their camps were destroyed.
15 Oct 42: in Osipovichi/42 km NW of Bobruisk with at least 6 companies under 203. Sich.Div.
17 Nov 42: Btl. reported 17 German cadre and 801 Russians on strength.
1 Feb 43: still under 203. Sich.Div./Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Mitte.
28 Apr 43: billeted in Tal’ka/21 km NW of Osipovichi; this village is astride the rail line running from Minsk to Bobruisk.
9 Sep 43: manning defensive positions in the Repki – Dobryanka area/25 km NNW of Chernigov; the Btl. was intact with c.800 men and still under 203. Sich.Div.
Nov 43: transferred to St. Malo in western France and reassigned to 7. Armee, arriving there on 27 November.
12 Jan 44: Btl. reported 1/10/6 Germans and 25/123/659 Russians on strength.
Jun 44: deployed in defensive positions along the coast between Paramé and Cancale on the Saint-Malo peninsula.
5-17 Aug 44: destroyed during the fierce siege of Saint-Malo by U.S. forces.
14 Oct 44: ordered disbanded (FpN deleted 8.11.1944).
FpN: 48996
Obstlt. Solovyev ( ? - ? ) 10/42, 6/44
[Sources: Tessin – XI:267; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 218/339; roll 220/1323); (T-501 roll 26/1361; roll 27/054 and 149; roll 81/1285); CSDIC (UK) PoW interrogation SIR 507].
1. (Ost), 2. (Ost), 3. (Ost)/Wach-Kp. 607
On formation, the company had Ukrainian personnel, but these are believed to have been replaced with Russians in spring 1943.
(15.7.42 - 24.1.43) designations changed to Ost-Wach-Kp. 1., 2. and 3.607 and continued to the end of the war under this name. A conflicting account states that 1. (Ost) was renamed 4. (Ukr.)/Nachschub-Btl. 23 at the end of September 1944. 2. (Ost)/607 was disbanded in December 1944 (FpN deleted 5 Jan 45), and 3. (Ost)/607 was renamed 4.(Ukr.)/Nachwchub-Btl. 501 in February 1945 (FpN changed 23 Feb 45).
The companies are believed to have been part of or attached to Nachschub-Btl. 607, which was formed 20.4.42 for Pz.AOK 1 and served with that Panzerarmee to the end of the war, [u]or[/u] Feldkommandantur 607, which was in Ukraine during 1942 and early 1943 before it moved to North Russia for AOK 16.
FpNs: 08182, 29847 and 27351
Ost-Wach-Kp. 608
Formed spring 1943, probably in Belorussia. The personnel were initially Ukrainian. On 11 Nov 43 it came under Kommandeur der Versorgungsbasis Mitte. Remained in existence to the end of the war.
FpN: 08677
4. (Ost)/Nachschub-Btl. 608
Formed 12 April 1943 for employment in Belorussia. The battalion was assigned to 3. Panzerarmee and operated with the rest of the battalion, under O.Qu./Pz.AOK 3. The battalion retreated through Belorussia and northern Poland, and in 1945 the 4. (Ost) Kp. was along the Oder in support of Heeresgruppe Weichsel.
FpN: 56761
Ost-Wach-Kp. 609
Formed late 1942, probably in Belorussia. The personnel were initially Ukrainian. On 11 Nov 43 it came under Kommandeur der Versorgungsbasis Mitte. Disbanded Nov 44 (Feldpost number deleted 23 Nov 44).
FpN: 09115
1., 2., 3./Ost-Wach-Kp. 610
The 1. Kp. was formed toward the end of 1942, initially with Ukrainian personnel. In spring 1943 a 2. and 3. Kp. were added. All three were employed in Belorussia and on 11 Nov 43 it came under Kommandeur der Versorgungsbasis Mitte. Their Feldpost numbers were never deleted so it can be assumed that they remained in existence to the end of the war.
FpNs: 09728, 26269, 28527
Ost-Wach-Kp. 611
Formed late 1942, probably in Belorussia. The personnel were initially Ukrainian. On 11 Nov 43 it came under Befehlshaber in Weissruthenien. Its Feldpost number was never deleted so it can be assumed that they remained in existence to the end of the war.
FpN: 07940
Ost-Kraftfahrpark-Staffel 611
15 Feb 44: located in Tarnobrzeg in south-central Poland under Polizei- und Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk XXXVII (Kraków). No further information.
Ost-Kp. 612
Formed late 1942 in Belorussia and attached to Geheime Feldpolizei Gruppe 570. On 26 May 43 it reported 4/13/72 Ost- personnel on strength and did not have a German cadre, although its Kommandeur was identified as a Hptm. Sorow. It remained with GFP Gruppe 570 and retreated with it through Belorussia and northern Poland. In 1945 it was in East Prussia.
FpN: 27502
Ost-Batterie 614
Formed late 1942 in Belorussia under Höh. Artillerie-Kommandeur 302 (Chief Artillery Commander 302).
Feb 43: Roslavl’ area under rückwärtiges Armeegebiet 559/4. Armee.
9 Apr 43: Roslavl’ under Korück 559.
26 May 43: still under Korück 559/4. Armee - strength 1/7/4 Germans and 1/7/106 Ost- personnel with 6 x 7.62 cm Russian field guns.
2 Aug 43: the Batterie was expanded this date and divided into a 1. and 2./Ost-Batterie 614.
16 Aug 43: engaged in anti-partisan operations 30 km east of Klimovichi in the Roslavl’ area.
24 Aug 43: transferred from Roslavl’ to Krichev/80 km WSW of Roslavl’.
23 Sep 43: both 1. and 2./614 under Sicherungs-Rgts.Stab 631/Korück 559.
Nov – Dec 43: not reliable enough or sufficiently valued to transfer West, both 1. and 2./614 were disbanded (Feldpost number for 2./614 deleted 15 Jan 44 and the FpN for 1./614 on 15 Feb 44).
FpNs: 42275 and 03993
Oblt. Buzzi ( ? - ? ) 3/43. 5/43
Ost-Btl. 615
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Bryansk – Ordzhonikidzegrad (Bezhitsa) area by renaming I./Freiwillige-Rgt. “Dessna”. Assigned to Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532 (2. Panzerarmee).
18-20 Dec 42: took part in anti-partisan Operation “Bärenfang” in a large wooded area south of Bryansk. After the operation, Stab 2. and 3. Kp. returned to Ordzhonikidzegrad on 24 December while 1. and 4. Kp. remained with Gruppe Jolasse.
1 Feb 43: still under Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532.
16 May – 6 Jun 43: participated in Operation “Zigeunerbaron”, a large-scale clearing and killing action against an estimated 6,000 partisans in the Lokot area south of Bryansk that involved elements of 6 German divisions and numerous indigenous units. The region had to be swept and cleared prior to Kursk offensive in order to secure the German rear area. The partisans lost some 4,000 in killed, captured and deserters.
Oct 43: ordered transferred from Belorussia to Châtillon/France.
May 44: transferred to Montbard/62 km NW of Dijon.
1-10 Sep 44: operating as part of Kampfgruppe Browdowski, a blocking force deployed 60 km south of Dijon under LXIV. Armeekorps during the retreat toward Belfort.
Sep - Oct 44: destroyed in France and remnants eventually disbanded (Feldpost number deleted 5 Dec 44).
FpN: 01352
[Sources: Tessin – XI:309; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1315); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 70/1276-80, 1284)].
Ost-Btl. 616
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Bryansk – Ordzhonikidzegrad (Bezhitsa) area by renaming II./Freiwillige-Rgt. “Dessna”. Assigned to Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532 (2. Panzerarmee).
28 Nov 42: carried out a patrol southwest of Bryansk and engaged a partisan band killed 8 for a loss of 2 killed and 4 wounded.
11 Dec 42: killed 40 partisans and wounded 16 in a sharp action south of Bryansk for a loss of 2 killed and 6 wounded.
18-20 Dec 42: took part in anti-partisan Operation “Bärenfang” in a large wooded area south of Bryansk.
1 Feb 43: still under Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532.
16 May – 6 Jun 43: participated in Operation “Zigeunerbaron”, a large-scale clearing and killing action against an estimated 6,000 partisans in the Lokot area south of Bryansk that involved elements of 6 German divisions and numerous indigenous units. The region had to be swept and cleared prior to Kursk offensive in order to secure the German rear area. The partisans lost some 4,000 in killed, captured and deserters.
Nov 43: ordered transferred to Italy for assignment to 71. Infanterie-Div. in the Rijeka area in Istria.
Dec 43: temporarily designated III. (Ost-)/Grenadier-Rgt. 194 (71. Inf.Div.).
May 44: the division was nearly destroyed in heavy fighting around Monte Cassino, but it is not known if this included its Ost-Btl.
Jan 45: 71. Inf.Div. ordered to move to Hungary and the Battalion once again became independent, but now as Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Russen-Btl. 616. It was assigned to 14. Armee and remained in Istria at Pola and later in Udine/62 km NW of Trieste where it was reported in April.
FpN: 06979
[Sources: Tessin – XI:312; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1315); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 70/1243, 1263, 1276-80)].
Ost-Btl. 617
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Bryansk – Ordzhonikidzegrad (Bezhitsa) area by renaming III./Freiwillige-Rgt. “Dessna”. Assigned to Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532 (2. Panzerarmee).
18-20 Dec 42: took part in anti-partisan Operation “Bärenfang” in a large wooded area south of Bryansk.
1 Feb 43: still under Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532.
16 May – 6 Jun 43: participated in Operation “Zigeunerbaron”, a large-scale clearing and killing action against an estimated 6,000 partisans in the Lokot area south of Bryansk that involved elements of 6 German divisions and numerous indigenous units. The region had to be swept and cleared prior to Kursk offensive in order to secure the German rear area. The partisans lost some 4,000 in killed, captured and deserters.
18-23 Jun 43: elements of the battalion took part in a small and unsuccessful anti-partisan sweep called Operation “Tannenhauser” in the woods 50-60 km SSW of Bryansk.
26 Aug 43: guarding the railway line between Unecha and Gorki to the southwest of Bryansk - strength 17/426.
Nov 43: ordered transferred to Italy for assignment to LXXV. Armeekorps in northwestern Italy (Heeresgruppe C).
Jul 44: renamed Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Russen-Btl. 617.
1945: still in Liguria (northwest Italy).
FpN: 07946
[Sources: Tessin – XI:315; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1315); (T-312 roll 328/336); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 70/1276-80)].
Ost-Btl. 618
Formed 18 November 1942 in Trubchevsk/85 km SSW of Bryansk by renaming Freiwillige-Miliz-Verband Trubtschewsk. The latter was originally set up on 21 June 1942 in Trubchevsk by 2. Panzerarmee using local militia from in and around the town.
8 Oct 42: formation completed this date and the unit commenced operations under Gruppe Jolasse/Pz.AOK 2 “with great energy”, as a report described it.
17 Dec 42: 3. Kp. attacked partisan positions 25 km SW of Trubchevsk killing 3 of the enemy and destroying 12 bunkers, all without loss.
1 Feb 43: still under Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532.
18-23 Jun 43: elements of the battalion took part in a small and unsuccessful anti-partisan sweep called Operation “Tannenhauser” in the woods 50-60 km SSW of Bryansk.
26 Aug 43: guarding the railway line between Bryansk and Gomel - strength 28/491.
15 Oct 43: now in the Mozyr – Ovruch area under Korück 580/AOK 2.
Nov 43: ordered to transfer to Valenciennes/46 km SSE of Lille in northeast France for assignment to 15. Armee at the end of October/beginning of November. On arrival in France, it was briefly in Caffiers/14 km S of Calais.
19 Apr 44: ordered reorganized as a Kraftfahr-Bataillon (motor transport battalion) while retaining its identity as Ost-Btl. 618.
Aug 44: reportedly destroyed in northern France during August, but this does not seem to be correct even though it may have had heavy losses.
Nov – Dec 44: incorporated into the 600. Infanterie-Div. (russ.) of General Vlasov’s ROA. Its Feldpost number was deleted on 12 Dec 44.
FpN: 03363
Rittmeister Wuppermann (Oct 42 - ? )
[Sources: Tessin – XI:318; Kannapin; J.Hoffmann - Die Geschichte der Wlassow-Armee, p.64; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1315); (T-312 roll 328/336; roll 1311/328); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 30/1274; roll 70/995, 1000, 1170, 1276-80)].
Ost-Btl. 619
Formed 18 November 1942 in Dmitrovsk/40 km E of Lokot to the south of Bryansk (other sources state that it was formed in Orel) with Stab and 1.-4. Kp. by renaming Freiwillige-Miliz-Verband Dmitrowsk. The latter was originally set up on 21 June 1942 in Dmitrovsk by 2. Panzerarmee using local militia from in and around the town.
Oct 42: Dmitrovsk under Korück 532/2. Panzerarmee.
23 Nov 42: the training needed to transform it from a volunteer militia formation into an Ost-Bataillon began this date.
1 Feb 43: still noted as being “in formation” under the Militär-Kommandostelle Karatschew/Korück 532. Karachev is 43 km ESE of Bryansk.
Jun 43: reorganized as an Ausbildungs-Btl. (training battalion) with the task of training other Ost- personnel. It appears that from June on the battalion consisted of just German training personnel.
Nov 43: ordered disbanded (Feldpost number deleted 2 Feb 44).
FpN: 18185 then 57496
Maj. von Schrader (Nov 42 - ? )
[Sources: Tessin – XI:318; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1316); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 70/1237)].
Ost-Btl. 620
Formed 18 November 1942 in Orel with Stab and 1.-4. Kp. by renaming Freiwillige-Miliz-Verband Kromy. The latter was originally set up in June 1942 in Kromy/38 km SSW of Orel by 2. Panzerarmee using local militia from in and around the town.
Oct 42: under Standortkommandantur Orel/Pz.AOK 2.
1 Feb 43: unchanged from Oct 42.
16 May – 6 Jun 43: participated in Operation “Zigeunerbaron”, a large-scale clearing and killing action against an estimated 6,000 partisans in the Lokot area south of Bryansk that involved elements of 6 German divisions and numerous indigenous units. The region had to be swept and cleared prior to Kursk offensive in order to secure the German rear area. The partisans lost some 4,000 in killed, captured and deserters.
26 Aug 43: guarding the rail line between Bryansk and Gomel - strength 20/370.
Nov 43: transferred from Belorussia to northern Italy in the latter part of the month.
8 Jan 44: constructing field fortifications and positions in Central Italy under LXXVI. Panzerkorps/10. Armee.
Mar 44: in the Gaeta – Formia area with 94. Inf.Div. - battalion was 90% Russian with 10% German cadre.
20 May 44: 94. Inf.Div. effectively destroyed west of Monte Cassino and had to be rebuilt.
Aug 44: Udine area of northeast Italy with 94. Inf.Div., then rebuilding.
Feb 45: re-designated Stab II (russ.) and 5.-8. Kp. Grenadier-Rgt. 274 (94. Inf.Div.) (Feldpost number change entered 19 Mar 45). However, this re-designation is believed to have actually occurred a full year earlier.
Mar 45: changing once again and now as Russen-Btl. 620, it was removed from 94. Inf.Div. and reassigned directly under 14. Armee in northern Italy.
FpN: 19394
[Sources: Tessin – XI:323; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; Muñoz - Hitler’s White Russians; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1316); (T-312 roll 328/336); (T-313 roll 109/896); RG 331 AFHQ Intelligence Notes, 4 Apr 44].
Ost-Artillerie-Abt. 621
Formed 18 November 1942 in the Bryansk – Ordzhonikidzegrad (Bezhitsa) area with a Stab and 1.-3. Battr. by renaming Artillerie-Abt. “Dessna”. Assigned to Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532 (2. Panzerarmee). For a few months toward the end of 1943 and beginning of 1944, it was also known as Ost-Artillerie-Abt. Schrader.
2 Dec 42: one battery from the Abt. attached to Hungarian 102. le.Div. in the Desna triangle near Navlya/47 km S of Bryansk.
1 Feb 43: under Gruppe Jolasse/Korück 532 (2. Panzerarmee).
29 Sep 43: guarding a key bridge at Peritorgi (not located) on the Desna River that was being used by German forces retreating westward.
Dec 43: transferred to northern France for assignment along the Channel coast under 15. Armee.
Aug 44: reported destroyed in the vicinity of Dieppe toward the end of August.
28 Oct 44: ordered disbanded with remnants to proceed to Münsingen for incorporation into General Vlasov’s ROA (Feldpost number deleted 2 Dec 44). In Mar 45 the remnants were used to form Artillerie-Rgt. 1650 (650. Infanterie-Div. (russ.)).
FpN: 02162
Maj. Siegfried Keiling ( ? - ? ) 9/43, 8/44
[Sources: Tessin – XI:327; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; J.Hoffmann – Wlassow-Armee, p.64; J.Thorwald – The Illusion, pp.178; RG 226 OSS document XL 10823); RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1315); (T-313 roll 109/896); (T-501 roll 70/1249)].
4.(Ost)/Nachschub-Btl. 622
Formed 1 August 1943 for employment with the battalion in Central Russia. Kannapin lists this as a 3.(Turk.) Kp., but the microfilmed German records show it as 4. (Ost) Kp. The battalion and its Ost-Kp. were under 4. Armee. On 26 May 44 the Kp. had 1/4/2 Germans and 2/15/154 Ost- personnel. It retreated through Belorussia and into northern Poland during 1943-44, and it was in East Prussia in 1945.
FpN: 23162
Hptm. Meiners ( ? - ? ) 5/44
Ost-Kraftfahrpark-Staffel 622
15 Feb 44: Radom/C Poland under Heeres-Kraftfahr-Bezirk XXXIX (Warsaw). No further information.
Ost-Btl. 627
Formed second half of November 1942 by Heeresgruppe Mitte in Central Russia.
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ost-Btl. 627 (Dec 42 - 7 Dec 43)
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Wolgatatar. Btl. 627 (7 Dec 43 - Aug 44?)
Stab and 1.-4. Kp. Ost-Btl. 627 (Aug 44? - May 45?)
Jan 43: Roslavl’ area.
6 Feb 43: Stab in Besedka/37 km SSW of Roslavl’ under Korück 559/AOK 4 in preparation for Operation “Klette II” against a large concentration of partisans in a heavily wooded area between Roslavl’ and Bryansk.
Mar 43: moved c.100 km north for operations against partisans located in the woods along the west side of the Smolensk – Roslavl’ road.
9 Mar 43: Stab and 1.-4. Kp. in Sukromlya/35 km S of Roslavl’ and assigned to line of communication security duties betweenRoslavl’ and Mglin under Korück 559/AOK 4.
26 May 43: unchanged from March; had 1. and 4. Inf.Kp., 2. schwere Kp., and 3. Reiter-Schwadron; strength given as 5/29/15 Germans and 14/81/683 Ost- personnel; the battalion had a Panzer-Zug with 6 x Russian T-26 tanks.
21 Aug 43: transferred from the Roslavl’ area to Krichev/80 km WSW of Roslavl’.
20-23 Sep 43: now under Sicherungs-Rgt.Stab 631/Korück 559.
Oct 43: transferred to the St-Malo area in Brittany and assigned to 7. Armee.
1 Dec 43: in Plancoët/21 km SW of St-Malo attached to 346. Inf.Div.
12 Jan 44: 1.-3. Kp. and 4. schw.Kp. - strength: 7/41/30 Germans, 3/49/712 Volga Tatar and other Ostvölker personnel.
1 Jul 44: the Battalion mutinied (just the Volga Tatar personnel?), wounded the commander, and was ordered disbanded although this does not appear to have been carried out; it was subsequently rebuilt using its original designation, Ost-Btl. 627.
20 Sep 44: Battalion reported as being in a state of dissolution.
Jan 45: lower Rhein area to the west of the Ruhr under 15. Armee.
FpN: 09306
Oblt. Raunecker (Dec 42 - Feb 43)
Rittmeister Sörensen (Mar 43 - ? ) 10/43
[Sources: Tessin – XI:338; Kannapin; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/122); (T-312 roll 206/827; roll 1356/105); (T-501 roll 88/417, 452, 587; roll 90/036 and 054); J.Thorwald – The Illusion, pp.220-25; A.Muñoz – Osttruppen, p.32, 43].
Ost-Btl. 628
Formed 19 November 1942 by Heeresgruppe Mitte in Central Russia.
I./Freiwillige-Btl. Korück 582 (30 Sep 42 - 19 Nov 42)
Stab, Stabskp. and 1.-3. Russ. Kp. Ost-Btl. 628 (19 Nov 42 - 19 Apr 44)
Stab I and 1.-4. Kp. (Ost-)/Grenadier-Rgt. 745 (712. Inf.Div.) (19 Apr 44 - Dec 44)
30 Sep 42: I./Freiw.Btl. Korück 582 was formed using personnel from Eingreifgruppe Tietjen which was under Korück 582/9. Armee.
1 Feb 43: under Korück 582/9. Armee.
9 Apr 43: transferred from the Smolensk area under Kommandeur der Osttruppen z.b.V. 709 to the Novgorod-Severskiy area south of Bryansk.
9 Aug 43: performing railway guard duties along the stretch Nerussa – Suzemka/97-105 km SSW of Bryansk under Korück 580/2. Armee; reported a total of 380 men on strength.
15 Oct 43: guarding the rail line near Domanovichi/88 km south of Bobruisk under Korück 580/2. Armee; ordered to assemble in Kalinkovichi near Mozyr this date for transfer to the West.
Nov 43: arrived in Brugge/Belgium near the North Sea coast and assigned to 712. Inf.Div.
8 Dec 43: now in Blauwe Sluis/14 km NE of Brugge.
Sep – Nov 44: 712. Inf.Div. engaged against the British advance through Belgium, withdrew across the Maas in October and fought in the Heusden/Netherlands area in November.
13 Dec 44: arrived in Münsingen, incorporated into the 600. Infanterie-Div. (russ.) and lost its separate identity.
12 Feb 45: FpN deleted this date, two months after it no longer existed.
FpN: 30523 then 34245
Maj. Georg Tietjen (Nov 42 - ? ) 10/43
[Sources: Tessin – XI:223, 341, XII:244; Kannapin; J.Hoffmann – Wlassow-Armee, p.64; A.Muñoz – Osttruppen, p.43; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1319); (T-312 roll 1311/261 and 330); (T-501 roll 83/019 and 021; roll 84/331)].
Ost-Btl. 629
Formed 19 November 1942 in the Korück 582/9. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) area in Central Russia by renaming II./Freiwillige-Btl. 582.
Eingreifgruppe Tietjen (24 Aug 41 - 30 Sep 42)
II./Freiwillige-Btl. 582 (30 Sep 42 - 19 Nov 42)
Stab, Stabskp. and 1.-3. Russ. Kp. Ost-Bataillon 629 (19 Nov 42 - 19 Apr 44)
Stab IV and 1.-4. Kp. (Ost)/Grenadier-Rgt. 899 (266. Inf.Div.) (19 Apr 44 - 29 Sep 44)
1 Feb 43: under Korück 582/9. Armee.
9 Apr 43: transferred from the Smolensk area under Kommandeur der Osttruppen z.b.V. 709 to the Novgorod-Severskiy area to the south of Bryansk.
12 Sep 43: manning railroad strong points in the Semenovka area west of Novgorod-Severskiy under Korück 580/2. Armee.
5 Oct 43: nearly all of 2. Kp. and 3. Kp. deserted to the partisans with their weapons this date.
15 Oct 43: Btl., now in a strength of about 400 men, in the Domanovichi area/34 km north of Mozyr under Korück 580/2. Armee - ordered to assemble in Kalinkovichi near Mozyr this date for transfer to the West.
25 Nov 43: now in Lannion/Brittany under 7. Armee.
27 Nov 43: 3. Kp. ordered disbanded as “unreliable” by OKH.
19 Apr 44: Saint-Malo area/Brittany and now as IV./Gren.Rgt. 899 (266. Inf.Div.).
Aug 44: Btl. reported as destroyed during the heavy fighting in and around St-Malo during the first half of August, the port city falling to the U.S. 83d Infantry Div. on 17 August.
12 Aug 44: remnants reported in Morlaix area/134 km west of St-Malo.
29 Sep 44: ordered disbanded along with the rest of the 266. Inf.Div. this date (Feldpost number deleted 8 Nov 44).
FpN: 22818 and 35518
Hptm. Ertel ( ? - ? ) 8/44
[Sources: Tessin – XI:223 and 342, XIII:102; Kannapin; Muñoz - Hitler’s Eastern Legions: Volume II – The Osttruppen; NARA WashDC: RG 226 OSS document XL 10838); RG 242 (T-78 roll 417/913); (T-311 roll 220/1319); (T-312 roll 328/336); (T-501 roll 81/1299; roll 83/019-021; roll 84/275 and 331)].
Ost-Btl. 630
Formed 19 November 1942 in the Korück 582/9. Armee (Heeresgruppe Mitte) area in Central Russia by renaming III./Freiwillige-Btl. 582.
Eingreifgruppe Tietjen (24 Aug 41 - 30 Sep 42)
II./Freiwillige-Btl. 582 (30 Sep 42 - 19 Nov 42)
Stab, Stabskp. and 1.-3. Russ. Kp. Ost-Bataillon 630 (19 Nov 42 - 19 Apr 44)
Stab I and 1.-4. Kp. (Ost)/Festungs-Grenadier-Rgt. 857 (346. Inf.Div.) (19 Apr 44 - Nov 44)
1 Feb 43: under Korück 582/9. Armee.
9 Apr 43: transferred from the Smolensk area under Kommandeur der Osttruppen z.b.V. 709 to the Novgorod-Severskiy area to the south of Bryansk.
9 Aug 43: manning railroad strong points along a 15 km stretch of track between Seredina-Buda and Suzemka roughly 112 km south of Bryansk under Korück 580/2. Armee - strength 480 men.
15 Oct 43: Btl., now in the Domanovichi area/34 km north of Mozyr under Korück 580/2. Armee - ordered to assemble in Kalinkovichi near Mozyr this date for transfer to the West.
1 Dec 43: now in Bayeux/27 km WNW of Caen in Normandy under 7. Armee.
Mar 44: reportedly in Sissonne/37 km N of Reims (training?).
31 Aug 44: Btl. reported as destroyed or captured at Amiens while retreating with its division from Normandy toward Belgium.
Dec 44: Btl. (or what was left of it) transferred to Münsingen and incorporated into General Vlasov’s ROA. Its Feldpost number was not deleted until 16 Mar 45.
FpN: 22818 and 36775
Hptm. Loezer ( ? - ? ) 8/44
[Sources: Tessin – XI:223 and 345, XIII:66; Kannapin; J.Hoffmann – Wlassow-Armee, p.64; A.Muñoz – Osttruppen, p.43; NARA WashDC: RG 226 OSS XL series PoW report; RG 242 (T-311 roll 220/1319); (T-312 roll 1311/261 and 330); (T-501 roll 83/019 and 021; roll 84/329)].
Ost-Btl. 642
for those interested this information originates from a Baltic German who served as Dolmetscher with this unit until 1 June 1944, captured by British forces on 6 June 1944 (D-Day):
642 Ost Bn
consisted of 90% Russian POWs and 10% German cadre
to Nov 1943, Bn had been on anti-partisan duty in central Russia
with Wach Bn 582
1944, in Normandy/France, east of River Orne and Chateau Beauregard
3 rifle companies (12 LMGs per Company)
one Heavy company (unspecified 8.1cm mortars and heavy MGs)
Transport: mainly horsedrawn, a few motor vehicles
Equipment: both German and Russian manufactured
Strength: about 800 men
Battalion Commander: Hptm Roessler (German)
Adjutant: Oberltn Thiele (German)
commander 2 Coy: Hptm Tuchkowski (German); replaced Apr 1944 by
Ltn Schumski (Russian)
commander 3 Coy: Ltn Sikorski (Russian; acting commander)
commander 4 Coy: Ltn Günther (German) [possibly means Heavy Company]
FPN 09163
649 Ost Bn was in the general area but no other information available.
Ost-Btl. 648
Formed 12 September 1943 in the Cholmy area east of Gomel from 8. (Ost-) and 9. (Ost-)/Wach-Btl. 581 and 8. (Ost-) and 9. (Ost-)/Sicherungs-Btl. 456. This battalion never got off the ground, so to speak. It was declared “unreliable” and ordered disbanded on 27 Nov 43 by OKH. It was never issued a Feldpost number. Tessin states that it was still listed in the Front Directory (Frontnachweiser) in early 1944, but this was probably nothing more than a clerical error.
Ost-Btl. 669
Formed 14 January 1943 in the 16. Armee area of North Russia with Stab and 1.-6. Kp.
Partisanenjäger-Abt./16. Armee (c.Mar 42 - 2 Oct 42)
III./Freijäger-Rgt. 16 (2 Oct 42 - 14 Jan 43)
Ost-Btl. 669 (14 Jan 43 - 6 Jul 44)
Russ. Btl. 669 (6 Jul 44 - May 45)
Mar – Oct 43: Btl. in Gorodovik/48 km south of Dno along the Polist River defending Strongpoint B under Korück 584/16. Armee.
Nov 43: transferred to 7. Armee in northwest France.
May 44: now in Leuze/Belgium under Militär-Befehlshaber Belgien/Nordfrankreich.
6 Jul 44: renamed Russ. Btl. 669 and to be transferred from Belgium to Heuberg/Germany.
Aug 44: ordered reassigned to Vlasov’s ROA being assembled at the Münsingen Troop Training Ground (Truppenübungsplatz). It does not appear from the available evidence that this Battalion was used in forming the two ROA infantry divisions (600 and 650).
Sep – Oct 44: believed to have retreated from Leuze to the vicinity of Bastogne, where it was incorporated into a Kampfgruppe “Bastogne” and sent in a northerly direction by the Oberfeldkommandantur 589 (Lüttich = Liège). This group was supposed to block the U.S. advance along the Amblève River in early September. Upon arrival, the unit was then attached to the 2. SS-Panzer-Div. “Das Reich” and stayed with the Division during the time it was committed in the Westwall defensive positions. By October, the Battalions is said to have consisted of 3 weak companies and had 3 x 4.5 cm anti-tank guns.
Dec 44: Btl. identified as having taken part in the Battle of the Bulge.
9 Mar 45: ordered disbanded and its personnel transferred to Gen. Vlasov’s ROA, but its FpN was never deleted so the carrying out of this order is in question.
FpN: 29986
[Sources: Tessin - IV:34, XII:77; Kannapin; Buss dissertation, p.415; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-501 roll 82); H.M. Cole - The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge, p.168; AHF – “Simon V.”, 11 Dec 05].
[Ost-] Feldlazarett 745 (S)
8 Aug 44: staffed by Ost- personnel and located in Plonsk/70 km NW of Warsaw under Armeearzt/2. Armee this date.
Ost-Wach-Züge Oberfeldkommandantur 814
11 Nov 43: 12 of these were a component of OFK 814 (Vilnius) in Lithuania and were reliable enough to be allowed to remain there and avoid being transferred to the West. No further information.