French volunteers in the Legion Speer
- Details
- Published: 26 January 2011 26 January 2011
- Last Updated: 07 April 2012 07 April 2012
The Speer Legion is created in 1942 and bears the name of the Reich minister Albert Speer, in charge of armament. Originally composed of Russian POW, The Speer Legion in sent in September 1942 in Atlantic Ocean military seaport for some non-combatant works. But at end of 1943, the Legion is militarized and monitored by the NSKK. At the same period, about 500 French were recruited, mainly as drivers for the Arbeitsamt. During the summer 44, the Legion is engaged in Normandy and later in Italy. Some of the French Legionnaires will join the Waffen SS, some will be recruited by the Technishe Nothilfe, a technical group in charge of repairs for communication and transportation network.